MD/PhD WAMC + School List Advice

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Mar 21, 2019
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I have seen people with your qualifications thrive but some do struggle. Your list is good and you are competitive... Unfortunately, as you can tell from the forum, the process is quite stressful. Given your top heavy application list, I suggest targeting 20 programs. If you get more than 12 interviews, you can then start triaging interviews. USC only has 3 slots, other than that, every program on your list has more than 7 slots.
I have seen people with your qualifications thrive but some do struggle. Your list is good and you are competitive... Unfortunately, as you can tell from the forum, the process is quite stressful. Given your top heavy application list, I suggest targeting 20 programs. If you get more than 12 interviews, you can then start triaging interviews. USC only has 3 slots, other than that, every program on your list has more than 7 slots.
Thanks for your advice. Would adding Baylor + Vanderbilt to the above be reasonable?

Also, any advice re: my partial high school research? It was personally significant and also my only publication, so I am curious how to address it in my activities + research essay