Other OT-Related Information Med School BF looking for Christmas Gift for OT GF

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Dec 13, 2016
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My girlfriend has completed fieldwork and will start her career soon as an occupational therapist. For us, when going on rotations or starting residency, there are certain things (equipment, pocket guides, etc) that other recommend getting when you start. Are there some things that an Occupational Therapist just starting out should have/would be helpful/you wish you had? Just looking for Christmas gifts. I appreciate any suggestions! Thanks!

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Nice hand cream (Kiehl's) ? OT's wash their hands a lot and dry out after touching working with clients. A massage certificate perhaps to relax? A solid work bag would also be nice, she'll have to carry lots of stuff. The "Go Getter Bag, Lululemon" is the one on my wish list. It's big enough to carry manipulatives and lunch.

Happy Holidays.