MSU-COM Discussion Thread 2012-2013

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June 1st seems kind of early for the last acceptances to occur. When does the first day of class start?

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Just got the acceptance call and email!! So happy

I won't assume anything but based on the fact that our mcat/gpa are very comparable, I hope I'm not far off. Just wondering how many differed 2014 acceptances they are giving out at a time...
I was just recently accepted last week. Did anybody else who was accepted around the same time as me receive any information regarding orientation or when we are supposed to order our white coats, scrubs, etc? I mailed my paperwork a few days ago so hopefully I will know by Monday. Still feeling a little out of the loop with being accepted so late.
would any OOSers care to comment on if they received any financial aid/scholarship assistance to lower the cost? If so, when was it offered (right after acceptance notification or sometime later)?
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As some of you get moved off the wait-list, you may be looking for summer housing in EL. I am looking for someone to sublease my room with on-suite bathroom in a quiet neighborhood just off campus. Room is spacious and house newly remodeled. Furnishings are available too. Get in touch and good luck!
I will be withdrawing from MSUCOM. Goodluck to everyone! I hope you all hear some good news :)
would any OOSers care to comment on if they received any financial aid/scholarship assistance to lower the cost? If so, when was it offered (right after acceptance notification or sometime later)?

I received the Non-resident scholarship back a few months ago. You need to apply for it. They have all the scholarship info on the website.
Hi all,

How long did it take for you guys to receive your student ID or pin/pad numbers??
Just got an email saying I was accepted to the Class of 2018! Seriously never thought this would happen! I am in shock right now! Waiting by the phone for the next 36 hours to see if I make it off the wait list and get accepted to the Class of 2017!!!:D:D:D:eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D
Just got an email saying I was accepted to the Class of 2018! Seriously never thought this would happen! I am in shock right now! Waiting by the phone for the next 36 hours to see if I make it off the wait list and get accepted to the Class of 2017!!!:D:D:D:eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D

Just got an email saying I was accepted to the Class of 2018! Seriously never thought this would happen! I am in shock right now! Waiting by the phone for the next 36 hours to see if I make it off the wait list and get accepted to the Class of 2017!!!:D:D:D:eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D

Congrats! The admissions counselor I talked to said they were done pulling people off the wait list as of June 1, but if your email said otherwise that is great. She was also unable to tell how many spots for 2018 they were giving out to waitlisters.
Congrats! The admissions counselor I talked to said they were done pulling people off the wait list as of June 1, but if your email said otherwise that is great. She was also unable to tell how many spots for 2018 they were giving out to waitlisters.

Yeah the email I received today said that tomorrow is the last day for wait list movement, but who knows, it seems like things keep changing! Honestly, I'm good either way, a year off would be heaven! But I feel like they'd be crazy to give out very many spots for next year's class because it's not like we were first pick, I mean I made it in by the skin of my teeth. So my guess is they probably keep about 5 spots or fewer reserved for this year's wait listers in next year's class. Gosh I seriously got the email while studying for my MCAT retake which I was scheduled to take in a month! That's how little of a chance I thought I had on getting accepted! Hang in there, you never know!
It said, "Admission from the waiting list can happen anytime between now and 6/5"
Well... It looks like we're the first members of the class of 2018!
Well I received the official closing waitlist email from MSUCOM today around 2pm. Unfortunate that I didn't get in but I'm not sure if I would be ready this soon to start class since I just finished classes for my masters program at the end of April. Already accepted at another school and still waiting on 3 other waitlists and I'm REALLY hoping for some love from MSU CHM! Best of luck to everyone. Everything happens for a reason is what I'm starting to believe in. :thumbup:
Yeah I was accepted Friday and I start on Wednesday... I don't wish what I'm going through on anyone! Good luck everybody and enjoy the rest of your summer for me!