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New Member
Sep 15, 2018
Reaction score
Welcome to the post-ERAS-submission world! Congratulations on getting this far! Let's get this thread started.

Stealing this template from the thread from two years ago.

1) Keep the list in the body when you reply.
2) Please sort alphabetically by state.
3) Try to say what school/program you are adding in the subject line.
4) It would be helpful if the person who FIRST adds a program could also include the date they received their invite.

Please include these instructions when you quote - And quote the last list available!
Step 1: Click on the blue "QUOTE" button at the bottom right of the last post (don't copy and paste since it will not pick up the HTML code for boldface fonts).
Step 2: Remove the bracketed things at the very beginning and very end. (QUOTE=username;numbers) and (/QUOTE) - where the parentheses are brackets.
Step 3: Make your additions, then post. Please type what you are adding in the title/subject line so people won't have to search the whole post to see what you added.


Members don't see this ad.
Members don't see this ad :)
St Vincent unable to schedule Interview. Is it open?
St Vincent indiana no longer available ?
Does that mean we can't wait list
Members don't see this ad :)
St v said slots are all full
They may consider adding more interview times later
Please PM me! Haven’t had luck with the link. Excited for this season!
St Peters - New Brunswick, NJ (9/19)
Bronxcare -Bronx, NY (9/19)
Brookedale University - Brooklyn, NY (9/18)
pm me too!
Memorial Regional aka Joe Dimaggio Children's Hospital in Hollywood, FL (9/18/18)
Can anyone comment on pros/ cons of interviewing earlier vs later at any given program? Trying to decide on middle of October vs January (last interview dates) for a program that's probably middle-low on my list... Could move it to Jan and then cancel if I feel by then that I have enough other interviews that I feel good about.
Can anyone comment on pros/ cons of interviewing earlier vs later at any given program? Trying to decide on middle of October vs January (last interview dates) for a program that's probably middle-low on my list... Could move it to Jan and then cancel if I feel by then that I have enough other interviews that I feel good about.
Programs don't care when you interview. Schedule it in whatever way makes it more convenient for you.
Does anyone know when a majority of programs start sending out invites?
I stopped getting emails and I'm in a roller coaster of emotions.
Does anyone know when a majority of programs start sending out invites?
I stopped getting emails and I'm in a roller coaster of emotions.
It's the weekend. Not many programs send out invites over the weekend.

I would expect a steady number of invites now and then another surge around 10/1 when MSPEs go to the programs. Not a lot of pediatric programs wait for the MSPE but some may.
Has anyone received access to the google doc yet? If so, could someone PM it to me?
PM the google sheets link please. Still not working and I’ve tried many different ways. Thanks!
I lost access to google sheets, could someone PM it to me. Thanks!
If anyone has a interview at UVA on Dec. 5th or 11th and would like to switch to a Nov. 27th date PM me
Anyone know why the Google Sheet is showing as "view only"? I can't make any changes at all, even in fields that are apparently unlocked. Anyone else in the same boat?
Good Samaritan - West Islip, NY 10/05
Albany Medical Center 10/26
Broward Health - Fort Lauderdale, FL 12/07

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can someone PM me the spreadsheet too please? Thanks!
Can someone PM me the spreadsheet please!! I really appreciate it!
Applying in 2019, but would love to see the doc. Could someone PM me it? Thanks! Goodluck everyone.
Can anyone PM me the spreadsheet ??

Thank you ! Really appreciate it!