Undergraduate School/School type: Small midwestern school
Undergrad GPA/Major GPA: 3.3/ 3.8
Major/minor: Community Health Education, Applied Workplace leadership
Grad GPA (if applicable):
Grad studies (if applicable):
GRE(including date taken): 296/3.5
1.5 years of community health experience on state/ local levels with behavioral health and obesity
Leading 2 organizations revolving ending hunger and mental health
Letters of Rec: 1 from CHES professor, 1 from statewide healthcare organzation member, 1 from large health insurance coordinator
Applied: UARMS, TAMU, UT health, USF
Applying this fall so would be starting in 2022, applying to community health and health promotion programs but super worried about my GRE scores that are pretty bad. Looking at UThealth as my first choice but im worried about those scores