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Does anyone know how strict the attendance policy is? would they be accommodating if you were to miss class for interviews this cycle?
Attendance policy is strict, but they will for sure accommodate you for your interviews. Just make sure to tell them in advanced to get an excused absence.

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Hello!! Im interested in applying for the PCSP pathway at lecom seton hill and was wondering if anyone would be willing to answer a couple questions:

1. Are my stats good enough to get in?

GPA: 3.82 MCAT: taking this Saturday but my practice tests are around 506 and I have good ECs and a publication in the Yale Journal of Medicine.

2. What is PCSP curriculum like?

3. I barely go to class bc i like learning everything and studying by myself. Would my style of studying be suitable for PCSP?

4. What is your day to day like? Do you like the program?

5. Do you feel extremely rushed in terms of board preparation?

6. I really want to do all my rotations in Pittsburgh. Is this easily possible for me to do and make happen? Also do you have to move for your rotations?

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out! This is a great community and it has given me so much!
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Can someone point me to where the booklist is?

Go on the portal, click bookstore, then on the left side click "Erie Post-Baccalaureate Booklist."


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whats everyone's opinion on buying/renting?? Should I just buy and start the collection now or just wait until ms1 before I start buying books?
Good luck to everyone in this program this year. I gave up my seat back in July.
whats everyone's opinion on buying/renting?? Should I just buy and start the collection now or just wait until ms1 before I start buying books?

I would wait. I'm currently as MS2 who did the postbac and unless things have changed, you really don't need any first semester books other than maybe physiology and histology. Cell bio, biochem, and micro you definitely don't need the textbooks. The PPTs they provide are sufficient to get an A. (Unless things have changed, but I'm fairly certain they have not)
Hello!! Im interested in applying for the PCSP pathway at lecom seton hill and was wondering if anyone would be willing to answer a couple questions:

1. Are my stats good enough to get in?

GPA: 3.82 MCAT: taking this Saturday but my practice tests are around 506 and I have good ECs and a publication in the Yale Journal of Medicine.

2. What is PCSP curriculum like?

3. I barely go to class bc i like learning everything and studying by myself. Would my style of studying be suitable for PCSP?

4. What is your day to day like? Do you like the program?

5. Do you feel extremely rushed in terms of board preparation?

6. I really want to do all my rotations in Pittsburgh. Is this easily possible for me to do and make happen? Also do you have to move for your rotations?

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out! This is a great community and it has given me so much!

You have a solid GPA. I would say wait until you get your MCAT score and if you score a 508+ you should just apply to medical school. Focus on acing the MCAT.
Hey guys, I will be applying to this program next year. Those of you who are current students would you be able to tell me how the program currently is going for you and its difficulty. Which courses are you finding very difficult? Do you have time to yourself or are you studying 24/7? What GPA is required for the guaranteed interview? Roughly how many students out of the program will get a guaranteed interview/acceptance? Thank you in advance!
Hey guys, quick question.
Do you need an MCAT score to matriculate into the DO program after completing the post-bacc?
I haven't taken the MCAT yet (did sign up for May, though) and my AIS is 124 (3.11/740/800).
It does seem like I can get into the post-bacc program without an MCAT score, but I wasn't sure if it was possible to get into the DO program after without it.

Hey guys, quick question.
Do you need an MCAT score to matriculate into the DO program after completing the post-bacc?
I haven't taken the MCAT yet (did sign up for May, though) and my AIS is 124 (3.11/740/800).
It does seem like I can get into the post-bacc program without an MCAT score, but I wasn't sure if it was possible to get into the DO program after without it.


There is a new forum now for 2019-2020 under post-bacc:

2019-2020 LECOM-E Post Bacc (Masters program)

Hope this helps.

Also, regarding the MCAT, if you get accepted with your AIS, then no, you do not need to take the MCAT after completing the program if you matriculate into LECOM DO. If you go back and read this forums from beginning to end and last years, that will be repeated multiple times. Maybe also email Jamie Murphy if you want to double check the info...
Difficult program- it seems that LECOM May have a better linkage if you get the GPA and aren’t awkward at interview (that’s just based on my impression from reading about LECOM)- RFU looks to take around 60% of the BMS program.
Difficult program- it seems that LECOM May have a better linkage if you get the GPA and aren’t awkward at interview (that’s just based on my impression from reading about LECOM)- RFU looks to take around 60% of the BMS program.

If you don't mind sharing, what does your weekly schedule look like? What time are the classes? How much time in the day do you get to study? Do you recommend getting involving with anything on campus?