MPH Fall 2017: Applied, Accepted, Waitlisted, Rejected!

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My understanding:
I think everybody has that. It says: "This is a proof of your application and is for your records only. Do not send this proof by mail as your application." which seems to imply that it is an overview of your app/acceptance. If you have a decision letter and no scholarship letter, you can just access the acceptance by clicking on "View Update". When there was more than one update, i.e. two different letters, people got links like "Decision Letter"......... although I may be wrong. I don't know for sure that rejections also show up "View Update". :confused:
I am conflicted between BU and Columbia too. Would be nice if you could share your inputs!

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Just wondering, has anyone heard anything from Harvard Global Health MPH this week other than "yeah, sometime in the next 2-3 weeks"?
They are supposed to call me later soo I can give another update. Sorry this wouldn't specifically be GH
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My colleague forwarded a message from you regarding the status of your application. I looked into it and your application is still in process by Admissions; they will be releasing decisions through mid-March so you can expect a response within the next week or two. The general process has been a weekly release of admits/rejects on Thursday or Friday.

Additional email,

HSB in addition to other MPH decisions have been going out weekly over the past month and there are still applications left to process (we received over 1,000
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Just tried to attend Columbia's admitted students and alumni mixer in Philadelphia. Showed up to the venue (a local bar), staff were like "we have no idea what you're talking about." I show them my confirmation email from the university, they're like nope nothing like that happening here. The hostess was like "that's bull****." So I guess no mixer for me...or anyone? :eyebrow:

Columbia responded to say they cancelled the event (no explanation as to why they did not notify people that it had been cancelled) and to graciously suggest I attend the Washington, D.C. event on 3/15 instead. Ok, let me just hop on a train to D.C. to go to a 2 hour mixer. :shifty:
Hey do u know when Drexel notifies about financial aid? I got my acceptance email a few hours ago on Discover Drexel but there was not any update on the financial aid status.
For BU is there any way to see your scholarship offer online? I have been waiting for my letter in the mail and it's driving me nuts.
For BU is there any way to see your scholarship offer online? I have been waiting for my letter in the mail and it's driving me nuts.

Not that I know of I had to wait for my letter in the mail.

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Just wrapped up the JHU admitted students day. WOW. I'm sold, plus it makes financial sense in my situation. Such a wave of relief to be decided :)
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Just wrapped up the JHU admitted students day. WOW. I'm sold, plus it makes financial sense in my situation. Such a wave of relief to be decided :)

What are some of your thoughts about JHU after attending admitted students days?
Any other trans folks out there dealing with weird **** in trying to get federal aid? I was contacted a few weeks ago about how I'm over 26 and never registered with the Selective Service so they can't give me money until I provide proof that I wasn't required to register. The government is being slow in sending me the necessary letter and it's driving me nuts :dead: I just want my financial aid packages!

Whoaaa, what BS. I (luckily, I guess, in just this specific case) was born in a state that doesn't allow birth certificate gender changes, so as far as the feds are concerned I'm not trans. This'll be complicated eventually, but at least FAFSA isn't a problem.
Visiting Drexel tomorrow! If there's anything people want to know or want me to ask, lmk! The fellowship recipients have a meeting with the Dean in addition to the regular events so I expect I'll be able to get a lot of questions in.
Hey! I wanted to know if you received your financial aid award in the mail or on the Discover Drexel?
Hey! I wanted to know if you received your financial aid award in the mail or on the Discover Drexel?
I received my scholarship notice in the mail (Dornsife Fellowship) the day after I got my acceptance letter. This was in late January. Last week, they put it on my online portal along with loans to cover what the scholarship doesn't.

[ETA:] Also, just got done with admitted students' day! It was great. I'm gonna make a separate thread with my notes on the train ride home.
I received my scholarship notice in the mail (Dornsife Fellowship) the day after I got my acceptance letter. This was in late January. Last week, they put it on my online portal along with loans to cover what the scholarship doesn't.

[ETA:] Also, just got done with admitted students' day! It was great. I'm gonna make a separate thread with my notes on the train ride home.
Thanks. I just got my acceptance notification in Discover Drexel and there was nothing about financial aid which scared me. Thanks for sharing! :)
Whoaaa, what BS. I (luckily, I guess, in just this specific case) was born in a state that doesn't allow birth certificate gender changes, so as far as the feds are concerned I'm not trans. This'll be complicated eventually, but at least FAFSA isn't a problem.

My birth certificate isn't yet changed (that's another issue entirely :rolleyes:) -- it's just Social Security that seems to be the issue. I mentioned that I was trans to the person who was in touch with me about it and the indicated they could tell through my FAFSA :thinking: They said it's usually a very quick turnaround so I'm hoping it will be cleared up soon. I could certainly do without the additional stress!
Undergrad School: UCSD
Undergrad GPA/Major GPA: 3.32
Major/Minor: Cell Biology (Minor: Global Health)
GRE (including date taken) or Other Test (if applicable): 164 V 163 Q 4.0 W
Experience/Research (please, be brief): 2 Lab's, 1 Med assistant
Special factors:

Interested in: University of Minnesota, Tulane, Emory, Rutgers and possibly others
Applied: UCD
Accepted: UCD
Rejected: n/a yet
Waitlisted: n/a yet

Hey guys, I got accepted to the UCD MPH program. But I'm not completely sure if I want to go to UCD so I'm thinking of applying to some other schools that may be worth it over Davis.

I know it's quite late right now, but can someone help me check my interested schools and see if they're worth applying or let me of any other schools still open to application?
I would love to hear what current students have to say about their experience at the department. Additionally, the fellowship gives you paid 15 hour/week RA, so it would be great to know if they would allow us to work more, the normal 20 hr/week, if the supervisor is okay with it too? Will be looking fwd to what you have to say, since Drexel is looking more and more realistic choice for me!
Hey-- see the thread I created for a ton of notes including what students have to say. As for the question about hours, yes, we can work more hours if our mentor agrees, but we will not get a larger stipend. Idk if getting more research experience or more money is of greater concern to you, but if it's the money it seemed like every student I talked to had at least 1 20-25 hour/week paid job that was either in the school or a public health related position in the area. There were also people who were TAing intro and undergrad classes in addition to their RA gigs, and people who were working at like the gym or library or a coffee shop a few hours a week. I also met someone who was working full time in consulting and TAing, but I didn't get the impression that her schedule was very manageable or normal. It seems like the time devoted to siting in class is pretty low, so as long as you're good at time management, doubling up on part time jobs of any kind is doable.
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Undergrad School: UCSD
Undergrad GPA/Major GPA: 3.32
Major/Minor: Cell Biology (Minor: Global Health)
GRE (including date taken) or Other Test (if applicable): 164 V 163 Q 4.0 W
Experience/Research (please, be brief): 2 Lab's, 1 Med assistant
Special factors:

Interested in: University of Minnesota, Tulane, Emory, Rutgers and possibly others
Applied: UCD
Accepted: UCD
Rejected: n/a yet
Waitlisted: n/a yet

Hey guys, I got accepted to the UCD MPH program. But I'm not completely sure if I want to go to UCD so I'm thinking of applying to some other schools that may be worth it over Davis.

I know it's quite late right now, but can someone help me check my interested schools and see if they're worth applying or let me of any other schools still open to application?

I applied to Rutgers back in Nov/Dec . Their priority deadline was Feb 15th my app was sent to my selected department yesterday. Still plenty of time for Rutgers. I am from Jersey and my hometown is the same town the SPH is in. If you have questions about the area message me if you apply.
Undergrad School: UCSD
Undergrad GPA/Major GPA: 3.32
Major/Minor: Cell Biology (Minor: Global Health)
GRE (including date taken) or Other Test (if applicable): 164 V 163 Q 4.0 W
Experience/Research (please, be brief): 2 Lab's, 1 Med assistant
Special factors:

Interested in: University of Minnesota, Tulane, Emory, Rutgers and possibly others
Applied: UCD
Accepted: UCD
Rejected: n/a yet
Waitlisted: n/a yet

Hey guys, I got accepted to the UCD MPH program. But I'm not completely sure if I want to go to UCD so I'm thinking of applying to some other schools that may be worth it over Davis.

I know it's quite late right now, but can someone help me check my interested schools and see if they're worth applying or let me of any other schools still open to application?

The easiest way might be to go into SOPHAS and use their search function. Plug in the school name and you'll see what programs are still open for applications.
For Columbia, my merit scholarship info was in a separate scholarship letter, not the acceptance letter - so maybe check the portal again for another letter? I actually missed seeing mine the first two times I logged in!

Ohhhh, this is good news!! Thank you!!
I got into 2 schools and both without financial aid. How do I ask them about financial aid? :(
Hey do u know when Drexel notifies about financial aid? I got my acceptance email a few hours ago on Discover Drexel but there was not any update on the financial aid status.
Same. :( Only that I got accepted in Feb. But still no update on financial aid.
For those asking about the JHU admit day, look in the JHU 2017 specific thread. Someone posted pages of notes in a Google doc.
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ok that's reassuring! I just didnt want them to rescind my acceptance like last month, seeing as most people had a 'decision letter'.

have any of you received finaid packages from columbia, btw?
I'm still waiting on my package!! I'm freaking out a little,I really hope they offer something good.
I will be attending UCI Open House! I am also surprised by its length.

This is beyond ridiculous. A lot of students base their decisions on financial aid packages :/ I am also accepted to Cal and will be attending their Open House. I will also ask in person about the lack of financial aid packages after acceptance...

On the other hand, anyone attending the UCI Open House this Friday? I'm surprised that it's only 2 hours long as compared to Cal's which is the entire day...

I was unable to attend the UCI open house yesterday and was wondering what you both, or anyone else who was there, thought of it. Any input would be greatly appreciated! :) Also has anyone received financial aid info from them/was that discussed at all yesterday?
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Hi! The exact same thing happened to me and I found it very off putting as well. I was annoyed at all the questions and I kept telling Janine that I had already submitted my application. She called several times after that and she would ask the same questions I had already answered. She also told me I wasn't eligible for the program because I hadn't finished my undergraduate degree, even though I told her it would be completed soon. She wanted the degree finished before I applied? I don't know. I kept pushing the issue and she said she would "ask the admissions committee, although it hadn't been done before". I figured she didn't know what she was talking about and I received an acceptance about a week later. Overall, it was really frustrating, but I think she works for recruiting people to the program rather than directly with admissions. I would reach out to Amy Glicken who is the Director of Admissions and speak with her directly. She is really friendly and honest and answered all my questions. Overall really annoying experience, but I don't think that is how the whole department operates.

Sorry for the delayed response and thanks so much for your input and recommendation to reach out to Amy Glicken. It's nice (although somewhat frightening) to know I wasn't the only one who had this odd interaction. I received a letter from the department the Monday after I spoke with Janine that stated they were recommending me for admission (sent by Janine.) I then received an email from the U of A grad division stating they had received my recommendation from the department and that they would review my application once they received final transcripts. Personally, U of A wasn't one of my top choices so I probably won't be reaching out to them.
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Who is going to Visit Emory day? I am super excited to see the campus and meet some of you all!
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Undergrad School: UCSD
Undergrad GPA/Major GPA: 3.32
Major/Minor: Cell Biology (Minor: Global Health)
GRE (including date taken) or Other Test (if applicable): 164 V 163 Q 4.0 W
Experience/Research (please, be brief): 2 Lab's, 1 Med assistant
Special factors:

Interested in: University of Minnesota, Tulane, Emory, Rutgers and possibly others
Applied: UCD
Accepted: UCD
Rejected: n/a yet
Waitlisted: n/a yet

Hey guys, I got accepted to the UCD MPH program. But I'm not completely sure if I want to go to UCD so I'm thinking of applying to some other schools that may be worth it over Davis.

I know it's quite late right now, but can someone help me check my interested schools and see if they're worth applying or let me of any other schools still open to application?
If you have any questions about Davis in general, feel free to send me a private message. I completed by undergrad at UC Davis and worked for their Center for Health and the Environment for 2 years post-grad. I personally LOVED Davis!
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Who is going to Visit Emory day? I am super excited to see the campus and meet some of you all!
I'm going on the 31st! Does anyone know how the travel grant process works? I was told in my email that I received letting me know I was admitted to the MCH certificate that I also received a travel grant but haven't heard about how to use it.
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For those who attended Michigan's Admitted Students Day: what were your thoughts?
I'm going on the 31st! Does anyone know how the travel grant process works? I was told in my email that I received letting me know I was admitted to the MCH certificate that I also received a travel grant but haven't heard about how to use it.

You should be getting an email from Emily Lakemaker that details how the process works. When they sent me an email, they said that they will reimburse me the specified amount. So, after Visit Emory, they should send emails with all of the instructions.
I just got an acceptance from NYU!
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I just got an acceptance from NYU!
congrats!! I am still waiting on NYU :/ Do you happen to remember when your application was completed and sent for review? mine was 2/13. Just want to gauge when I should email and bug them haha
So I went to UMich ASD and the school was very welcoming! They kicked off the day with Welcome speeches from various deans of the school. After an hour or so we broke out in department sessions. In my session, HBHE the dept. coordinator and a member of the faculty facilitated. The dept. chair also came to speak and we eventually had lunch with other faculty as well as faculty and student panels. Overall, I was impressed with the school. I did not get out on the town as the temp ranged from 15-28 degrees so I can’t speak to that. My only concerns were that the incoming cohort was a little young and several people had no idea if they wanted to do public health (IMO: spending 10s of thousands is not the way to find out)! Also, The current HBHE cohorts range in size from 70-90 students and the avg class has 15-20 students.

My takeaways:
1) The program is EXTREMELY flexible! You need about 30 required credits between your dept. and the core curriculum; the other 30 are up to you. This means adding specializations and certificates within the school of public health and across the Rackham Graduate School.
2) The faculty members are very accessible to students. Those present asked us about our research interests and even provided lists of professors working in those areas in and outside SPH. They encouraged getting to know them by shooting them an email or just stopping by – they all seemed genuine!
3) They were honest in saying that GSI/GSRA positions within SPH are usually reserved for PhD students; however, you are not limited to seeking positions in SPH (look across the university).
4) I did not realize this beforehand, but a thesis or capstone project is NOT required. They did say everyone has the opportunity to conduct independent study and complete one if they choose to.
5) There are numerous global opportunities for the practicum and the school is very supportive with assisting you in finding practicums.
6) They are launching First Generation Student initiatives this fall, the dean is very passionate about this. The entire university is big on diversity and inclusion.
7) Housing is an issue! The city is at 98% capacity according to a financial aid rep at the school and most of the available options are new builds that are pretty pricey ($1100+)
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congrats!! I am still waiting on NYU :/ Do you happen to remember when your application was completed and sent for review? mine was 2/13. Just want to gauge when I should email and bug them haha
Mine was completed on 1/12. :)
Has anyone going to GW heard about awarded loans from financial aid yet? I'm worried if I don't get any money that I can't attend
Accepted to NYU with funding!! 24k :)

However, I looked it up and I'm pretty shocked to find out that it costs as much (if not a big more) than Columbia...even if I don't get good funding to Columbia (hopefully fin aid comes in clutch) it's still a toss up cost wise
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I called Harvard and they said they were planning to have FinAid Awards Out by March 20th... That means probably this week! Time to get excited!!!
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