Can I apply now? (first year masters student)

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Apr 4, 2022
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I'm a first year grad student, started this fall semester (Sept).
The dental cycle is opened, and I do not know if I am allowed/can apply now even though my first semester grades will be released in December (after my final exam grades are posted). I also took my DAT last year.

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I'm a first year grad student, started this fall semester (Sept).
The dental cycle is opened, and I do not know if I am allowed/can apply now even though my first semester grades will be released in December (after my final exam grades are posted). I also took my DAT last year.
You could but it’s relatively late in the cycle now putting you at a disadvantage. I would apply right away the following cycle and do well in your masters this semester and next.
You're allowed to apply because you have every right to throw away your own money if your application isn't ready. I'd wait until you have at least a year's worth of grades from your master's program. Focus on getting all A's in your master's program now.
I'm a first year grad student, started this fall semester (Sept).
The dental cycle is opened, and I do not know if I am allowed/can apply now even though my first semester grades will be released in December (after my final exam grades are posted). I also took my DAT last year.
Hey so I wouldn’t recommend applying. I was in your shoes last year and didn’t get one interview. wasted a lot of time, money and effort. They wanted to see my grades and not take a gamble “if “ I was going to get good grades. I finished the program with a 4.0 (biomedical science) and reapplied. This cycle I’ve already been invited to interview at 5 schools. Including my first and second pick. I hope this helps!