NC State - CVM News

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I wonder where these graduates will be in twenty years. Will they still be employed in veterinary medicine? It is funny no veterinary school really cares about their graduates once they get their tuition money. I have yet to see any veterinary school ask about where their graduates are say twenty years out.
I wonder where these graduates will be in twenty years. Will they still be employed in veterinary medicine? It is funny no veterinary school really cares about their graduates once they get their tuition money. I have yet to see any veterinary school ask about where their graduates are say twenty years out.
You may have missed some of our stories about our alumni. Here are just a few:
Overton Honored with NC State CVM’s Distinguished Alumni Award
An Unexpected Journey in Swine Medicine
CVM Ph.D. Graduate Receives Distinguished Alumni Award
College of Veterinary Medicine Graduate Receives White House Recognition for Research Efforts

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I am more interested in the rank and file graduates who do not get into residencies and PhD programs but who are the bulk of supposedly what your school is producing for the public. The problem is that no veterinary school really cares much about the training, education and future of those outside the realm of academia. I say this because I know several of your graduates who have had to leave the profession because of their lack of opportunities with their NCSU educations that were frankly very poor quality such as no equine experience in your clinics either in simple lamenesses or colic for example. This is what you are supposed to be doing first based on your original charter from the state legislature.
[I wonder where these graduates will be in twenty years. Will they still be employed in veterinary medicine? It is funny no veterinary school really cares about their graduates once they get their tuition money. I have yet to see any veterinary school ask about where their graduates are say twenty years out.]

I am more interested in the rank and file graduates who do not get into residencies and PhD programs but who are the bulk of supposedly what your school is producing for the public. The problem is that no veterinary school really cares much about the training, education and future of those outside the realm of academia. I say this because I know several of your graduates who have had to leave the profession because of their lack of opportunities with their NCSU educations that were frankly very poor quality such as no equine experience in your clinics either in simple lamenesses or colic for example. This is what you are supposed to be doing first based on your original charter from the state legislature.

Here are some profiles of our "rank and file" graduates:
2016 Graduate Ethan Hefner Awarded Equine Scholarship
Shelter From the Storm: Alum Leads With Vision
CVM Graduate Returns Home to Help Animals & People
CVM Graduate Megan Inskeep Named Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year

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