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7+ Year Member
Dec 11, 2015
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hi, i was wondering if any of the dental students at these schools can answer any of the following questions.. thanks
Schools : Roseman UT, UNE, MW Arizona, MW Illinois, MOSDOH, NYU
There are somethings that I like and dislike about each school but there are somethings I need to figure out before I can decide where to go

The questions I need answers for are:

1. how easy (and how much it cost) to find rental place off campus
2. how is the stress level, compared to your other dental friends who go to other schools
3. can you get a part time job while in school
4. when do you get to work in the clinic (D1, D2, D3and D4) and what would you be doing
5. who pays for teeth, extra teeth, loops, etc
6. when do ppl take NB and does the school prep you for it
7. whats the ratio of staff and faculty to students in lab, sim lab, and clinic
8. are lectures recorded
9. is there a free gym on campus
10. what do you like the most about the school and what is that you do not like
11. Do you have enough time to study during the week without falling behind
12. How often do you have exams, finals, quizzes etc
13. How many hours per day in lecture and lab

I've already seen the other posts at SDN but non of them answers my specific questions.

thanks, i am just trying to make my decision whether to go to this school or not..

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Most of these questions can be answered by a simple search on their school website. The only real answer you need is GO TO THE CHEAPEST SCHOOL!!!
Most of these questions can be answered by a simple search on their school website. The only real answer you need is GO TO THE CHEAPEST SCHOOL!!!
They are about the same when it comes to cost (83k vs 80k per year). And the reason I asked is because I did not find answers on their website
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i'd pick MWU AZ from that list. students there seem really happy, i know a couple people at the program and they don't have too many bad things to say (other than the cost). Phoenix is a booming realtor market so i'd be shocked if you couldn't find places to live.
i'd pick MWU AZ from that list. students there seem really happy, i know a couple people at the program and they don't have too many bad things to say (other than the cost). Phoenix is a booming realtor market so i'd be shocked if you couldn't find places to live.
I am in contact with a student at UNE who said its tough to find housing and what you do find is pricey.. beautiful place though
My friend loves it at MOSDOH, and she chose that school over a Texas one.
I'm a current D3 at MOSDOH and this has been my experience.

The questions I need answers for are:

1. how easy (and how much it cost) to find rental place off campus
- Your first 2 years are in Kirksville MO and the cost of living is low. Average is probably 400-500 a month for everything.
- Third and Fourth year you are in St. Louis where the cost of living is higher but you get more money from loans towards living costs and less for tuition.

2. how is the stress level, compared to your other dental friends who go to other schools
- Dental school is hard doesn't matter where you go.

3. can you get a part time job while in school
- I believe you can have a part time job but I wouldn't recommend it. Maybe during D3 when you could have a job on the weekends but dental school takes all your time.

4. when do you get to work in the clinic (D1, D2, D3and D4) and what would you be doing
-D1- you are in class from 8-5 monday through friday
-D2- you are in class and simulation clinic 8-5 M-F
-D3- you are in clinic in St. Louis seeing 2 patients per day. M-F
-D4- you are either in clinic or on external rotations seeing 4-8 patients per day.

5. who pays for teeth, extra teeth, loops, etc
- included in tuition.

6. when do ppl take NB and does the school prep you for it
- NB part 1- summer after your first year
-NB part 2- summer/fall after third year
-License- during spring of 4th year.

7. whats the ratio of staff and faculty to students in lab, sim lab, and clinic
- About 1 staff for 7 students sometimes more and sometimes less.

8. are lectures recorded

9. is there a free gym on campus
- in kirksville yes and st. louis no

10. what do you like the most about the school and what is that you do not like
- The experience level is like no other. We are D3's and we are treating graduate level prost and perio cases. We do it all and get to learn it all. With it being a new school there are always hardships. We just learn what works and what doesn't and then we make the appropriate changes. I wish we could do our external rotations in other states, which i know is their goal in the future.

11. Do you have enough time to study during the week without falling behind
- you will always feel behind welcome to dental school.

12. How often do you have exams, finals, quizzes etc
- Probably on average 2 exams per week and a final every week or two.

13. How many hours per day in lecture and lab
- M-F 8-5