Moving across country for residency--good idea?

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Jan 25, 2013
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I'm looking into family medicine residency programs currently and am considering going out of state. I'm tired of being in the same area in which I was raised and went to both undergrad and med school. However, there's a few factors I'm considering and want people's input. First, if I do in fact go with family medicine (issue for another post), I'd like to learn to perform as many procedures as possible, so I'm looking for programs with that quality. I'd love to move to the west coast or even somewhere like Alaska or Hawaii. However, I have a very serious boyfriend who says he'll move with me. I'm concerned about his ability to find a job (he's in education technology right now but would like a change). Also, we would probably move in together for the first time when moving across the country. This would be a big change. Additionally, neither of us would have friends in the new location, but at least I'd meet people through residency. He would have to both find a new job and new friends. Is moving across the country for residency a potentially good idea or is it a recipe for disaster?! Is not having a large support system in residency a terrible idea? What are other people's experiences with this? Help!

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Irony that your name is surgeryislife!

I've bounced around the country since 17. It's never been a problem. Family medicine residency should not be so time intensive that you'll need constant family support. People with kids often find that it's nice to have family support nearby, but that's cuz there are little lives constantly depending on them.

As for moving in together... it's a whole different ball game that's highly dependent on your personalities. I've lived with girlfriends in medical school and during residency. No big deal -- I find myself working so much that conflict is rare. I've found that someone who is somewhat clean, respectful, independent, and spontaneous makes living together for the first time so much more fun.
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Go to the program that suits you best. I have moved all around for med school / residency / fellowship / job. It all works out well and makes for good experiences.

How serious is the boyfriend? Engagement material? The only potential complication I see is if he does move across the country with you and then you break up.
I moved because that's where I matched.
As far as Hawaii or Alaska, remember that those residents still make the same crappy salary, AND have to pay for the increased COL in those areas, same with NYC or NJ. Also, as an aside, I've heard bad things from people at the residencies for FM in both Hawaii and Alaska, but it really needs to be a personal fit. Anyway, remember that you should look at your COL as well as your salary to see if those places are feasible for you to pay the bills prior to you SO getting a job to help contribute.
I have not had any significant problems living in a totally different place. I can't say I have a lot of friends outside of work, but I am definitely close with my coresidents. If you want to move to another place, start looking for new places and applying at those residencies.

Personally, I would avoid HI, AK, and Tucson, AZ. Places I liked when I interviewed were in CO, MN, WY, NM.