How will my GPA from a previous college affect my application?

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Mar 25, 2015
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I posted about this previously but have a few more specific questions.

I'm currently in a PharmD program, finished my premed minor, and currently have a cumulative GPA of 3.94. I had a hard time transitioning from high school to college and end up at a state college with no major for a total of three semesters before transferring. During that time I accumulated 31 credits and ended with a cumulative GPA of 3.47. I did the math and found that my overall GPA between the two institutions currently is 3.85. I'm struggling this semester compared to previous ones and expect to end in the 3.5 to 3.6 range this Spring with a total of 18 credits. However, I should be able to perform better for the next four semesters.

I recently received my transcript from the previous school and realized that some of the courses I took at the state college did not transfer to the PharmD program. For example, I took biology and chemistry at the state school, but retook them my first year in the PharmD program.

I was wondering exactly how grades are reported when applying for medical school and how this will affect my application. Do I need to submit transcripts from both schools? Will they average my GPA from both institutions or will they only count the higher grade for courses that I retook?

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All grades will be taken in to account, but 3 semesters of 3.47 is absolutely NOT any detriment to your application.
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I posted about this previously but have a few more specific questions.

I'm currently in a PharmD program, finished my premed minor, and currently have a cumulative GPA of 3.94. I had a hard time transitioning from high school to college and end up at a state college with no major for a total of three semesters before transferring. During that time I accumulated 31 credits and ended with a cumulative GPA of 3.47. I did the math and found that my overall GPA between the two institutions currently is 3.85. I'm struggling this semester compared to previous ones and expect to end in the 3.5 to 3.6 range this Spring with a total of 18 credits. However, I should be able to perform better for the next four semesters.

I recently received my transcript from the previous school and realized that some of the courses I took at the state college did not transfer to the PharmD program. For example, I took biology and chemistry at the state school, but retook them my first year in the PharmD program.

I was wondering exactly how grades are reported when applying for medical school and how this will affect my application. Do I need to submit transcripts from both schools? Will they average my GPA from both institutions or will they only count the higher grade for courses that I retook?

For MD and DO schools: You will have to submit transcripts from every institution you attended and all of the grades will be averaged even if you re-took them.

Edited: took out outdated information about DO grade replacement, which went away a couple of years ago.
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For MD: You will have to submit transcripts from every institution you attended and all of the grades will be averaged even if you re-took them.

For DO: You will have to submit transcripts from every institution you attended, and the courses that you retook will have grade replacement applied and only the higher grade will count towards your GPA.
Didn’t DO end grade replacement last cycle?
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For DO: You will have to submit transcripts from every institution you attended, and the courses that you retook will have grade replacement applied and only the higher grade will count towards your GPA.
I'm afraid DO grade replacement (as a generally applied calculation) was abolished a couple of years ago.