Covid 19 Booster Shot

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My 6 months are up soon from my initial Covid mRNA vaccine. I would like to "sneak in" and get a 1/2 dose booster shot soon.
I think the current vaccines are effective against all variants as long as the antibody levels are high.

Any idea how I can get a 1/2 dose booster?

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"There’s some evidence that even a booster of the existing vaccines might be enough to handle variants should an extra shot become necessary. A preprint study published this week found that people who recovered from Covid-19 and then received an mRNA vaccine had long-lasting and broad immunity against the coronavirus and its variants. An extra shot could act like that additional exposure, the researchers suggested, writing that such a strategy “could cover most circulating variants of concern.”

“Depending potentially on the vaccination protocol, the vaccines are good enough to deal” with B.1.351 and other variants, said virologist Theodora Hatziioannou of Rockefeller University, an author of the study. “At least,” she added, “the variants we’ve seen up to now.”

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 5, 2021-- Moderna, Inc. (Nasdaq: MRNA), a biotechnology company pioneering messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics and vaccines, today announced initial data from its Phase 2 study showing that a single 50 µg dose of mRNA-1273 or mRNA-1273.351 given as a booster to previously vaccinated individuals increased neutralizing antibody titer responses against SARS-CoV-2 and two variants of concern, B.1.351 (first identified in South Africa) and P.1 (first identified in Brazil). A booster dose of mRNA-1273.351, the Company’s strain-matched booster, achieved higher neutralizing antibody titers against the B.1.351 variant of concern than a booster dose of mRNA-1273. A manuscript describing these preliminary results has been submitted as a preprint to medRxiv and will be submitted for peer-reviewed publication upon completion of the multivalent mRNA-1273.211 booster arm.

“As we seek to defeat the ongoing pandemic, we remain committed to being proactive as the virus evolves. We are encouraged by these new data, which reinforce our confidence that our booster strategy should be protective against these newly detected variants. The strong and rapid boost in titers to levels above primary vaccination also clearly demonstrates the ability of mRNA-1273 to induce immune memory,” said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna. “Our mRNA platform allows for rapid design of vaccine candidates that incorporate key virus mutations, potentially allowing for faster development of future alternative variant-matched vaccines should they be needed. We look forward to sharing data on our multivalent booster candidate, mRNA-1273.211, which combines mRNA-1273 and mRNA-1273.351 in a single vaccine, when available. We will continue to make as many updates to our COVID-19 vaccine as necessary to control the pandemic.”
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Can't you just go do a walk in vaccine somewhere and not get the 2nd dose or go get the 1-dose J&J?
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The side-effects will likely be more tolerable with a 50 ug booster vs a full dose 100 ug shot. My mRNA vaccine really made me feel pretty bad for 2 days after the second dose.

You should get the full dose and see if the side effects are the same or different--for science.
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You should get the full dose and see if the side effects are the same or different--for science.
I agree that there is something to be said about doing it ‘the right way’ so to speak so that we can gather consistent data etc
I have a friend who was part of the vaccine trials. They still test his blood every few months. He says they draw 8 vials of blood, 3 for the tests they want to run, and the other vials for future testing that they might be able to think of some day. Perhaps they will rerandomize the groups and start testing boosters on them. Or maybe with all of that testing they have found that the antibodies are still present and boosters haven't been needed.
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There was a recent study that showed a 12 week interval was superior to the 3 week interval they were doing. Let us know how it goes Blade.
Unethical to do this when not part of a trial IMO. Although sometimes one must fight fire with fire (unethical antivax antimask behavior of others). My plan personally is to get a booster once/if recommended.
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Unethical to do this when not part of a trial IMO. Although sometimes one must fight fire with fire (unethical antivax antimask behavior of others). My plan personally is to get a booster once/if recommended.
Why is this unethical? Am I taking away a dose from someone else? I doubt it. The USA has purchased millions more doses than will ever be used. If I choose to get a booster that is my personal decision. I mean we are talking about a booster dose here not an early abortion.

If I follow the science then a booster dose may help me a great deal after 6 months from my last dose. This is what the data shows. In fact, based on the "science" everyone who deals with Covid + patients on a routine basis should be getting the booster shots IMHO. Many people in my area are refusing the vaccine and are turning up Covid +.

I know the real booster shots are coming out in October. I plan on another booster around Thanksgiving if they are available. Have a nice day.

Will there be side effects for boosters?​

Moderna said in a statement that during its clinical trial of its booster, people typically reacted similarly to their second dose of the vaccines. Common side effects included pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, as well as muscle and joint pain.
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I remember when you said you would prescribe yourself HCQ at the beginning of the pandemic too.....
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Why is this unethical? Am I taking away a dose from someone else? I doubt it. The USA has purchased millions more doses than will ever be used. If I choose to get a booster that is my personal decision. I mean we are talking about a booster dose here not an early abortion.

If I follow the science then a booster dose may help me a great deal after 6 months from my last dose. This is what the data shows. In fact, based on the "science" everyone who deals with Covid + patients on a routine basis should be getting the booster shots IMHO. Many people in my area are refusing the vaccine and are turning up Covid +.

I know the real booster shots are coming out in October. I plan on another booster around Thanksgiving if they are available. Have a nice day.

Will there be side effects for boosters?​

Moderna said in a statement that during its clinical trial of its booster, people typically reacted similarly to their second dose of the vaccines. Common side effects included pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, as well as muscle and joint pain.
It is unethical because you are using your connections to the healthcare field to get yourself something that is otherwise not available that you perceive to have significant benefit. This was like stealing masks gloves or hand sanitizer from the hospital for your home when you couldn’t find them anywhere. But you do you.
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I would say no ethical issues if you just wait til store close and vials are about to go to waste. This happens daily because the vials contain 3-5 doses depending on pfizer or moderna. people are so flaky these days that you are likely to encounter an incomplete vial.
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You know, this reminds me of people on the highway who see the sign of lane closed miles ahead of the actual closure, but they keep going, since rules don't apply to them, until the last moment then they want to squeeze in in front of all those who were actually considerate and changed lanes early on.
It's also similar to those who refused to get vaccinated and waited for all of us idiots and liberals to get vaccinated so they can benefit of the herd immunity we create.
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Blade does not have much capacity for self awareness or reflection as evidenced by his posts in this thread and others. I wouldn't bother exerting yourself too hard trying to lecture him.
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You know, this reminds me of people on the highway who see the sign of lane closed miles ahead of the actual closure, but they keep going, since rules don't apply to them, until the last moment then they want to squeeze in in front of all those who were actually considerate and changed lanes early on.
The correct way to merge is to wait until the last possible moment. This way, both open lanes are used as long as possible before the bottleneck.

People who merge early, thinking they're being considerate, are just making traffic worse. Think about it - would it be extra considerate to merge even earlier? How much earlier? How about 3 miles earlier? Of course not. If the lane is open, it should be used as long as possible.
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You know, this reminds me of people on the highway who see the sign of lane closed miles ahead of the actual closure, but they keep going, since rules don't apply to them, until the last moment then they want to squeeze in in front of all those who were actually considerate and changed lanes early on.
It's also similar to those who refused to get vaccinated and waited for all of us idiots and liberals to get vaccinated so they can benefit of the herd immunity we create.

The correct way to merge is to wait until the last possible moment. This way, both open lanes are used as long as possible before the bottleneck.

People who merge early, thinking they're being considerate, are just making traffic worse. Think about it - would it be extra considerate to merge even earlier? How much earlier? How about 3 miles earlier? Of course not. If the lane is open, it should be used as long as possible.

We really tackle the tough issues here in the SDN Anesthesia Forum.

Solving life’s problems - one lane at a time.
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The correct way to merge is to wait until the last possible moment. This way, both open lanes are used as long as possible before the bottleneck.

People who merge early, thinking they're being considerate, are just making traffic worse. Think about it - would it be extra considerate to merge even earlier? How much earlier? How about 3 miles earlier? Of course not. If the lane is open, it should be used as long as possible.
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It is unethical because you are using your connections to the healthcare field to get yourself something that is otherwise not available that you perceive to have significant benefit. This was like stealing masks gloves or hand sanitizer from the hospital for your home when you couldn’t find them anywhere. But you do you.
Anyone can walk into a drugstore and get a third shot. They would be getting the 100 ug dosage. So, I disagree that UNLIMITED doses aren't available to everyone in the USA. Any of you can get the J and J shot if you so choose or another dose of Pfizer/Moderna.

You people on here are very self-righteous lecturing others about their own health. I believe my risk from getting sick from Covid 19 over the summer is far greater by NOT getting the booster dose. Many in my area refuse to get vaccinated leaving me personally at risk as my antibody levels start to wane.
Many of you choose to follow the science only when it suites you. There is clear evidence that as the antibody levels drop after 6-8 months we are all at higher risk of getting sick (not necessarily hospitalized) due to the variants out there. The high antibody levels are protective against the known variants.

For those responding to this thread the only useful post is based on facts and not ad-hominem attacks on me personally. But, many of you can do nothing but post ad-hominem attacks as I rarely see anything remotely clinical or useful.
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You know, this reminds me of people on the highway who see the sign of lane closed miles ahead of the actual closure, but they keep going, since rules don't apply to them, until the last moment then they want to squeeze in in front of all those who were actually considerate and changed lanes early on.
It's also similar to those who refused to get vaccinated and waited for all of us idiots and liberals to get vaccinated so they can benefit of the herd immunity we create.

If you merge early then you just create heavy traffic in the lane you merged into and leave a nice wide lane open for the dinguses who try to merge in on the shoulder later on.
The correct way to merge is to wait until the last possible moment. This way, both open lanes are used as long as possible before the bottleneck.

People who merge early, thinking they're being considerate, are just making traffic worse. Think about it - would it be extra considerate to merge even earlier? How much earlier? How about 3 miles earlier? Of course not. If the lane is open, it should be used as long as possible.
So you are one of those people aren't you? If I am in the front where the lanes merge you are not getting in front of me! :1devilish:
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Pfizer’s Dolsten said that mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine create a potent response. But the immune response may wane over time.

He believes that a third dose of their vaccine will create a similar or better response than the second dose, and could be the logical next step for staying ahead of circulating variants.

“We think our vaccine is robustly active against all strains,” Dolsten said, noting that the companies “want to be prepared for all options and be data-driven — led by science.”

The correct way to merge is to wait until the last possible moment. This way, both open lanes are used as long as possible before the bottleneck.

People who merge early, thinking they're being considerate, are just making traffic worse. Think about it - would it be extra considerate to merge even earlier? How much earlier? How about 3 miles earlier? Of course not. If the lane is open, it should be used as long as possible.
I never thought about it that way.....
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So you are one of those people aren't you? If I am in the front where the lanes merge you are not getting in front of me! :1devilish:

There's a level they reserve for child molesters, people who talk at the theater, people who back into parking spaces, and people who merge early.

So long as you're content going there, carry on. :)


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You people on here are very self-righteous lecturing others about their own health. I believe my risk from getting sick from Covid 19 over the summer is far greater by NOT getting the booster dose. Many in my area refuse to get vaccinated leaving me personally at risk as my antibody levels start to wane.
Many of you choose to follow the science only when it suites you. There is clear evidence that as the antibody levels drop after 6-8 months we are all at higher risk of getting sick (not necessarily hospitalized) due to the variants out there. The high antibody levels are protective against the known variants.

For those responding to this thread the only useful post is based on facts and not ad-hominem attacks on me personally. But, many of you can do nothing but post ad-hominem attacks as I rarely see anything remotely clinical or useful.
Whether it's embracing half-dose mRNA boosters, or hydroxychloroquine, or jumping on the Herman Cain presidential bandwagon, you often seize upon whatever the flavor of the week is and make bold and confident statements that leave the rest of us a little confused.

If you want a half dose booster q4months, go for it. It's not hurting anyone. But don't expect us to just agree that it makes sense.
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This is borderline necessary if you drive a longer wheelbase vehicle.
I'll allow it and concede it's occasionally necessary.

But absent compelling geometry, people who make other people wait while they back into a parking space are the lowest of the low.
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people who make other people wait while they back into a parking space are the lowest of the low.

How about those who make others wait while doing a 7 point turn to back out of a parking space? ;)
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How about those who make others wait while doing a 7 point turn to back out of a parking space? ;)
Ah, but the difference is, if you're in the parking space, you can wait until those others have passed. You can choose your time of departure to not 7-point your way out when other people are waiting to drive past.

But the backers-in arrive when they arrive, and whether innocent bystanders are forced to wait is just their bad luck.

It is known.
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Ah, but the difference is, if you're in the parking space, you can wait until those others have passed. You can choose your time of departure to not 7-point your way out when other people are waiting to drive past.

But the backers-in arrive when they arrive, and whether innocent bystanders are forced to wait is just their bad luck.

It is known.
Try parking a 2500 truck in a standard parking spot without backing in!
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Getting back to vaccine booster, I wonder about the potential benefit of getting a jab from a different vaccine platform (non-mRNA). All the vaccines in the US uses some fragments of the spike protein. I am aware of the mix-and-match trial using AZ and Pfizer. But what if I (Pfizer'ed) can get a jab with one of those inactivated virus? There may be additional benefits of exposure to other surface antigens. I am not aware of any trial studying this combination.
I think it’s a reasonable question, and the thread brings up an important issue. Surprisingly there actually is data and expert opinion that addresses this question.

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You know, this reminds me of people on the highway who see the sign of lane closed miles ahead of the actual closure, but they keep going, since rules don't apply to them, until the last moment then they want to squeeze in in front of all those who were actually considerate and changed lanes early on.
It's also similar to those who refused to get vaccinated and waited for all of us idiots and liberals to get vaccinated so they can benefit of the herd immunity we create.
Except when you find out that you are only supposed to merge late as it decreases traffic congestion and delays. Then you have to find a new analogy! Even knowing this it burns me when people drive on by me. lol

And you were redundant in your last sentence! (I couldn't help myself with this comment....some people just want to watch the world burn!) jk
There's a level they reserve for child molesters, people who talk at the theater, people who back into parking spaces, and people who merge early.

So long as you're content going there, carry on. :)
Wow. I am 2 out of 4. Should I leave it at that or should I expound??

PS- didn't realize someone had already posted merging etiquette, so please ignore my repost
Except when you find out that you are only supposed to merge late as it decreases traffic congestion and delays. Then you have to find a new analogy! Even knowing this it burns me when people drive on by me. lol

And you were redundant in your last sentence! (I couldn't help myself with this comment....some people just want to watch the world burn!) jk
You mean that all idiots are liberals? I have to strongly disagree... flat earthers come to mind!
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Eh, I understand the concern and think it's inevitable that booster(s) will be necessary. I'm very low risk regardless of vaccine status and am happy to wait for the data to shake itself out on when and how boosters should happen. But I understand someone relatively higher risk by age if nothing else not necessarily being so content to wait. I think the hunting down last of the day unused vial dose is a reasonable way to go about that ethically

The correct way to merge is to wait until the last possible moment. This way, both open lanes are used as long as possible before the bottleneck.

People who merge early, thinking they're being considerate, are just making traffic worse. Think about it - would it be extra considerate to merge even earlier? How much earlier? How about 3 miles earlier? Of course not. If the lane is open, it should be used as long as possible.

Point taken, but counterpoint, **** those line cutters that think they're better than everyone, eh buddy
I'll allow it and concede it's occasionally necessary.

But absent compelling geometry, people who make other people wait while they back into a parking space are the lowest of the low.
Or they are black. So they can run when **** starts popping off. Quick exit!!! Lol.
Seriously though, I hate those people. So damn rude.
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Or they are black. So they can run when **** starts popping off. Quick exit!!! Lol.
Seriously though, I hate those people. So damn rude.
Good point, I'll add "parking the getaway car" to the very short list of reasons it's OK to back into a parking spot.
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