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Hello everyone,
This is my first SDN post and I am super excited! My MCAT is in a few days and I just wanted to get some other people's opinions on my stats and the list of schools I am intending to apply to:

GPA: 3.95 (One non A class in Calc II)

-->90 hours ER volunteering
--> 50 hours Red Cross
ps: I feel like I am lacking in volunteering hours (?)
--> 700 hours scribing
--> about 800 hours in Biology research (got award)+ national conference, got accepted into a summer research program, and started research at a top Medical school
--> founder and president of a research club
--> TA for a class
--> Leader of the Tutoring Team/ Department
--> Shadowed physicians abroad in a developing country

MCAT: wish me good luck!

Rec letters: 2 from science faculty (one is research advisor), 1 from psych professor, and 1 from a foreign doctor I shadowed and 1 from a Physician assistant

School list:
MD: (Michigan Resident)
University of Michigan
Michigan State University College of human medicine
Wayne state
Oakland Beaumont
Central Michigan University
Western Michigan university
Ohio state
Rosalind Franklin
Howard University
university of Mississippi
Texas A&M

DO: (if you know they require a DO letter please let me know!)
Lake Erie
Rocky Vista
Rowan University
University of New England

Any help is very much appreciated! I know this is very preliminary due to my not having an mCAT score yet, but any tips will help.

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It's very hard to say without the mcat i wouldn't bother with A&M though
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Hmmm I'm a little worried about the rec letter from a foreign physician. Not sure how that's gonna be viewed? Why not get one from your scribing experience instead?
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Hmmm I'm a little worried about the rec letter from a foreign physician. Not sure how that's gonna be viewed? Why not get one from your scribing experience instead?

It is because I will choose that shadowing experience as one of my most important; I was able to see several surgical operations, talk to patients, etc. Also, I thought the other rec letter from the physician assistant would then show shadowing/clinical experience abroad and in the US.
It is because I will choose that shadowing experience as one of my most important; I was able to see several surgical operations, talk to patients, etc. Also, I thought the other rec letter from the physician assistant would then show shadowing/clinical experience abroad and in the US.

Since you already have 2 science and one non science which is the standard it'll probably be fine to have those other two especially if it's one of your most meaningful experiences and they can write you a strong letter. From what I've heard as long as you show you have experience in the US health care system as well you should be fine.
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