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5+ Year Member
May 13, 2017
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So lately I have been hearing a lot of people say that one thing that you need to match on competitive residencies (like ortho) is "strong away rotations". What makes an away rotation "strong"? Also, will it have some effect if it is made at another school in my state vs if I go to another state completely?

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So lately I have been hearing a lot of people say that one thing that you need to match on competitive residencies (like ortho) is "strong away rotations". What makes an away rotation "strong"? Also, will it have some effect if it is made at another school in my state vs if I go to another state completely?

You want to do these away rotations at places that have residency programs in the field you want to pursue. For example, you'd do an elective/away rotation in Ortho at XYZ Hospital if you want to apply to their Ortho residency program. For some of the more competitive specialties, some places won't event give you an interview unless you've rotated with them. By "strong," they either mean a location that has a strong residency program or strong as in places that would be great choices for your specialty/beneficial to your application
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