FIU PT Majors + Pre-requirements

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Jun 20, 2017
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I'm applying to FIU because it's 12 minutes away from my place. I had a stressful time looking trough the majors, and trying to find something related to PT.

These are the recommended bachelors in their page: Psychology, Sport & Fitness Studies, Recreation & Sports Management, Biology. (They also recommend Exercise Science, and Athletic Training, but they don't offer them as majors)

I opted for Sports & Fitness Studies, because it doesn't require other chemistry classes, and it has Kinesiology and Sports injuries classes.

Now, I have completed 3 pre-requisites of the DPT Program. I still need to take: BSC1010/L, CHM 1045/L and CHM 1046/L, PHY 2048/L and PHY 2049/L, another PSY, and BSC 2086/L

And this is my question: Can I fit these pre-reqs in the Sports & Fitness Studies major as electives?
(Consideration: I've had little and poor advisement)

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