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Aug 5, 2012
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Here's a breakdown I put together for Dental Decks 2013-2014. It's a "14-day" schedule that a classmate shared with me and I made a few modifications and improvements. You can stretch it out to as many days as you want, it's just organized by topics rather than subjects. I found it easier to follow and helpful, thought I'd share.

Also, since I didn't see many breakdowns for NBDE like there was for DAT, here's my overall breakdown and tips:
  • Dental Decks - go through with 14-day schedule (stretch it to 20-24 days max). Read it all but do NOT try to memorize everything, you’re just trying to get through it to establish a good knowledge base (Read it like a novel). The deep learning will come from the released exams.
  • Watch YouTube videos every chance you get. Set player speed to 1.5x-2x, saves a lot of time.
  • Watch all of the NBDE Mnemonics videos, especially for Dental anatomy & Occlusion.
  • 2 videos on occlusion- Picket Fence & Master occlusion in 5 minutes! Watch all videos as many times as you need to (at least twice) and follow along on practice questions and you’re set! Make sure to memorize how to draw everything, practice until you 100% memorize it. These should be freebie questions on the real boards.
  • Armando’s videos and Khan Academy videos for everything else. Kidneys, DNA replication, Bacteria, Virus, Blood pressure, Vessel Compliance, etc.
  • Take the ASDA Released Exam from 1998 as soon as you can to get accustomed to the crazy wording they use on the boards and see what you need to focus on. The 1998 exam is good because they also released the score conversion chart and full explanations for all questions. Read all of the explanations. There may be a lot of repeats and usually it’s not verbatim. I found the released exams extremely helpful, similar to how DAT Destroyer was the difference maker back in the pre-dent days.
    • If you only get a 50%, RELAX! So did the majority of the people who took the exam and passed! Review all of the answers and explanations thoroughly, this is where you learn. Wikipedia & YouTube Video for anything and everything you’re not sure about.
  • “Control+Find” words/topics in the questions & answers from other released exams and see how they reword questions. Craziness.
  • Test day: Make sure you read the parking info and arrive early, so you can start on time, especially in case you have to move your car or get a parking pass at your testing center location.
  • Taking the test: Use the 15-minute tutorial time. Draw picket fence, and occlusion boxes, teeth & eruption times, and everything you know about teeth morphology and the exceptions and continue writing down all of your mnemonics until your 15 minutes are up, then take the exam! Don’t waste time writing mnemonics once the test starts, you may not need certain ones, so just write ‘em as you need them. (I’ve heard that on a rare occasion or maybe never at all, a testing may be strict, and they’ll replace your artwork with a blank sheet before you start, jerks. Oh well, it was worth a shot…this is not the time to argue because you’ll be the jerk, just let it be. You’ll pass anway.
  • At the break: Eat, drink, pee, relax.
  • Don’t get discouraged or demoralized while taking the exam, some questions are just impossible. Just click the prettiest looking choice, mark it for review, and move along. Time management is crucial, no point in missing the last 10 that you’ll probably get right because you wasted time on a question you’ll miss anyway. It’ll get better, and then worse, and then better, etc…so prepare yourself to stay positive and just know that it sucked for everyone, so it’s all is good. Remember, it’s just a test. If you get anxious or nervous, concentrate on all the things you’re grateful for in life. Gratitude has the ability to make other emotions seem petty and redirect your mood more positively.

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  • Dental Decks 14-Day Schedule (2013-14).pdf
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Great breakdown! did you use the Dental Decks 2013-2014 version that's online for free?
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Here's a breakdown I put together for Dental Decks 2013-2014. It's a "14-day" schedule that a classmate shared with me and I made a few modifications and improvements. You can stretch it out to as many days as you want, it's just organized by topics rather than subjects. I found it easier to follow and helpful, thought I'd share.

Also, since I didn't see many breakdowns for NBDE like there was for DAT, here's my overall breakdown and tips:
  • Dental Decks - go through with 14-day schedule (stretch it to 20-24 days max). Read it all but do NOT try to memorize everything, you’re just trying to get through it to establish a good knowledge base (Read it like a novel). The deep learning will come from the released exams.
  • Watch YouTube videos every chance you get. Set player speed to 1.5x-2x, saves a lot of time.
  • Watch all of the NBDE Mnemonics videos, especially for Dental anatomy & Occlusion.
  • 2 videos on occlusion- Picket Fence & Master occlusion in 5 minutes! Watch all videos as many times as you need to (at least twice) and follow along on practice questions and you’re set! Make sure to memorize how to draw everything, practice until you 100% memorize it. These should be freebie questions on the real boards.
  • Armando’s videos and Khan Academy videos for everything else. Kidneys, DNA replication, Bacteria, Virus, Blood pressure, Vessel Compliance, etc.
  • Take the ASDA Released Exam from 1998 as soon as you can to get accustomed to the crazy wording they use on the boards and see what you need to focus on. The 1998 exam is good because they also released the score conversion chart and full explanations for all questions. Read all of the explanations. There may be a lot of repeats and usually it’s not verbatim. I found the released exams extremely helpful, similar to how DAT Destroyer was the difference maker back in the pre-dent days.
    • If you only get a 50%, RELAX! So did the majority of the people who took the exam and passed! Review all of the answers and explanations thoroughly, this is where you learn. Wikipedia & YouTube Video for anything and everything you’re not sure about.
  • “Control+Find” words/topics in the questions & answers from other released exams and see how they reword questions. Craziness.
  • Test day: Make sure you read the parking info and arrive early, so you can start on time, especially in case you have to move your car or get a parking pass at your testing center location.
  • Taking the test: Use the 15-minute tutorial time. Draw picket fence, and occlusion boxes, teeth & eruption times, and everything you know about teeth morphology and the exceptions and continue writing down all of your mnemonics until your 15 minutes are up, then take the exam! Don’t waste time writing mnemonics once the test starts, you may not need certain ones, so just write ‘em as you need them. (I’ve heard that on a rare occasion or maybe never at all, a testing may be strict, and they’ll replace your artwork with a blank sheet before you start, jerks. Oh well, it was worth a shot…this is not the time to argue because you’ll be the jerk, just let it be. You’ll pass anway.
  • At the break: Eat, drink, pee, relax.
  • Don’t get discouraged or demoralized while taking the exam, some questions are just impossible. Just click the prettiest looking choice, mark it for review, and move along. Time management is crucial, no point in missing the last 10 that you’ll probably get right because you wasted time on a question you’ll miss anyway. It’ll get better, and then worse, and then better, etc…so prepare yourself to stay positive and just know that it sucked for everyone, so it’s all is good. Remember, it’s just a test. If you get anxious or nervous, concentrate on all the things you’re grateful for in life. Gratitude has the ability to make other emotions seem petty and redirect your mood more positively.
wow this is a amazing, thank you so much!!!