Lucky 7777777 WW Game Thread-Non Champs April 2024

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Nov 9, 2010
Reaction score

Welcome, players!

Just another friendly neighborhood WW game. Thanks for signing up and providing me with some much needed joy.

I, kaydubs, am your mod. Direct questions to me if you choose.

The thread will open at momentarily. Please wait to post until day announcement post.

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Rules and Other Administrative Bureaucracy (from previous WW games)
as compiled by @supershorty

Most importantly: this is a game and is meant to be fun. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Players resorting to personal attacks will be removed from gameplay without warning. NO EXCEPTIONS, AND NO SUBS FOR MODKILLED PLAYERS.
Examples of behavior that I do not tolerate: name calling (e.g. “kd is being a b****”), calling other players’ play poor/bad/subpar, or personal attacks ("kd is an insufferable toddler"). Please note that calling someone a wolf or wolfy is not a personal attack.

2. Voting will close at approximately 10 PM Eastern (9 PM Central/7 PM Pacific) (if I’m asleep, presume game closes and writeup will come after). Night will close at 8 AM EDT or earlier if all submissions are received and I am fit to do so.

3. Do not discuss the game outside of the thread or your role PM. Do not open PMs with other players.

4. Dead players: please keep your on-thread posts to a minimum, and if you do post, please do so in ******stars******. Please do not react to strategy posts in the game once you are dead. Same goes for spectator and sub - please do not react to strategy posts at all.

6. Ties will be resolved as I see fit, as per usual.

7. Please do not quote, screenshot, or copy/paste from your mod PM. Please don’t fake quotes, screenshots, or copy/pastes from a mod PM either.

8. Editing posts is permitted, but do not delete them. Remember to unvote if you are changing your vote.

9. Votes must be formatted in bold or #########surrounded by octothorpes#########. Please make my life easier by not hiding your vote in a wall of text. Please use the terms “vote” or “yeet” when placing your vote. You can tag me if you are inclined.

10. Do not discuss or share night results before the night write-up is posted. Strategizing between vote closing and write up is permitted, including for the person voted out. Discussing night results prior to write-up posting is not recommended.

11. If you require a sub due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact me in your role PM, and do not discuss it on the thread.​
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Oho! Oho!

Is lucky 7 a sort of setup?

I have no idea but im feeling lucky
Zenge, howl for me
Mooooooooooo. Wait… Oink? Hang on, I’ve got an old tool for figuring this out. You pull a sting and BAM! Animal noises.

You know if you think about it it’s basically the same as a slot machine only animal noises are the money and you always win.
I pulled a UR card on the gacha game im playing !! Its a sign ! Ultra Lucky !!

Stagg is FROZEN and CRYING in wolfchat
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Rules and Other Administrative Bureaucracy (from previous WW games)

Most importantly: this is a game and is meant to be fun. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Players resorting to personal attacks will be removed from gameplay without warning. NO EXCEPTIONS, AND NO SUBS FOR MODKILLED PLAYERS.
Examples of behavior that I do not tolerate: name calling (e.g. “kd is being a b****”), calling other players’ play poor/bad/subpar, or personal attacks ("kd is an insufferable toddler"). Please note that calling someone a wolf or wolfy is not a personal attack.

2. Voting will close at approximately 10 PM Eastern (9 PM Central/7 PM Pacific) (if I’m asleep, presume game closes and writeup will come after). Night will close at 8 AM EDT or earlier if all submissions are received and I am fit to do so.

3. Do not discuss the game outside of the thread or your role PM. Do not open PMs with other players.

4. Dead players: please keep your on-thread posts to a minimum, and if you do post, please do so in ******stars******. Please do not react to strategy posts in the game once you are dead. Same goes for spectator and sub - please do not react to strategy posts at all.

6. Ties will be resolved as I see fit, as per usual.

7. Please do not quote, screenshot, or copy/paste from your mod PM. Please don’t fake quotes, screenshots, or copy/pastes from a mod PM either.

8. Editing posts is permitted, but do not delete them. Remember to unvote if you are changing your vote.

9. Votes must be formatted in bold or #########surrounded by octothorpes#########. Please make my life easier by not hiding your vote in a wall of text. Please use the terms “vote” or “yeet” when placing your vote. You can tag me if you are inclined.

10. Do not discuss or share night results before the night write-up is posted. Strategizing between vote closing and write up is permitted, including for the person voted out. Discussing night results prior to write-up posting is not recommended.

11. If you require a sub due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact me in your role PM, and do not discuss it on the thread.​

wow everyone's plagiarizing my rules these days, first it was Zenge, now you...
("kd is an insufferable toddler")
at least kd remembered to change this to her own name, unlike Zenge leaving it so it still said "shorty is an insufferable toddler"

because speaking the truth is illegal
Blocc never rescinding

Zenge the cow






"But you didnt ask me anything santy! Skill Issue skill issue! "

I know but rn I have my ego on the clouds and we havent played in so long that I want to think that Villa!Dubz would be excited to play with me again 🙁
I feel confident in my luck so I wont move my vote yet. But tempted to vote Dubz.

Going to stop spamming bbl
wow everyone's plagiarizing my rules these days, first it was Zenge, now you...
Didn’t you spec the last game?
I just keep using these rules in every game, even if you aren’t comodding with me!

If you want, I’ll add: written by shorty
"But you didnt ask me anything santy! Skill Issue skill issue! "

I know but rn I have my ego on the clouds and we havent played in so long that I want to think that Villa!Dubz would be excited to play with me again 🙁
*pat pat*
I ignored basically everyone except my nemeses. Take it as a good sign?
I wonder if AM is yeeting you in tot chat yet.

I didn't read basically any of last game but I'm told you were very villagey.
yeah it was a late april fools joke
I wonder if AM is yeeting you in tot chat yet.

I didn't read basically any of last game but I'm told you were very villagey.
I can confirm that and I expect nothing less from mkg now
Also I'll be assuming we are playing 5v2 and if not Skill Issue and move on
I can confirm that and I expect nothing less from mkg now
well as someone who DID see me villagey out the wazoo last game why tf am i so low in your flimsy D1 reads huh? rood
heya zenge whats cookin in that head of yours
heya zenge whats cookin in that head of yours
you dropped this at the end of “cookin”

And also between the “t” and “s” in “whats”.

And the “r” and “s” in “yours”.

Why do you hate apostrophes?