Low gpa, average dat

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Aug 17, 2016
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Hi everyone! This is my first time posting in the forum, but I really want some advice on my situation.

I am currently a senior at my college. My cGPA is 3.1 and my sGPA is probably somewhere between 2.9-3.0 (I haven't properly calculated yet). My DAT scores are 21AA (19 bio, 21 GC, 21, OC, 21 QR, 25 CR) and 21 PAT. I have leadership positions in a volunteering organization and another organization on campus.

Anyway, I know that my gpa is low and my dat isn't spectacular, so I'm now trying to figure out what to do in my gap year increase my chances of acceptance. Would you guys recommend a post bac? A masters program? Are there any programs you would recommend? Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you!

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Hi everyone! This is my first time posting in the forum, but I really want some advice on my situation.

I am currently a senior at my college. My cGPA is 3.1 and my sGPA is probably somewhere between 2.9-3.0 (I haven't properly calculated yet). My DAT scores are 21AA (19 bio, 21 GC, 21, OC, 21 QR, 25 CR) and 21 PAT. I have leadership positions in a volunteering organization and a peer education organization, and I'm a peer advisor for incoming freshmen (to teach them how to not end up like me lol).

Anyway, I know that my gpa is low and my dat isn't spectacular, so I'm now trying to figure out what to do in my gap year increase my chances of acceptance. Would you guys recommend a post bac? A masters program? Are there any programs you would recommend? Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you!
You are not in a very bad situation at all. Your DAT is fine .. it's a competitive number but mayy be a little short for your GPA. I think if you do a one year masters and apply to dental schools right after.. with a good/solid graduate GPA AND this DAT score (provided you have good EC's, LOR, personal statement) interviews will rush in. It's definitely possible to get into dental school for you, but take one year to build the GPA aspect with a one year masters. You're almost there! Good luck
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Your DAT is not average by any means. Your DAT is great! That's well above 90th percentile!!!
You and I are kind of similar in terms of stats and EC's. I took a gap year after college and did an unofficial post-bacc at a nearby university to raise my GPA to a better standing than what it was. I didn't take that many credits because of financial reasons and scheduling conflicts, but it was enough to make my GPA look acceptable. I was also studying for the DAT and working as a DA. I applied this cycle, so I'll let you know how it goes 😛 I've already had one interview. PM me if you have any further questions!
Hi everyone! This is my first time posting in the forum, but I really want some advice on my situation.

I am currently a senior at my college. My cGPA is 3.1 and my sGPA is probably somewhere between 2.9-3.0 (I haven't properly calculated yet). My DAT scores are 21AA (19 bio, 21 GC, 21, OC, 21 QR, 25 CR) and 21 PAT. I have leadership positions in a volunteering organization and another organization on campus.

Anyway, I know that my gpa is low and my dat isn't spectacular, so I'm now trying to figure out what to do in my gap year increase my chances of acceptance. Would you guys recommend a post bac? A masters program? Are there any programs you would recommend? Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you!
I think you should do a year of post-bacc taking upper-level science courses. As long as you can make A's, it will definitely improve your GPA. I know master's or SMP are your alternative options but according to what I've learned on this forum, it does not directly improve your undergrad GPA. Even if you get good grades while doing your master's, your low undergrad GPA will be still there where you left it. Adcoms will look at your undergrad and grad GPAs separately. I definitely recommend doing a year of post-bacc. and squeeze in as many course as you can handle. 30~35 more credit hours will definitely boost your GPA.
You and I are kind of similar in terms of stats and EC's. I took a gap year after college and did an unofficial post-bacc at a nearby university to raise my GPA to a better standing than what it was. I didn't take that many credits because of financial reasons and scheduling conflicts, but it was enough to make my GPA look acceptable. I was also studying for the DAT and working as a DA. I applied this cycle, so I'll let you know how it goes 😛 I've already had one interview. PM me if you have any further questions!
This is what you should do lol. Your DAT is fine just get the grades up!