Are There Too Many Pharmacists? What do you think??

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Any pharmacists nowadays need to develop a side hussle, learn a new skill, anything you can monetize. When sh1t hits the fan, you will have an exit plan you can transition into.

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Any pharmacists nowadays need to develop a side hussle, learn a new skill, anything you can monetize. When sh1t hits the fan, you will have an exit plan you can transition into.
How about we open a business, try our best and forget this pharmacy "thing" ever happened. i would love to put pharmacy in the rear view mirror forever. Unless i can "really' treat and help people every day, and feel valued, I may stay. Now i just feel like i am making corporate millions, and they are taking a dump on me.

Ya I think the most successful Pharmacists at this point are "those that forget this Pharmacy thing ever happened" and start a business gor themselves (not even a Pharmacy)
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I’m back doing accounting now. Eh it’s a living but damn I feel like I wasted so much time and money on this stupid degree. May as well have gone to trump university

Did you have a bachelor's in accounting?
Any pharmacists nowadays need to develop a side hussle, learn a new skill, anything you can monetize. When sh1t hits the fan, you will have an exit plan you can transition into.
Is it bad that my "**** has hit the fan" plan is to buy a small shack back home in cash then spend most of my time fishing? I could probably even pick up a pharmacist position in my hometown if I wanted, although I'd have more fun becoming a surly old bartender.
Any pharmacists nowadays need to develop a side hussle, learn a new skill, anything you can monetize. When sh1t hits the fan, you will have an exit plan you can transition into.

Is that why I see some pharmacist do MLM? :laugh:

But yeah it's a good idea to have multiple income streams - investment, rental, side hustle and live below your means.