Melee WW Game Thread-April 2024

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I would've been so annoyed to be called such a busser though because I went pretty hard on both... Because I was Villa. What happened next was just a skill issue moment on my part.

I conceded and lost... But also I killed all the wolves, its something !!!,
Bro my soul is beyond moved.

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Was this Santy softing he had been converted lmao
Nah, I was thinking in softing maybe initiate a 3p hunt saying that serial killer was doing the killings and not mafia [killed clem and later samac (expecting mafia to kill me) or something along the lines. ]

Because if I kept playing somehow I would need to explain why mafia wasnt killing the PR that outed them
Was this Santy softing he had been converted lm

I assumed conversion was the cursed thing he was referencing. Tbh if I got to final 3 I might have gone for Santy just for shiggles because this is exactly how wolves should have won Noobs in space. Except we (wolves) converted the innocent child after they'd been mod confirmed village. Never rule anything out....
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thanks for the game kd!! 🥰

Santy great job at catching Dyachei so early on, conversions absolutely suck when you’ve been working so hard for village so I get why you made that choice. Also that saved me from a thorough catch up tonight so I’m especially greatful lmao. Weekdays are just not my friend for ww, but glad I dipped my toes back in anyways.
I also thought Santy softed that he was the top ranked fighter and wanted to beat him last night. Now I need another melee game to throw down with PSV for that top rank :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch:
Thank you all for playing and bringing me joy (particularly today when I was feeling anything but joy). I was thrilled to have more than 2 people sign up. Now, maybe some day, I’ll run a game that lasts past night 3. Big goals, I know.

Until next time :biglove:
Games that last past night 3 are overrated
I really was mid MKG ISO when Santy did his reveal for the record, and deleting it, reacting, and then redoing it from scratch really was what I was faced with so I decided to just finish it.

That wasn’t a lie or some kind of planned out ploy we discussed in wolf chat or anything