I was more joking about the flipping burgers part.Flipping burgers wont make you 40K/year, more like 20K if you are lucky. If you were to get into management however, that could yield some good results. I have heard of McDonald managers making six figures at busy places.
And you need to save for retirement because you never know when you are going to need the money. What happens if you get in an accident and lose fine motor control of your hand and cant work? Goodness knows social security will be bankrupt in like the next 5 years, so we wont see any of that money. Its basically just an extra tax at this point.
And I'm not saying not to save for retirement, but the whole "what if you get in an accident" thing would be a worst case scenario and at that point life itself will be very different. For all you know you could get hit by a truck tomorrow and all that money you saved will go to waste because you aren't there to enjoy it.
All I'm saying is if you are a healthy young dentist you might as well spend your money and enjoy life responsibly, because you don't want to be 80 years old with millions in your bank account and having regrets about not enjoying life when you were young and free. I mean realistically what are you going to spend your money on at 80? Values change if you have kids, you might save money for them, but if you were to stay single then spend and enjoy man! You can only be young once!