Columbia Waitlist

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Anyone hear anything yet? I know it's still early, but I was just curious (and I'd rather read/post on SDN then write my research paper ;) ). Happy Easter to all celebrating!

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wow, well i'd have to say noami's heard some really positive news. (congrats!) i'd love to get that kind of feedback....

yeah, so has anyone heard anything good or tried calling recently?

(and did *everyone* get confirmation letters about their acceptance of their waitlist spot? i still haven't gotten one, let alone replies to any of the letters and stuff i've sent in)
thanks iris, but i am still not convinced it means anything (given what i've read that frantz says....who knows?)
i did a little math last night (the horror) and was severely depressed upon calculating the amount of debt that i would incur as a columbia student...i mean, their calculation of cost of living doesn't seem accurate to me, at least not if you're living out of the dorms (which i have to due to wonderful dog ownership). should we assume it is 60K a year? ouch.

as for confirmation, i don't know if everyone gets it (they seem pretty random, some people get 2nd interviews, some don't and who knows what that signifies). when did you send your response? have you called or emailed or just sent snail-mail?

good luck!!
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Do any of you know if people who don't get a second interview are accepted from the waitlist? From last year, it seems like everyone who came off the waitlist got a second interview.
Everyone must get a confirmation letter for the alternate list, at least. I'd call them and make sure they got your form stating that you would like to remain on the list.

Speaking of the big bad list... it's about time for me to write another letter. The "game playing" continues. Good luck everyone.

(p.s. - i hope not everyone who comes off the list has gotten a second interview. what about those of us who interviewed with dr. frantz the first time around?)
i did a little math last night (the horror) and was severely depressed upon calculating the amount of debt that i would incur as a columbia student...i mean, their calculation of cost of living doesn't seem accurate to me, at least not if you're living out of the dorms (which i have to due to wonderful dog ownership). should we assume it is 60K a year? ouch.

The calculated cost of living at Columbia P&S, despite being in a cheaper part of manhattan is barely sufficient for med students. This is evidenced by the much better package students at the Mailman School of Public Health (same location) have despite lower annual costs - a function of internal politics. For those on the waitlist, have fun sucking up to Franz, it must be awesome. If you get in you can look forward to groupy dinners at his house next year: skeevy. As to whether this is all worth it: Don't worry, hubris won't allow all but the most cognizant to regret it.

Hope that Helps

P 'You probably won't regret it' ShankOut
indianboy said:
The calculated cost of living at Columbia P&S, despite being in a cheaper part of manhattan is barely sufficient for med students. This is evidenced by the much better package students at the Mailman School of Public Health (same location) have despite lower annual costs - a function of internal politics. For those on the waitlist, have fun sucking up to Franz, it must be awesome. If you get in you can look forward to groupy dinners at his house next year: skeevy. As to whether this is all worth it: Don't worry, hubris won't allow all but the most cognizant to regret it.

Hope that Helps

P 'You probably won't regret it' ShankOut
Are you at Cornell now?? That's the impression I got.
noami said:
thanks iris, but i am still not convinced it means anything (given what i've read that frantz says....who knows?)
i did a little math last night (the horror) and was severely depressed upon calculating the amount of debt that i would incur as a columbia student...i mean, their calculation of cost of living doesn't seem accurate to me, at least not if you're living out of the dorms (which i have to due to wonderful dog ownership). should we assume it is 60K a year? ouch.

as for confirmation, i don't know if everyone gets it (they seem pretty random, some people get 2nd interviews, some don't and who knows what that signifies). when did you send your response? have you called or emailed or just sent snail-mail?

good luck!!

they allow the bard rent amount when calculating rent which is quite low, but you may request an increase up to $875 for off campus options ( i asked). Just send them a note requesting it. Every little bit helps.

indianboy said:
The calculated cost of living at Columbia P&S, despite being in a cheaper part of manhattan is barely sufficient for med students. This is evidenced by the much better package students at the Mailman School of Public Health (same location) have despite lower annual costs - a function of internal politics. For those on the waitlist, have fun sucking up to Franz, it must be awesome. If you get in you can look forward to groupy dinners at his house next year: skeevy. As to whether this is all worth it: Don't worry, hubris won't allow all but the most cognizant to regret it.

Hope that Helps

P 'You probably won't regret it' ShankOut

I get less and less excited about this school everyday. :( Groupy dinners for demoralized brown-nosing waitlistees and outrageously expensive tuition for Washington Heights? Blech. The idea of a one-man adcom is unreal.
indianboy said:
The calculated cost of living at Columbia P&S, despite being in a cheaper part of manhattan is barely sufficient for med students. This is evidenced by the much better package students at the Mailman School of Public Health (same location) have despite lower annual costs - a function of internal politics. For those on the waitlist, have fun sucking up to Franz, it must be awesome. If you get in you can look forward to groupy dinners at his house next year: skeevy. As to whether this is all worth it: Don't worry, hubris won't allow all but the most cognizant to regret it.

Hope that Helps

P 'You probably won't regret it' ShankOut

Indianboy, I ask this completely seriously because I'm curious: Why do you seem to hate columbia so much? Obviously your post above seems to be related to cost, but what would you say about columbia if all medical schools were free?

noami said:
thanks iris, but i am still not convinced it means anything (given what i've read that frantz says....who knows?)
i did a little math last night (the horror) and was severely depressed upon calculating the amount of debt that i would incur as a columbia student...i mean, their calculation of cost of living doesn't seem accurate to me, at least not if you're living out of the dorms (which i have to due to wonderful dog ownership). should we assume it is 60K a year? ouch.

as for confirmation, i don't know if everyone gets it (they seem pretty random, some people get 2nd interviews, some don't and who knows what that signifies). when did you send your response? have you called or emailed or just sent snail-mail?

good luck!!

i sent my confirmation thing back in early march, had a second interview 3/11, sent a thank you letter the following week, then a copy of my honors thesis last week... no replies to any. but it seems like it should be pretty obvious that i'm on the waitlist, no? yeah, i'll try calling later. i just have this big fear that i'll be able to tell that i'm being written off (which is easier to ignore if i just sit in blissful ignorance and wait for someone to contact me)
dara678 said:
Do any of you know if people who don't get a second interview are accepted from the waitlist? From last year, it seems like everyone who came off the waitlist got a second interview.

oh, and dara, i seem to recall reading that at least one person got in without interviewing a second time (just two letters and then a phone call from dr frantz)

fyi, i called today (indeed, i'm on the waitlist, dunno why i didn't get a confirmation). dr frantz says there's been a lot fewer withdrawals than he expected there would be at this time.. only 2 or 3 people have been accepted off the waitlist so far (but these were "special" cases), prob another 3-4 weeks before he can really say much about chances and movement. (and of course, i got another "i'll keep you very much in mind"... :) hopefully it means something. haha.. oh well)

anyways, i hope that was helpful...
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iris8782 said:

fyi, i called today (indeed, i'm on the waitlist, dunno why i didn't get a confirmation). dr frantz says there's been a lot fewer withdrawals than he expected there would be at this time.. only 2 or 3 people have been accepted off the waitlist so far (but these were "special" cases), prob another 3-4 weeks before he can really say much about chances and movement. (and of course, i got another "i'll keep you very much in mind"... :) hopefully it means something. haha.. oh well)

anyways, i hope that was helpful...
"Special cases?" Interesting, did he say exactly why they were special? I got a response from Dr. Frantz to one of the additional letters I sent about my interest and updating my activities since my application (this is in addition to his response to my letter of interest I sent with my alternate list confirmation). I'd expect the majority of the movement to occur after the second look and May 15th have passed.

Good luck to those that are waiting. :)
Oh, forgot to add, good karma from the Flash for all my fellow alternate listees! :thumbup:
flash, does he send the same response back to you after each letter? i just sent another letter too and i'm curious to see if i get the exact same response again. btw, does anyone else feel like you're running out of new things to tell him? the only real difference in my life this quarter is that i drink beer a few more nights a week cause it's the last one. you think i should include that in my next letter? :cool:
Best of luck to you guys who wish to get in P&S. I removed myself from the "list" and so have plenty of others hopefully :).
yes, hopefully!!

congrats on being able to choose from some great school, tezzie.
medstylee said:
flash, does he send the same response back to you after each letter? i just sent another letter too and i'm curious to see if i get the exact same response again. btw, does anyone else feel like you're running out of new things to tell him? the only real difference in my life this quarter is that i drink beer a few more nights a week cause it's the last one. you think i should include that in my next letter? :cool:
It was pretty quaint. Just along the lines of "We appreciate your continued interest in P&S. We still don't have a good idea of when we will begin accepting alternates, but we'll keep you very much in mind." Eh, there's a little more filler, but I can't seem to recall it as the letter isn't sitting in front of me. For reference, I sent the update letter on March 29, and received a response yesterday. All in all nothing spetacular, though. Good luck man, I know you've got your heart set on P&S. :)
:sleep: the saga continues...

i wonder what those special cases were. i've noticed sometimes people get more leverage with Dr. Frantz if they have acceptances to other top schools like Harvard or Hopkins. i'm sure he likes to steal kids from those schools, so he accepts from the waitlist earlier in certain instances.

as for me, still waiting like the rest of you :scared:
linus said:
:sleep: the saga continues...

i wonder what those special cases were. i've noticed sometimes people get more leverage with Dr. Frantz if they have acceptances to other top schools like Harvard or Hopkins. i'm sure he likes to steal kids from those schools, so he accepts from the waitlist earlier in certain instances.

as for me, still waiting like the rest of you :scared:
Special cases? I think he just meant applicants that were originally at the very top of the waitlist (I don't buy the "Unranked" waitlist thing at any school). :rolleyes:

But then what do I know? I'm just a kid...
TheFlash said:
It was pretty quaint. Just along the lines of "We appreciate your continued interest in P&S. We still don't have a good idea of when we will begin accepting alternates, but we'll keep you very much in mind." Eh, there's a little more filler, but I can't seem to recall it as the letter isn't sitting in front of me. For reference, I sent the update letter on March 29, and received a response yesterday. All in all nothing spetacular, though. Good luck man, I know you've got your heart set on P&S. :)

crap. i sent in my letter like two weeks before you and received no response as of today. i called the office and they informed me that dean frantz had seen it, but that no response had been made yet. argh. i hate this waiting game, especially since so many people seem to get so many different responses from columbia. i'd wish they'd just let us know if they are likely to consider us if a spot is open; otherwise, it's pretty unfair to keep us waiting. from the previous posts, it seems that dean frantz has an idea of who wants from the waitlist already.
umm...anyone on the wait-list get invited to P&S Parent's Day? done by the Alumni Association?

I just got an e-mail today about the Saturday event. Something weird's going on here. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I work in Anatomy & Cell department, but I asked a post-doc and a grad student in my lab and neither one had received anything.
Oh well, PM me if anyone has any info. I gotta run and get into my disguise for crashing 2nd look weekend BBQ on Bard's roof. Free food makes me do stupid things :idea:

(don't worry, I've got 2 or 3 backup excuses, and a club I'm in is supposed to be at the coffeehouse event afterwards to perform, anyway.)
What? Another case of unequal treatment? Now reading this thread is depressing for me :mad:
well, i'm not sure, but i think being invited to the parent's day is more of a mistake than a case of unequal treatment. i mean, it is not a second look day or anything like that...unless you've got kids at columbia i wouldn't know why you'd be invited anyway. so don't feel bad CalBeE (unless of course you're a parent and you weren't invited) :eek:
hey rendar5, i got the parents' day email too. it was addressed to [email protected], so i'm pretty sure all p&s employees received it...

kind of short notice though...the events are saturday, but i got the email today :rolleyes:

i'll be at pitt 2nd look anyway :)
does anyone have any idea how financial aid works for those accepted off the waitlist? are they given reasonably the same consideration in the construction of the packages as regular acceptances?
noami said:
well, i'm not sure, but i think being invited to the parent's day is more of a mistake than a case of unequal treatment. i mean, it is not a second look day or anything like that...unless you've got kids at columbia i wouldn't know why you'd be invited anyway. so don't feel bad CalBeE (unless of course you're a parent and you weren't invited) :eek:
I just get emotional when I read about unequal treatment people receive at people getting second interviews while others not. Some waitlistees have been allowed to goto second look while others not.
CalBeE said:
I just get emotional when I read about unequal treatment people receive at people getting second interviews while others not. Some waitlistees have been allowed to goto second look while others not.

Franky, I'm very annoyed with Columbia's admission policies and I am getting more and more demotivated everyday to pursue my waitlist position. Dr. Frantz having such unilateral control over admissions is absolutely ridiculous. Other schools seem to handle their waitlists much more professionally. Although Columbia's a phenomenal school, I honestly think I could care less about getting into Columbia at this point.

Just trying to keep it real
CalBeE said:
I just get emotional when I read about unequal treatment people receive at people getting second interviews while others not. Some waitlistees have been allowed to goto second look while others not.

umm...who's allowed to go to second look? I was the only wait-listee that I'm aware of to crash a bit of it. (though I definitely wasn't the only non-med student/acceptee to crash. most people who smelled bbq and who have access to Bard went to get burgers). And coffeehouse is an open event that happens outside of 2nd look.

Anyway, for some reason, I'm kinda getting fed up a bit with Columbia. Not sure why. Well, if I don't get in, I'll be very happy to go to Einstein:).
Rendar5 said:
umm...who's allowed to go to second look? I was the only wait-listee that I'm aware of to crash a bit of it. (though I definitely wasn't the only non-med student/acceptee to crash. most people who smelled bbq and who have access to Bard went to get burgers). And coffeehouse is an open event that happens outside of 2nd look.

Anyway, for some reason, I'm kinda getting fed up a bit with Columbia. Not sure why. Well, if I don't get in, I'll be very happy to go to Einstein:).
I guess I was thinking about last year's situation...
CalBeE said:
I guess I was thinking about last year's situation...

i know exactly how u and SachinG r feeling. i mean i love columbia and i would go there in a heartbeat but i feel like i'm in the dark about if i actually have a chance.
and cuz i'm so caught up in worrying about the waitlist i'm not concentrating on my other schools. I just hope that when med school finally does start and I'm not at Columbia I don't get all "I wish I was somewhere else". do u guys know what I mean..sorry I'm not being very articulate, I'm too caught up in bill winning the apprentice
Here is what I think about the whole Columbia situation.
Part of the following opinions are necessarily a result of bitterness about not being accepted, but hey, that's how it goes.
1.) Columbia is not that great--not getting in is not the be all and end all. Our medical careers will go on. No matter how you cut it, there are definite flaws with the school, not the least of which is admissions.
2.) It sucks being jerked around, and I for one have ceased being willing to put up with it. I want to go to a school that wants me, not a school that I have to grovel, and plead, and letter-write to (like I'm some kind of middle-schooler who wants their congressman to vote to save the ****ign whales), and generally get on my knees and open wide, just to receive the proverbial "Tony Danza" (if you don't know what I mean, stop writing letters of intent and open a window, for christ's sake).
3.) I have pride, for better or worse, and I have refused to ass-kiss my entire life. I know that is a foreign concept to most pre-meds, but I hope not to you all. Ass-kissing gets you nowhere, even if it gets you somewhere (does that make sense?).
Just my opinioon, but **** Columbia!
Benjo said:
Here is what I think about the whole Columbia situation.
Part of the following opinions are necessarily a result of bitterness about not being accepted, but hey, that's how it goes.
1.) Columbia is not that great--not getting in is not the be all and end all. Our medical careers will go on. No matter how you cut it, there are definite flaws with the school, not the least of which is admissions.
2.) It sucks being jerked around, and I for one have ceased being willing to put up with it. I want to go to a school that wants me, not a school that I have to grovel, and plead, and letter-write to (like I'm some kind of middle-schooler who wants their congressman to vote to save the ****ign whales), and generally get on my knees and open wide, just to receive the proverbial "Tony Danza" (if you don't know what I mean, stop writing letters of intent and open a window, for christ's sake).
3.) I have pride, for better or worse, and I have refused to ass-kiss my entire life. I know that is a foreign concept to most pre-meds, but I hope not to you all. Ass-kissing gets you nowhere, even if it gets you somewhere (does that make sense?).
Just my opinioon, but **** Columbia!

Your sentiments capture EXACTLY how I feel, especially points 2 and 3. I've felt more wanted by other schools that have accepted me and definitely have a sense of pride that prohibits me from getting on my hands and knees to beg Frantz. Well put.
I think we're just all got emotionally exhausted by this least I I'm just thinking about deferring a year if possible to recuperate... :(
Thank you for your support and affirmation. Just out of curiosity, wehre are you thinking about going to school? I noticed you are from charlottesville--do you go to UVa undergrad? ARe you thinking about UVA SOM? Just curious, because I'll be there in the fall. Take it easy.
Oh another thing,
Rendar--are you kidding about crashing the bbq at Bard? If you aren't kidding, let the medical world have mercy on your soul. Not to judge, but that is downright pathetic. Even if you do live/work right there.
Sorry to be judgemental.
Benjo said:
Thank you for your support and affirmation. Just out of curiosity, wehre are you thinking about going to school? I noticed you are from charlottesville--do you go to UVa undergrad? ARe you thinking about UVA SOM? Just curious, because I'll be there in the fall. Take it easy.
Oh another thing,
Rendar--are you kidding about crashing the bbq at Bard? If you aren't kidding, let the medical world have mercy on your soul. Not to judge, but that is downright pathetic. Even if you do live/work right there.
Sorry to be judgemental.

Jeez, come off it. I went there to get a burger (good one, too), got my burger, said hi to a few people I knew (Bonnie, some girls from my choir), and went downstairs to wait for the rest of my group. I wasn't the only crasher either.
Rendar5 said:
Jeez, come off it. I went there to get a burger (good one, too), got my burger, said hi to a few people I knew (Bonnie, some girls from my choir), and went downstairs to wait for the rest of my group. I wasn't the only crasher either.

I guess the stupid waitlist process is getting to all of us. not usually that snappy.
rendar---yea, clearly it has gotten to me; I'm not usually that judgmental/condescending/bitter-sorry!
and good luck--you'll have one less waitlistee to compete with as of tomorrow
Benjo said:
rendar---yea, clearly it has gotten to me; I'm not usually that judgmental/condescending/bitter-sorry!
and good luck--you'll have one less waitlistee to compete with as of tomorrow
No need to go that extreme...but if you need closure, that's probably it.
Benjo said:
Thank you for your support and affirmation. Just out of curiosity, wehre are you thinking about going to school? I noticed you are from charlottesville--do you go to UVa undergrad? ARe you thinking about UVA SOM? Just curious, because I'll be there in the fall. Take it easy.
Oh another thing,
Rendar--are you kidding about crashing the bbq at Bard? If you aren't kidding, let the medical world have mercy on your soul. Not to judge, but that is downright pathetic. Even if you do live/work right there.
Sorry to be judgemental.

Benjo, I'm graduating from UVa undergrad next month and am currently deciding between Sinai and Pitt. Right now I'm leaning towards Sinai because I love NYC and think I'd enjoy spending the next 4 years there. I'm going to Pitt's second look this weekend though; I figure I ought to at least give PittMed a chance since it's a phenomenal school. I was accepted at UVA SOM, but decided I wouldn't attend because I really need a change of scenery after being in Charlottesville (small town environment/culture) for 4 years. I'm sure you'll love being at UVA though; I'm yet to meet a single person who doesn't love it there (even former UVA undergrads). UVA's a great place and I don't regret spending 4 years here at all.
linus said:
hey rendar5, i got the parents' day email too. it was addressed to [email protected], so i'm pretty sure all p&s employees received it...

kind of short notice though...the events are saturday, but i got the email today :rolleyes:

i'll be at pitt 2nd look anyway :)

i got it too. so did everyone i work with. definitely went out to all employees up here.
SachinG said:
Your sentiments capture EXACTLY how I feel, especially points 2 and 3. I've felt more wanted by other schools that have accepted me and definitely have a sense of pride that prohibits me from getting on my hands and knees to beg Frantz. Well put.

Hey guys,

While I totally understand your feelings, I think it's good to remind yourself of a few things.

1) The admissions office is just...the admissions office.

However they make their decisions about acceptances off the waitlist, it really doesn't matter after that - no one is going to know (unless you tell them) or care (even if you tell them) that you were accepted off the waitlist.

2) Medical school is not in the admissions office.

Although they are our primary contact with the school right now, and there's something to be said for the face a school puts forward to its potential students, 4 years of your life and medical education will be related to the faculty, students, resources, facilities, etc at the school. Make your decision based on those factors and go for what's right for you. You don't need to suck up to Dean Frantz, just express your true and continued sentiments if Columbia is right for you.

I know it's tough because we're all fed up with the process. It helps to narrow down your choices to a few (a waitlist or two and an acceptance or two), which is what I'm in the process of doing. Best of luck!

any news? it seems like by this time last year, 3 sdn'ers were already accepted off the waitlist.....

i totally get everyone's frustration. i really had no idea this whole process was going to be so... intense. but hey, we're down to the wire here -- at the very least, it'll all be over and decided soon. i'm rootin for all of us!!!
iris8782 said:
any news? it seems like by this time last year, 3 sdn'ers were already accepted off the waitlist.....

i totally get everyone's frustration. i really had no idea this whole process was going to be so... intense. but hey, we're down to the wire here -- at the very least, it'll all be over and decided soon. i'm rootin for all of us!!!
apparently 2-3 people have been accepted off the waitlist already...right now the only thing I could do is to call Dr. Frantz and pray for luck :rolleyes:
from the looks of last year's thread, it doesn't seem like much of anything happens before late may, so i don't think we should expect any different this year. it wouldn't make sense for the list to start moving until after may 15th anyway. for me, i'm in the midst of the recommended 1-month-between-letters dormancy period, so I guess I should wait a little while before I call or inquire about the list. This is so ridiculous...
So I got a reply to a Letter of Interest I sent in about 2 weeks ago. Again, the reply letter was the standard "We'll keep you very much in mind". I mentioned my interest in a second interview, but I guess that's not possible for now.

One thing I notice is that (quite obviously) short letters are better than long ones. The one letter I sent in 2 weeks ago was 3/4 page long, and the reply tells me that the letter actually got read...probably b/c it's so short.

Just a thought...
I just received a reply to an LOI I sent recently too. It basically says " may rest assured taht your candidcay remains under active consideration." Frantz probably just carbon copies this to everyone huh? It kinda gives me false hope. It is slightly different that the other reply I got last time, tho. I dunno. Waitlists suck.
A couple of questions:
-Best to call or not to call?
-If you don't get an interview with Frantz, should you push for one (call, etc.)? Do people get off list who don't have a (second) interview with him?
-How often should you write letters? What should you focus on in these letters (your recent accomplishments or why you want to go to the school)?

Good luck to all!