Midwestern CPG, AZ c/o 2014

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Good luck Jagpharm and Lauradiddle, and anyone else I missed who has there interview this week !!

Thanks so much ! Will keep you posted!:xf:

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Great school, wonderful faculty. c/o class of 2009.

Tuition is a little too high though.
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Great school, wonderful faculty. c/o class of 2009.

Tuition is a little too high though.

Well tuition is pretty pricey but I thought it was cheaper than a lot of the private schools in California. :)
I'll be there the 18th! :)

me too! :D haha i've been waiting for awhile, i got the invitation on oct 8th. so happy to finally getting closer. :xf:

Haha I'm excited too. I guess I will see you two during the interview. I heard that Thursday interviews had less people than Friday interviews ( my said when she interviewed it was like thurs: 13 people and fri: 30 people).
Hey Amanda, did you by any chance found out if we still have to submit our final transcripts to PharmCAS or if we could just mail them directly to Midwestern yet?
The school wants the final transcripts from every college institution u have ever attended to be sent to Midwestern directly. I believe they stated this at the interview welcome speech.
The school wants the final transcripts from every college institution u have ever attended to be sent to Midwestern directly. I believe they stated this at the interview welcome speech.

Yeah that's not what she asked. We're wondering if we will still need to update Pharmcas during the academic update window in ADDITION to sending to Midwestern.
Yeah that's not what she asked. We're wondering if we will still need to update Pharmcas during the academic update window in ADDITION to sending to Midwestern.

LOL thanks Amanda. I was just wondering. :rolleyes:
My understanding is that once you e-submit your PharmCAS, they will not accept any changes or "updates" to your application. Think about how long it took them to verify all your grades the first time. I'm 99.9% sure that once you are accepted, you are to send all information to Midwestern directly with no need to contact PharmCAS any further, which I believe is what pharmddreams was saying. Plus it says nothing about sending transcripts to PharmCAS anywhere in the matriculation agreement, only that they must be submitted to the Office of Admissions. Hope that helps somewhat, but you can still call if you want to be 100% sure instead of 99.9% sure. ;)
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My understanding is that once you e-submit your PharmCAS, they will not accept any changes or "updates" to your application. Think about how long it took them to verify all your grades the first time. I'm 99.9% sure that once you are accepted, you are to send all information to Midwestern directly with no need to contact PharmCAS any further, which I believe is what pharmddreams was saying. Plus it says nothing about sending transcripts to PharmCAS anywhere in the matriculation agreement, only that they must be submitted to the Office of Admissions. Hope that helps somewhat, but you can still call if you want to be 100% sure instead of 99.9% sure. ;)

PharmCAS opens up applications after fall semester specifically for the purpose of applicants updating their grades and their "planned" coursework (if the have any) for spring. It is called the "Academic Update Window", and the dates for this window are given on the website. If they didn't have this window, it would be obvious that we didn't need to send anything further to them.

Nina and Kevin, I called...the lady in admissions said we don't need to send anything further to PharmCAS as long as we send our fall transcripts to Midwestern instead :)
PharmCAS opens up applications after fall semester specifically for the purpose of applicants updating their grades and their "planned" coursework (if the have any) for spring. It is called the "Academic Update Window", and the dates for this window are given on the website. If they didn't have this window, it would be obvious that we didn't need to send anything further to them.

Nina and Kevin, I called...the lady in admissions said we don't need to send anything further to PharmCAS as long as we send our fall transcripts to Midwestern instead :)

Wow, I didn't even know that you could update your coursework like that, Amanda. Shows how much I know, LOL! Thanks for calling--I guess we can kiss the wonderfully frustrating, rip-off institution that is PharmCAS goodbye, as much as it saddens me! :p
Wow, I didn't even know that you could update your coursework like that, Amanda. Shows how much I know, LOL! Thanks for calling--I guess we can kiss the wonderfully frustrating, rip-off institution that is PharmCAS goodbye, as much as it saddens me! :p

LOL...it saddens me too...NNNNNOT! HA...yeah rip-off for sure...I mean the only thing it was good for was being a central place that we could send all our transcripts which was kinda nice for me, seeing as how I had trancripts from 9 different flippin' schools! However, I would have glady gone through the pain of sending all those transcripts to each school and saved the $350 I gave to PharmCAS!
Oh well...I shall not complain about anything regarding the pharmacy school admissions process anymore - I got in to my top choice, and I start in June...and am ABSOLUTELY THRILLED ABOUT IT!!! :love: :) :love::soexcited::banana::biglove:

I just used more smiley icons than ever before. Awesome!
PharmCAS opens up applications after fall semester specifically for the purpose of applicants updating their grades and their "planned" coursework (if the have any) for spring. It is called the "Academic Update Window", and the dates for this window are given on the website. If they didn't have this window, it would be obvious that we didn't need to send anything further to them.

Nina and Kevin, I called...the lady in admissions said we don't need to send anything further to PharmCAS as long as we send our fall transcripts to Midwestern instead :)

Thanks for checking Amanda! I haven't been on here for a while! It's been so refreshing to attach names and faces through the facebook group.

Jaysid! CONGRATULATIONS! I told you that you had nothing to worry about.

Congratulations to all those that just got accepted. I am genuinely excited for everyone. Put down those deposits and join us on Facebook! Or else.
Thanks Mandy and Kevin... I will be joining you guys next June most likely :D
Thanks for checking Amanda! I haven't been on here for a while! It's been so refreshing to attach names and faces through the facebook group.

Jaysid! CONGRATULATIONS! I told you that you had nothing to worry about.

Congratulations to all those that just got accepted. I am genuinely excited for everyone. Put down those deposits and join us on Facebook! Or else.

I know, I love it!

So far, I know the following users were accepted but not sure if attending:


Yes, I really just took the time to look at the past 6 pages to find everyone!
If any of you guys/gals are attending, join us on the book!!!

Edit: I just saw your post JaySid - so you're a "maybe" :) I had you confused with Jenny before (sorry, knowing people only by usernames is hard!) It is you that is still waiting on UoP, right?
Congratz JaySid! Hope to see you in June! Make an account and post on here all you lurkers. =)
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Thanks pharmddreams and yeah Mandy I'm waiting on UoP, that's my top school then MWU. I got into my number 2 so I'm happy haha. It's looking more and more likely that I'm coming to Glendale though :D
Thanks pharmddreams and yeah Mandy I'm waiting on UoP, that's my top school then MWU. I got into my number 2 so I'm happy haha. It's looking more and more likely that I'm coming to Glendale though :D

Well as happy as we would all be to have you, don't give up hope on your top choice school! At least you know MWU will be waiting for you should you decide to come...as long as you pay your deposit in 3 weeks....lol.
I paid my deposit so I'll be attending in june unless some unforeseeable event or disaster prevents me from doing so .

Unlike you other cool kids, I don't have a facebook so I can't join your facebook group, but I can be with you guys in spirit :):thumbup:
Thanks pharmddreams and yeah Mandy I'm waiting on UoP, that's my top school then MWU. I got into my number 2 so I'm happy haha. It's looking more and more likely that I'm coming to Glendale though :D

Hope something terrible happens at UoP so you will come to MWU. jk. half kidding.

I paid my deposit so I'll be attending in june unless some unforeseeable event or disaster prevents me from doing so .

Unlike you other cool kids, I don't have a facebook so I can't join your facebook group, but I can be with you guys in spirit :):thumbup:

I'll make a profile for you hahaha
I know, I love it!

So far, I know the following users were accepted but not sure if attending:


Yes, I really just took the time to look at the past 6 pages to find everyone!
If any of you guys/gals are attending, join us on the book!!!

Edit: I just saw your post JaySid - so you're a "maybe" :) I had you confused with Jenny before (sorry, knowing people only by usernames is hard!) It is you that is still waiting on UoP, right?

Thanks for gathering that info Amanda; I just pmed everyone on that list congratulating them and asking if they would be joining. I'm tired :sleep:+ :laugh:
Thanks for gathering that info Amanda; I just pmed everyone on that list congratulating them and asking if they would be joining. I'm tired :sleep:+ :laugh:

Ha! Were like half way stalking... But I'm totally cool with that!!

Pharmddreams - awesome!
Neko - you should probably jump on the bandwagon and make an account. It's basically a must :D. Plus, you get to see all our bright and smiley faces...the real ones, not just icons! Woohoo!
Haha I'm excited too. I guess I will see you two during the interview. I heard that Thursday interviews had less people than Friday interviews ( my said when she interviewed it was like thurs: 13 people and fri: 30 people).

I have an interview that day as well!! Hope to see you guys!:)
Hope something terrible happens at UoP so you will come to MWU. jk. half kidding.

I'll make a profile for you hahaha

Haha... If I hear from them, it won't be anytime soon, I've been put on hold.
PharmCAS opens up applications after fall semester specifically for the purpose of applicants updating their grades and their "planned" coursework (if the have any) for spring. It is called the "Academic Update Window", and the dates for this window are given on the website. If they didn't have this window, it would be obvious that we didn't need to send anything further to them.

Nina and Kevin, I called...the lady in admissions said we don't need to send anything further to PharmCAS as long as we send our fall transcripts to Midwestern instead :)

Awesome, thanks Amanda!! And I definitely think all the money to PharmCAS was SO worth getting into my top choice. :D
Oh I'm sorry Jay...I've heard holds won't hear back till like March... Brutal :(
Plus side, you have us!

Yeah I'm going to be re-reviewed in January/February and then a decision will be made for an interview or not. So I'm pretty sure I'm coming to Glendale :D
Yeah I'm going to be re-reviewed in January/February and then a decision will be made for an interview or not. So I'm pretty sure I'm coming to Glendale :D

Nah, holds still have a good shot. The waiting will suck, but you still have a good shot...plus, you're gettin your damn Masters there - how could they tell you no?!?
Nah, holds still have a good shot. The waiting will suck, but you still have a good shot...plus, you're gettin your damn Masters there - how could they tell you no?!?

That's another thing... because Midwestern starts in June, I may not finish my Masters because most people defend during the summer and it looks like I'm going to be one of those people, hopefully that doesn't have any bearing on MWU for me :confused:
That's another thing... because Midwestern starts in June, I may not finish my Masters because most people defend during the summer and it looks like I'm going to be one of those people, hopefully that doesn't have any bearing on MWU for me :confused:

What do you mean "defend during the summer"? LOL...is that some kind of Masters degree lingo that I am not familiar with?

I highly doubt that will have any bearing on MWU. I got in without even finishing my Bachelors.
I know you want to be able to finish your Masters and stay local - I would be wanting the same exact thing if I was in your shoes (obviously I did want the same thing, since I chose to stay local and declined my interview at UoP which is a fabulous school!)
Keep your mind open, and in the mean time, you can hang out with our MWU family!
I'm getting my Masters in Biology, specifically Anatomy/Physiology of the larynx in frogs.

Amanda by defend, I mean write up a thesis and then present it to the bio department and have them approve or deny it based on my defense. Hopefully it won't matter for MWU because I don't think I will be able to finish by June. I had a timeline of late July/early August to defend.

And yeah I really loved MWU and the campus, so I'm glad to be going there. :D
We totally doubled our members on facebook :cool:
I'm getting my Masters in Biology, specifically Anatomy/Physiology of the larynx in frogs.

Amanda by defend, I mean write up a thesis and then present it to the bio department and have them approve or deny it based on my defense. Hopefully it won't matter for MWU because I don't think I will be able to finish by June. I had a timeline of late July/early August to defend.

And yeah I really loved MWU and the campus, so I'm glad to be going there. :D

HAHA got it! Thanks for clarifying! I knew it was some Masters lingo :)
So how did the interviews go for our candidates this week ?
\I know JagPharm said her experience was pretty positive.
Lauradiddle ? Anyone else ?

/ I hate having to go to the second page to find our thread :p
So how did the interviews go for our candidates this week ?
\I know JagPharm said her experience was pretty positive.
Lauradiddle ? Anyone else ?

/ I hate having to go to the second page to find our thread :p

LOL ya, we've been silent for the last couple days. I guess people didn't have much to report about their interviews last week. I know next week's interviewee's will be much more vocal though!!
Hopefully some more decisions will be made next week!
Good Luck!!!
So how did the interviews go for our candidates this week ?
\I know JagPharm said her experience was pretty positive.
Lauradiddle ?

Sorry, I've been a little busy since I got back.

I thought that the interview went well. They didn't throw any weird curveball questions at our group. To prepare I looked over the questions they had on the interview feedback section of SDN, and that helped tremendously.

I'd never been to the Phoenix area before (aside from a layover at the airport a few years ago), but I fell in love with it. It's so pretty! I wish I had more time to spend exploring it a little more. The school is really nice as well. Honestly, I think I could be really happy going there, and I love that it's a three year program. I just wish it weren't so expensive. I'm glad I flew out and did it though. Even if I don't get in, it was still a good experience.
Sorry, I've been a little busy since I got back.

I thought that the interview went well. They didn't throw any weird curveball questions at our group. To prepare I looked over the questions they had on the interview feedback section of SDN, and that helped tremendously.

I'd never been to the Phoenix area before (aside from a layover at the airport a few years ago), but I fell in love with it. It's so pretty! I wish I had more time to spend exploring it a little more. The school is really nice as well. Honestly, I think I could be really happy going there, and I love that it's a three year program. I just wish it weren't so expensive. I'm glad I flew out and did it though. Even if I don't get in, it was still a good experience.
Sorry, didn't mean to nag :)
Glad to hear of your appreciation for our beautiful state. A lot of folks don't "get" it. I bet you came in and out and didn't even have time to see the really beautiful places. Good luck !