Canadian DAT Study Help

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Jun 14, 2016
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Hey guys!

I'm planning to take the Canadian DAT in Nov 2016.
I have not started to study yet :vomit:
Just now I am researching what materials I will need to study.

Study materials that I'm planning to use are:
Chem: Chads videos (on coursesaver), DAT Destroyer.
Bio: CliffsAP Bio, and Feralis notes (followed up by using the Anki flashcards), and DAT Destroyer
PAT: DAT Bootcamp. Any others that are helpful? I have started a few of these and am realizing I am very very slow on this section.
RC: Not sure? Any suggestions how to approach this?

Will the above materials be enough? Are any of these materials not need? This is my first time taking the test and am feeling very overwhelmed!! :bang:
Thanks for your time!!

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