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Full Member
5+ Year Member
Jul 17, 2018
Reaction score
Hey everyone! I’m new sdn and I wanted to use my first post to gather some opinions. A little about me— I am a veteran of the United States Air Force and current student-athlete. While in the military, I served as a dental assistant and was awarded the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Award Medal in 2015 for volunteering 500+ hours. I now go to a small university in Kentucky where I run cross country for an NCAA D1 sponsored school.

My GPA has had an upward trend from when I initially entered college to now. I started out with a sub 3.0, entered the military, and now have a 3.51 overall GPA, 3.65 sGPA, and a 3.79 BCP GPA. I’ve unfortunately received two B’s in the the past two years but still improvement.
My DAT scores are:
AA 22
TS 22
PAT 21
QR 18
RC 20
Bio 20
GChem 24
Ochem 26

I wanted to know if anyone has had similar scores/GPA and what their experience were like with getting interviews, acceptances, etc. Also, if any of you have recommendations as to where I should apply (Illinois resident) I would also greatly appreciate that. I have applied to nine schools so far, but I feel the need to apply to more so that I have a chance of getting in somewhere.

Thank you in advance for your time and help.

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