Just Beginning Biological Sciences 08/2018

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Jun 18, 2018
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Hello everyone!

Amazing to see a place full of people like me. I have some questions that others who have possibly gone through this could help me with. UC v. CSU

I have just started at a CC in California. There is an ADT- Associate Degree for Transfer/ AS-T- Associate's in Science for Transfer. I am not sure if this is only valid and okay for a CSU! Most of what I have read and researched have mainly spoken about CSU's with sprinkles of UC's. Does anyone know if the requirements are the same for both?
CSU v. UC -- I did not do the best in high school; graduated with a 2.85 GPA (I know, I know), so i am fully aware and prepared to be denied from tons of colleges. But, I am going to a cc for two years to be eligible to transfer to either a UC or a CSU. How do I decide where to go?

Can I get opinions from people attending UC's and CSU's? HELP.


Veterinary schools in California? What are you guys attending or looking to attend?

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Hello everyone!

Amazing to see a place full of people like me. I have some questions that others who have possibly gone through this could help me with. UC v. CSU

I have just started at a CC in California. There is an ADT- Associate Degree for Transfer/ AS-T- Associate's in Science for Transfer. I am not sure if this is only valid and okay for a CSU! Most of what I have read and researched have mainly spoken about CSU's with sprinkles of UC's. Does anyone know if the requirements are the same for both?
CSU v. UC -- I did not do the best in high school; graduated with a 2.85 GPA (I know, I know), so i am fully aware and prepared to be denied from tons of colleges. But, I am going to a cc for two years to be eligible to transfer to either a UC or a CSU. How do I decide where to go?

Can I get opinions from people attending UC's and CSU's? HELP.


Veterinary schools in California? What are you guys attending or looking to attend?
If you’re already a resident of California you should probably finish your undergrad in California, as it will be much cheaper than going out of state. Same for vet school. CSU is one of the most expensive out of state vet schools, really not a smart choice if you think you’ll be more competitive somewhere else.
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If you’re already a resident of California you should probably finish your undergrad in California, as it will be much cheaper than going out of state. Same for vet school. CSU is one of the most expensive out of state vet schools, really not a smart choice if you think you’ll be more competitive somewhere else.
I think within the context of the OP that CSU = California State University schools?

I don't have any specific advice to give, though, since I'm not from California and it sounds like they have their own weird little community college transfer system over there that I'm not familiar with at all. That said, I do agree with supershorty that the cheapest option available (for both undergrad and vet school) is going to be the best one when a DVM is the ultimate goal.
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Hello everyone!

Amazing to see a place full of people like me. I have some questions that others who have possibly gone through this could help me with. UC v. CSU

I have just started at a CC in California. There is an ADT- Associate Degree for Transfer/ AS-T- Associate's in Science for Transfer. I am not sure if this is only valid and okay for a CSU! Most of what I have read and researched have mainly spoken about CSU's with sprinkles of UC's. Does anyone know if the requirements are the same for both?
CSU v. UC -- I did not do the best in high school; graduated with a 2.85 GPA (I know, I know), so i am fully aware and prepared to be denied from tons of colleges. But, I am going to a cc for two years to be eligible to transfer to either a UC or a CSU. How do I decide where to go?

Can I get opinions from people attending UC's and CSU's? HELP.


Veterinary schools in California? What are you guys attending or looking to attend?
I don't know that anyone outside of California is really going to care about UC vs CSU in terms of vet school admissions. I would check with your in-state vet schools to see if they weight the two differently. But honestly, there is so much more that goes into a successful application than the name of the school you went to - vet experience hours, your college GPA, your GRE score, your letters of recommendation. I would focus on getting good grades now, and going someplace affordable, and the name of the school would be last in my list of priorities.
I think within the context of the OP that CSU = California State University schools?

Ahhhh that would make sense. Haha I was very confused, like if you’re from California, isn’t the choice between California and Colorado OBVIOUS?

But in all seriousness, where you go to school almost never matters. Except for maybe a few select snobby east coast schools, even still I think that is changing.
Hello everyone!
I have just started at a CC in California. There is an ADT- Associate Degree for Transfer/ AS-T- Associate's in Science for Transfer. I am not sure if this is only valid and okay for a CSU! Most of what I have read and researched have mainly spoken about CSU's with sprinkles of UC's. Does anyone know if the requirements are the same for both?
CSU v. UC -- I did not do the best in high school; graduated with a 2.85 GPA (I know, I know), so i am fully aware and prepared to be denied from tons of colleges. But, I am going to a cc for two years to be eligible to transfer to either a UC or a CSU. How do I decide where to go?

Can I get opinions from people attending UC's and CSU's? HELP.


Veterinary schools in California? What are you guys attending or looking to attend?

The website below will tell how course credits earned at one public CA college can be applied when transferred to another:
Welcome to ASSIST

This link talks about the transfer to the UC system which isn't guaranteed.
Major preparation | UC Admissions

This link talks about the ADT program that DOES guarantee transfer to one of the CSU schools.
A Degree With A Guarantee > Home

Here is a link comparing UC vs CSU and the major differences:
CSU vs UC: Advantages the CSU system has

I went to a CSU for undergrad absolutely loved it. Honestly, if you want to pay more money then go to a UC. If you want to save money and have the same experience go to one of the CSU.

As for vet schools, I'll echo what everyone else has: GO TO THE CHEAPEST SCHOOL. Your Cali choices are Western (private and expensive, $52,860) and UC Davis (competitive and only $36,011 for IS).

PM me if you have any questions about the CSU system. :happy: