Enlisted to Medical Degree Preparatory Program (EMDP2 FY23)

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DoDMERB received mine on Jan 29 but looks like they wont even look at it till they complete the backlog from 10 Jan and prior. It's a relief that it at least got to DoDMERB and is no longer in complete limbo.

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DoDMERB received mine on Jan 29 but looks like they wont even look at it till they complete the backlog from 10 Jan and prior. It's a relief that it at least got to DoDMERB and is no longer in complete limbo.
How did DoDMERB acknowledge receipt? The CIV team told me that my file was transmitted on 26 Jan, but is still showing as awaiting receipt of exam on the DoDMERB site.
I just got an email saying they received it. This is what it looks like for me.


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Isn't it strange that we have to complete a med eval to be considered for commissioning? I figured if we all met retention standards for our branch already, why would we need to complete an exam as well? Just some random thoughts.
Isn't it strange that we have to complete a med eval to be considered for commissioning? I figured if we all met retention standards for our branch already, why would we need to complete an exam as well? Just some random thoughts.
If I had to guess, medical requirements for commissioning are more stringent? At least we don’t have to duck walk again lol
I mean if selected the DoD is going to spend millions training us and expects roughly 10 years after medschool, so I think its just to make sure you're not going to fall apart in the next 15 years which is a fair ask considering not all service members are in the best shape..

So DoDMERB reviewed my forms and they said that I needed to redo my eye exam since the optometrist missed a section and then also get my commander to sign off on a form saying that I'm still physically fit since I had a 2 ortho issues documented in my physical.. Every time I think this medical stuff is going smooth it completely blind sides me..
I mean if selected the DoD is going to spend millions training us and expects roughly 10 years after medschool, so I think its just to make sure you're not going to fall apart in the next 15 years which is a fair ask considering not all service members are in the best shape..

So DoDMERB reviewed my forms and they said that I needed to redo my eye exam since the optometrist missed a section and then also get my commander to sign off on a form saying that I'm still physically fit since I had a 2 ortho issues documented in my physical.. Every time I think this medical stuff is going smooth it completely blind sides me..
Jeeze, sorry to hear that. I’m in braces now after a major jaw surgery. I imagine my stuff is going to get flagged as well. Good luck to you man
Anyone else have any issues logging into DODMERB this morning? The site is not recognizing my username or password, and forgot password does not work either. Weird.
Anyone else have any issues logging into DODMERB this morning? The site is not recognizing my username or password, and forgot password does not work either. Weird.
Same here. Tried multiple times, but can’t login nor retrieve username/password.
I received this update from Mr. Ruiz via my commander on the 7th of February.

At this time we have not accepted anyone into EMDP2 Cohort 10, we will have the admissions committee reach a final decision possibly by the 1st week of March 2023.
I received this update from Mr. Ruiz via my commander on the 7th of February.

At this time we have not accepted anyone into EMDP2 Cohort 10, we will have the admissions committee reach a final decision possibly by the 1st week of March 2023.
Hmm at this point I think they are just gonna wait for all medical stuff to be done and do it at the same time as the official announcement instead of early notifications like years before. Another 3-4 weeks is tough but oh well!
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Did anyone happen to attend Mr. Ruiz’s office hours this past week? If so, was there anything good to know discussed? Couldn’t make it due to work.
Anyone here get any notifications for interview/etc. in the last few weeks? It’s been too quiet
Anyone here get any notifications for interview/etc. in the last few weeks? It’s been too quiet
Mr. Ruiz sent out an email a little over a week ago stating that reviews are underway and they’re hoping to announce selections by the first week of March. Other than that, it has been pretty quiet.
Did anyone get any news about not being asked for interviews or “better luck next time” correspondence? I feel like only a handful of people on here have any information or have been replying to one another. Is there any hope for those that haven’t? Seems like a long shot especially with results right around the corner… but oh well lol any info is greatly appreciated!
Did anyone get any news about not being asked for interviews or “better luck next time” correspondence? I feel like only a handful of people on here have any information or have been replying to one another. Is there any hope for those that haven’t? Seems like a long shot especially with results right around the corner… but oh well lol any info is greatly appreciated!
Lol ain't that the truth
Did anyone get any news about not being asked for interviews or “better luck next time” correspondence? I feel like only a handful of people on here have any information or have been replying to one another. Is there any hope for those that haven’t? Seems like a long shot especially with results right around the corner… but oh well lol any info is greatly appreciated!
I have not heard either way, but as I have not had an interview at all, I see the writing on the wall so to speak. I believe official notifications will all come out together mid March, but I cannot see the military moving quickly enough for any of us that have not been contacted to get accepted this year, but that is just my opinion. I hope that is helpful, I'm in the same boat.
I have not heard either way, but as I have not had an interview at all, I see the writing on the wall so to speak. I believe official notifications will all come out together mid March, but I cannot see the military moving quickly enough for any of us that have not been contacted to get accepted this year, but that is just my opinion. I hope that is helpful, I'm in the same boat.

Same. I’ve already been making preparations for my next assignment, with the assumption that I didn’t make it.
At the office hours last week, Mr. Ruiz said the Admission Board was not able to get through all of the applicant's packets and would reconvene this Tuesday (yesterday). He also provided some numbers in case anyone was curious: there were roughly 218 applicants and 58 people selected for interviews. I know someone who wasn't selected for an interview during the FY22 process and they were notified during the 1st week of January. Mr. Ruiz said that this year, people who weren't selected would be notified when the official notice came out with all of the selects. That being said, if you are selected, you will be notified at the same time as your leadership. If anyone finds out that that they have been selected, would you mind letting us know? That way anyone who wasn't selected knows that the official notice is around the corner and we can all move on with our lives.
At the office hours last week, Mr. Ruiz said the Admission Board was not able to get through all of the applicant's packets and would reconvene this Tuesday (yesterday). He also provided some numbers in case anyone was curious: there were roughly 218 applicants and 58 people selected for interviews. I know someone who wasn't selected for an interview during the FY22 process and they were notified during the 1st week of January. Mr. Ruiz said that this year, people who weren't selected would be notified when the official notice came out with all of the selects. That being said, if you are selected, you will be notified at the same time as your leadership. If anyone finds out that that they have been selected, would you mind letting us know? That way anyone who wasn't selected knows that the official notice is around the corner and we can all move on with our lives.
You are a saint! Thank you. I haven’t been able to attend. Sounds like they may be announcing soon then!
At the office hours last week, Mr. Ruiz said the Admission Board was not able to get through all of the applicant's packets and would reconvene this Tuesday (yesterday). He also provided some numbers in case anyone was curious: there were roughly 218 applicants and 58 people selected for interviews. I know someone who wasn't selected for an interview during the FY22 process and they were notified during the 1st week of January. Mr. Ruiz said that this year, people who weren't selected would be notified when the official notice came out with all of the selects. That being said, if you are selected, you will be notified at the same time as your leadership. If anyone finds out that that they have been selected, would you mind letting us know? That way anyone who wasn't selected knows that the official notice is around the corner and we can all move on with our lives
Thank you for this update! I thought today was gonna be the day they announce but there is hope for this week if they convened yesterday.

So do you think that means they will tell our commanders first and then they will tell us or that we will get the notification simultaneously?
Mr. Ruiz said that the selectees, their Commanders, and the services would all be emailed together. That being said, this year is different than last and things seem to keep changing, even from what Mr. Ruiz knows.

It's worth nothing that when the Admission Board first met on 14 FEB, they made it through 27 applicant packets. That left 31 for last Tuesday, which they got through most of them. So, they only had a "few" to go through yesterday. This makes me think that there is no way the board didn't finish going through packets yesterday--barring anything unusual.

There appear to be 9 people in here who got interviews and I know of 1 more. Nobody has heard anything yet as far as I know. Hopefully at least one of us gets selected to pass info along.
Hey everyone! I honestly can’t believe this thread blew up so much. I’m glad it did though!

I was on here early on, and unfortunately I announced I was not able to apply due to not having my enlisted community manager signed off. For those that care, I’ve gone through an O7 for help and even he couldn’t help. It’s been a huge ordeal.

Mr. Ruiz has been amazing and they actually pushed me through interviews with the hopes of maybe someone somewhere able to pull on the right string. Guess I’ll find out next week with y’all!

If it’s similar to last year, emails for selection will come out to everyone within a 6-8 hour time frame. I’m going to ballpark it for Tuesday, as that’s how it went down the last 2 years.

If you’re not selected, the debrief you get with Mr. Ruiz will be INVALUABLE. So, even if you’re not selected, you will be given resources and guidance to push forward.

Something else that helped me from not being selected last year was defining a goal for the next cycle. For me, that was taking online classes with Sophialearning.com. My issue was my GPA, and for 200$ ($100/month$) I competed 33 credit hours in 2 months (undergrad geneds, just to show I can still learn since my degree is from 2014).
Idk what soon means but I guess by end of next week the list should be out. Maybe they’ll post to FB page?
Last year they email you directly. They won’t post anything until after NAVADMINS and all that are released in May time frame.
Well if they are calling, it’s 5pm eastern time. I’m guessing if we didn’t get a call by now, then that’s our answer.
I thought mr.ruiz said they were going to notify via email? So its a phone call now?
Hey everyone! I honestly can’t believe this thread blew up so much. I’m glad it did though!

I was on here early on, and unfortunately I announced I was not able to apply due to not having my enlisted community manager signed off. For those that care, I’ve gone through an O7 for help and even he couldn’t help. It’s been a huge ordeal.

Mr. Ruiz has been amazing and they actually pushed me through interviews with the hopes of maybe someone somewhere able to pull on the right string. Guess I’ll find out next week with y’all!

If it’s similar to last year, emails for selection will come out to everyone within a 6-8 hour time frame. I’m going to ballpark it for Tuesday, as that’s how it went down the last 2 years.

If you’re not selected, the debrief you get with Mr. Ruiz will be INVALUABLE. So, even if you’re not selected, you will be given resources and guidance to push forward.

Something else that helped me from not being selected last year was defining a goal for the next cycle. For me, that was taking online classes with Sophialearning.com. My issue was my GPA, and for 200$ ($100/month$) I competed 33 credit hours in 2 months (undergrad geneds, just to show I can still learn since my degree is from 2014).

You mentioned a debrief. Is this only for those that got interviews? I haven't heard anything at all since dropping my packet. Emails to Mr. Ruiz and the EMDP2 email have not been responded to. My medical director knows the Dean personally and was not able to get a response.
I think last year everyone was notified during the same day, right?
I sure hope not. I’m holding out hope that they are doing these things in batches. The only thing giving me hope is that I needed a medical waiver and they responded to my waiver submission today and had me fill out a form.

I can’t imagine they would do that and waste their time if I was flat out denied. I say this to provide hope that they aren’t done and there is still hope for those of us that have not heard back yet.
Congrats to those that were selected!! If you weren’t this cycle hopefully we can have a similar thread for the next round of you decide to reapply! It’s been great corresponding with everyone!

Got the rejection email this morning. So hopefully I can get some feedback and plan accordingly!

Best wishes y’all!!!
Congrats to those that were selected!! If you weren’t this cycle hopefully we can have a similar thread for the next round of you decide to reapply! It’s been great corresponding with everyone!

Got the rejection email this morning. So hopefully I can get some feedback and plan accordingly!

Best wishes y’all!!!
Weird… I have not gotten an email for anything yet. Was this sent to your CIV or mil email?
It appears to be a blind cc’d email so probably a mass notification. but it went to my Mil email only

I haven’t gotten anything… not a word since my application was submitted.
I got an email this morning saying I’ve been waitlisted. It only came through to my military email. Has anyone else heard if they’ve been waitlisted/deferred?