Oglesby Ironman Rally aOOOga thread

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15+ Year Member
Oct 31, 2006
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April 13 he's doing something really crazy...

TexasT don't you have a race coming up as well?

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I haven't picked a target race for this season. I wanted to do buffalo springs, but I've had some setbacks and I am way out of shape. There is no way I'd be ready for that course by june 26.

I'll probably do a few sprints and olympics this year, and maybe a half right before school if I can.

My buddy Pat, who is one of the top pros in the world, has pulled out of Arizona because he's scared of Oglesby.
haha...thanks guys!
Keep an eye out for me on http://www.ironman.com, I will be BIB# 237
There is no amount of training i can put myself through to where i can comfortably say that I am ready to finish an ironman.
it will be a tremendous physical and mental battle.

My inspirational videos:


and my personal affirmation:
Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells "CAN'T!" ...but you don't listen. You just push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper 'can'. And you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are.
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:luck: :luck: :luck:

God speed my friend!!!
go MATT!
You don't need us to know your work ahead.
Just go into it knowing you have signed on for this amount of work.
Then complete the enterprise.
Then you'll be golden.
Drive it home, dude..........
Don't waste precious seconds peeing off the bike during the race. And do the whole race in a speedo like Faris.
Seriously, if you can pee on the bike, that is a milestone. We will all want to know about that.
Seriously, if you can pee on the bike, that is a milestone. We will all want to know about that.

Do it with a foley. Then you can measure your output. It's a long ride - you could stay busy doing math.
Do the foley without the reservoir. Just let it trickle out.
Do the foley without the reservoir. Just let it trickle out.
so those behind you get hit with your gore...
yeah...good idea TT...i remember being there at the OK Marathon. not a happy zone being behind someone eliminating!!!
i have a question for all you folks who did super well on the MCAT physical sciences:

lets say i want to make a 20 fluid ounce solution of 'engery' drink...most likely a mixture of 4:1 carbs-to-protein.

I want to maximize intestinal absorption.
I need to make the solution isotonic with respect to my own body fluids, don't I?
if it was concentrated, wouldnt it pull water out of my body by osmotic pressure?
anyways, ill shutup and let someone take over on this...thanks.
i have a question for all you folks who did super well on the MCAT physical sciences:

lets say i want to make a 20 fluid ounce solution of 'engery' drink...most likely a mixture of 4:1 carbs-to-protein.

I want to maximize intestinal absorption.
I need to make the solution isotonic with respect to my own body fluids, don't I?
if it was concentrated, wouldnt it pull water out of my body by osmotic pressure?
anyways, ill shutup and let someone take over on this...thanks.
interesting... I would think that it wouldnt matter. Even if it pulled a little water out, it would end up being isotonic, and would get absorbed anyways. But what do I know...
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"lets say i want to make a 20 fluid ounce solution of 'engery' drink...most likely a mixture of 4:1 carbs-to-protein."

First of all, I'd stay away from anything called "engery drink." a little too close to injury for my tastes!

Secondly, best of luck to you. I'm amazed that people can finish these races. I don't know you but I'll make some noise for you as I'm flying from Seattle to Phoenix to watch the event. If you see any 6'2" 225 lb super-clydesdales puffing for air, that's my brother going for it.
Isn't egg nog the perfect blend?
interesting... I would think that it wouldnt matter. Even if it pulled a little water out, it would end up being isotonic, and would get absorbed anyways. But what do I know...

well...i quoted 'energy drink' to denote that i could use a number of sources to prep this concoction, ie; gatorade + salt + Amino Vital
essentially, i meant 'energy' to translate as some mechanism of providing the body with ATP.
but here is the thing...lets say i made a SUPER saturated solution of "engery drink"...then wouldnt it take longer to be absorbed by my body? What forces will drive it into my small intestine if the osmotic pressure is working opposite its chemical gradient? I think this excess "energy drink" sitting in my gut would cause unrest during the long run...but not present as much difficulty on the bike due to the relative stability of the body.
I usually get more bogged down from drinking too much water when running. I dont know that I've ever had too much "sports drink" to drink though. I think its harder for the body to absorb all the water vs the ions and other stuff. But i have no evidence on this.

TT would be the one to ask.
well...i quoted 'energy drink' to denote that i could use a number of sources to prep this concoction, ie; gatorade + salt + Amino Vital
essentially, i meant 'energy' to translate as some mechanism of providing the body with ATP.
but here is the thing...lets say i made a SUPER saturated solution of "engery drink"...then wouldnt it take longer to be absorbed by my body? What forces will drive it into my small intestine if the osmotic pressure is working opposite its chemical gradient? I think this excess "energy drink" sitting in my gut would cause unrest during the long run...but not present as much difficulty on the bike due to the relative stability of the body.

OK, first, if you get dehydrated and then take in saturated nutrients, you'll probably just hurl. I think a base assumption with a saturated drink is that it only works when you've got a lot of water on board. As far as logistics go, this should be fine: you want to carry your nutrients on you, but you can fairly assume a provided water supply. Don't folks use camelbaks on the ride these days? And fill them up at the aid stations?

Second, isotonic and osmotic pressures are largely abstracted away in the GI tract, because of all the mucous membranes and villi and epithelial structures. It's not like in bio class where you are thinking about an isolated cell floating around, waiting to crack open if there are too many extracellular ions.

Third, if you drink your nutrients, and hydrate heavily, you're not going to pee out the nutrients (unless something goes wrong). Remember your kidneys filter your blood, so the nutrients have to travel a fair distance before they're eligible for getting peed out.

Fourth, as far as absorption capabilities go, I'm inclined to believe that anything delivered in liquid form is pretty terrific. Arguing about which sugar and which protein are most absorptive is like arguing about whether it's worth spending the extra $37.50 for the 2 grams of weight saved with some stupid titanium screw.

Lastly: apples. Get that fiber in your gut before the race so that you have a slow-release carb source, and eat another at each transition.

Why the hell am I not going into sports med. I freaking love this stuff.
Dr. Midlife, will you come be my trainer if TT wont do it?
I'm on the berry right now. I will address this when I get home.
Oglesby says:

"I'm a baaaaaadddd man!"

Seriously dude, if I were in half the shape it takes to endure that race I'd be a happy man. Good luck and kick A$$ :thumbup:
Lastly: apples. Get that fiber in your gut before the race so that you have a slow-release carb source, and eat another at each transition.

Why the hell am I not going into sports med. I freaking love this stuff.

Personal bias, but I would say bananas easier on the digestive tract and will absorb quicker but provide the same slow release, apples are a bit too fiberous before a race and could cause some issues, if you are going to do apples, applesauce or a well baked apple smashed up would be best

but I am a banana fan, it is the perfect pre sport fruit. I have a very sensitive digestive tract and it is the only thing I can stomach
Personal bias, but I would say bananas easier on the digestive tract and will absorb quicker but provide the same slow release, apples are a bit too fiberous before a race and could cause some issues, if you are going to do apples, applesauce or a well baked apple smashed up would be best

but I am a banana fan, it is the perfect pre sport fruit. I have a very sensitive digestive tract and it is the only thing I can stomach
not me. bananas are GRITTY. their ph is wrong so when you eat them, there's an adjustment in the soft palate. i know you have experienced this. everyone i speak with after a race says this. bananas are gritty. especially if the stem is green. EW!
not me. bananas are GRITTY. their ph is wrong so when you eat them, there's an adjustment in the soft palate. i know you have experienced this. everyone i speak with after a race says this. bananas are gritty. especially if the stem is green. EW!

Well I don't eat green bananas. If bananas are too green that means they have a higher level of starch compared to sugar so of course they would be 'gritty'

Lesson, don't eat green bananas

Everyone is individual with these things, never do something that you haven't tried before on race day
Question: What do you guys do to keep yourself focused during a long run? I find I cant run over 2 miles or so, sometimes 3, because i get bored, and very ADD. Even with the iPod. Any suggestions?
Question: What do you guys do to keep yourself focused during a long run? I find I cant run over 2 miles or so, sometimes 3, because i get bored, and very ADD. Even with the iPod. Any suggestions?
just keep playing tom petty "last dance with mary jane" or low fidelity allstars "battleflag" and feel your feet matching the rhythm, then you get the zen. both of those are an exact eight minute mile...loop the music over and over and add some crystal method. that's the stew, bro.........

here's a few of my friends egging me on:
Question: What do you guys do to keep yourself focused during a long run? I find I cant run over 2 miles or so, sometimes 3, because i get bored, and very ADD. Even with the iPod. Any suggestions?

Have someone chase you with a car or other weapon of choice. :smuggrin:
Uh oh. I'm gonna get SCHOOLED.
Nah. What you wrote was fine, for the most part. I'd say that osmolarity has a little more to do with the efficacy of a drink than you might think though. Unfortunately, I'm a little too tired to go into it tonight. Tomorrow.
Question: What do you guys do to keep yourself focused during a long run? I find I cant run over 2 miles or so, sometimes 3, because i get bored, and very ADD. Even with the iPod. Any suggestions?

I am very ADD in real life and running is the only time I can really concentrate on one thing consistently

I have a great mix of music, not just songs but songs that are inspirational to me, songs that motivate me, songs that make me angry, songs that really get up under your skin and then you run as if you are running through it all, running beyond it all. It is my form of therapy because i just run on through

It is also about finding that place where you want to beat yourself, you want to push to have control and to show yourself it is possible. Sometimes you run away from things, sometimes you run toward things, but run with some sort of purpose
I am very ADD in real life and running is the only time I can really concentrate on one thing consistently

I have a great mix of music, not just songs but songs that are inspirational to me, songs that motivate me, songs that make me angry, songs that really get up under your skin and then you run as if you are running through it all, running beyond it all. It is my form of therapy because i just run on through

It is also about finding that place where you want to beat yourself, you want to push to have control and to show yourself it is possible. Sometimes you run away from things, sometimes you run toward things, but run with some sort of purpose
egads can i have your shuffle?
I am very ADD in real life and running is the only time I can really concentrate on one thing consistently

I have a great mix of music, not just songs but songs that are inspirational to me, songs that motivate me, songs that make me angry, songs that really get up under your skin and then you run as if you are running through it all, running beyond it all. It is my form of therapy because i just run on through

It is also about finding that place where you want to beat yourself, you want to push to have control and to show yourself it is possible. Sometimes you run away from things, sometimes you run toward things, but run with some sort of purpose
hmm... maybe i just need a better mix then... I do admit i listned to some different songs tonight, starting off with some Journey, and it made a difference. I was really pumped at the beginning of the run.

*goes to start downloading songs... *
well i like hearing about your guys' solutions to avoiding ADD bouts during your runs. I personally use my video iPod and study with Gold Standard MCAT videos. Its best for running on treadmills or using spin-cycles/trainers.
at least thats how i approach things. unfortunately, we will not be able to use iPods or any musical devices during the race. they are "safety hazards" ...so im gonna need to march to the beat of my own drum.
and in all likelihood, i will probably be going at a marching pace. I will be surprised if i can hold a ten-minute mile marathon pace after 112 miles on bike. I guess ill find out sunday!

ONE more question though: What are your thoughts on gaining weight before a long endurance event?
-I have been trying to pack on a few pounds of fat before the race starts so that I will energy reserves on the long and slow aerobic exercise I will be performing.
well i like hearing about your guys' solutions to avoiding ADD bouts during your runs. I personally use my video iPod and study with Gold Standard MCAT videos. Its best for running on treadmills or using spin-cycles/trainers.
at least thats how i approach things. unfortunately, we will not be able to use iPods or any musical devices during the race. they are "safety hazards" ...so im gonna need to march to the beat of my own drum.
and in all likelihood, i will probably be going at a marching pace. I will be surprised if i can hold a ten-minute mile marathon pace after 112 miles on bike. I guess ill find out sunday!

ONE more question though: What are your thoughts on gaining weight before a long endurance event?
-I have been trying to pack on a few pounds of fat before the race starts so that I will energy reserves on the long and slow aerobic exercise I will be performing.
my advice is don't do that. just eat normal, eat during the event more than normal, then drink copious beer afterwards!
Some people like to tank on pasta, not me
Some people like to tank on rice, not me
I personally like protein, some kinda meat, and a bit of Vanilla Ice Power Bar with dark coffee and milk in the morning before my endurance runs, but that's just me. I don't like oranges or bananas before, during, or after.
Find what you like. Don't listen to us! You already know your body!!! :D:D

who am i to be advising you? i run solely on green apple 3X sodium 4X caffeine power gel. so I have green blood! Just love your life and do what you have always done. That's how i have completed 55 marathons........2 bostons..........by doing just that...........
ONE more question though: What are your thoughts on gaining weight before a long endurance event?
-I have been trying to pack on a few pounds of fat before the race starts so that I will energy reserves on the long and slow aerobic exercise I will be performing.

This is a toughie. You're already taking in a boatload of calories to break even, assuming you have a manly training schedule, and your metabolism is extremely efficient. Can you really picture eating MORE?

I certainly believe that you'll be tapping into your fat stores, if you have any, during the race (what's your goal? like 12+ hours, right?), and that any additional nutrition source is goodness, and I think that you can theoretically store some fat in 4 days. But I wouldn't suggest putting yourself through pain to get it done. If your diet has been nice and tight and healthy for a while, you can get a very bad upset stomach from adding a bunch of fat. Definitely don't go for fried crap food, but I wouldn't balk at trans fats in this situation.

I'd say if there's a guilty food that you've been having all along (ice cream? alfredo sauce?) then eat as much more of it as you can without getting uncomfortable, and without disturbing your wrapup training.

How'm I doing, TT? I defer to your superior wisdom.
1. Now is not the time to start experimenting with new diet habits, supplements, etc.. Whatever you're doing, if you feel okay with it, keep doing it. The last thing you want is to start singing the diarrhea song on your way from the water to transition.

2. Nutrition on the course, particularly on the bike, is going to be the key for you to make it through this. That is a long-*** bike ride. If you bonk, you're finished.

You're going to burn like 7000 calories over the course of this race. Maybe more. A lot of that is going to have to come from gels and such. I'd eat a gel every 20-30 minutes, starting as soon as you get out of the water. The race support will be good, but stick a handful in your jersey when you hop on the bike too, just in case.

Do not neglect this, just because you feel okay for the first hour on the bike. Start eating immediately.

I would also alternate sips from bottles containing water and sports drink. You will not need to load your bike down with tons of bottles, as there will be hand-ups. Keep two bottles on your bike (at most), and your aero-bottle, if you have one.

3. Don't forget your salts. Its probably going to be hot. Saltstick capsules are the best. Take one every 30 minutes.
How does one get back to normal after a race like this? Marathons alone are taxing on the body, but add that to a two+ mile swim and a ~115mi bike ride and you've got to be torn and tattered. How long does it take before your body is able to deal with the trauma of a 12+ hour race? What are some of the after effects?
There is definitely some recovery time involved afterwards. After my half-ironman, I was hobbling everywhere for a few days.

The answer is that it is going to be a little different for everyone. People who weigh less are going to do less damage to themselves. I am a clydesdale (230 lbs), so it definitely takes it out of me. For a guy like Oglesby, who seems to be a little more of the traditional triathlete, it probably won't be as bad, but he'll still be hurting for a while.

Oglesby: Another thing to consider... start supplementing Vitamin C and Zinc right now. Get your immune system in shape before the fact, so that you don't get sick after the race. Emergen-C is good. You can probably get it at your local GNC or Whole Foods. Even the average grocery store may carry it. I think HEB has it here.
TT you ever going to tackle the whole version?
I don't know. I'd like to, but I think that at my size, the run training would be too much for me. I don't have a lot of weight to lose. I'm just a big dude. I don't think I'd be below 200# even if I emaciated myself. A good racing weight for me would probably be about 210-215.

I have a serious issue with my left knee. High school basketball wear and tear (I was a post player who liked to dunk... and land hard), and a skiing injury. It gets really sore and limits my workouts. I also run serious risk of cuboid subluxation because of tight calves and pronation.

If I can maintain a good cardio base through med school and residency, I may give it a shot. I know some people who have done it, but none of them are built like me.
this is for matt and any other ppl who are into riding.

seriously, its a real product. lol.
one of the guys who comes into my physio clinic swears by it. he rides for hours on end without taking a break to give the "lil guys" a break.

i'm not trying to push products or anything, but it may be worth lookin into if ur doing triathalons/bike races/love long bike rides/.....you get the idea.
spongywonder definitely has my interest!
the anticipation of completing a bike ride and still being able to feel my penis is exciting!
i think ill order one! i dont wanna use it for this upcoming ironman...but there are some more races im looking forward to later on this year.
okay docjulez, if this seat works out for me--I'll have YOU to thank!
gotta love canadians ;)
What are you guys eating day to day for breakfast? I can usually do all right on my other meals, and snacke throughout the day, but breakfast really has me baffled? I usually just have a slice or two of whole grain or nine grain bread with some butter and jelly and a small bowl of cereal. Should I start adding fruits to that? Bananas, oranges, strawberries, apples..... any ideas? I just feel like I really diregard breakfast sometimes and i know its the most important one.

Oh, and I hate eggs. The smell and texture of them basically. Anything I can do to start being able to eat eggs and incorporate them into breakfast?
spongywonder definitely has my interest!
the anticipation of completing a bike ride and still being able to feel my penis is exciting!
i think ill order one! i dont wanna use it for this upcoming ironman...but there are some more races im looking forward to later on this year.
okay docjulez, if this seat works out for me--I'll have YOU to thank!
gotta love canadians ;)
Dude, I'm so stoked for you. Just finishing alone will be an amazing feat. You rock Oglesby. I as well as the rest of SDN is rootin for ya!!!! :luck::luck::luck:
If your hips are rotated properly on the saddle, you won't hurt your balls.
What are you guys eating day to day for breakfast? I can usually do all right on my other meals, and snacke throughout the day, but breakfast really has me baffled? I usually just have a slice or two of whole grain or nine grain bread with some butter and jelly and a small bowl of cereal. Should I start adding fruits to that? Bananas, oranges, strawberries, apples..... any ideas? I just feel like I really diregard breakfast sometimes and i know its the most important one.

Oh, and I hate eggs. The smell and texture of them basically. Anything I can do to start being able to eat eggs and incorporate them into breakfast?

So basically you have all carbs? When do you train?

Having all carbs for breakfast especially is not that great of an idea. What do you feel like you have to eat eggs for breakfast, why can't you just eat some other form of protein, like what you had for dinner the night before. Steak is great for breakfast, meatloaf, turkey, fish. But just eating carbs for breakfast is a disaster.

If you don't feel like you can stomach much how about a protein shake?

Or if you must have some carbs, grind up some oatmeal, throws some eggs in mix it up and fry, instant pancakes
So basically you have all carbs? When do you train?

Having all carbs for breakfast especially is not that great of an idea. What do you feel like you have to eat eggs for breakfast, why can't you just eat some other form of protein, like what you had for dinner the night before. Steak is great for breakfast, meatloaf, turkey, fish. But just eating carbs for breakfast is a disaster.

If you don't feel like you can stomach much how about a protein shake?

Or if you must have some carbs, grind up some oatmeal, throws some eggs in mix it up and fry, instant pancakes
I'm usually not training until the evening, or afternoon at least. I know its all carbs, and thats not too good. The reason I've stayed away from protein shakes is because I dont really want to put on any mass with my weight workouts. I've always been told/thought that if you do the protein shakes, you put on mass. Is that not right?
I'm usually not training until the evening, or afternoon at least. I know its all carbs, and thats not too good. The reason I've stayed away from protein shakes is because I dont really want to put on any mass with my weight workouts. I've always been told/thought that if you do the protein shakes, you put on mass. Is that not right?

It is a bit more complicated then that, drinking protein shakes doesn't just magically make you put on mass, it is more about protein sparing, calorie input/output, muscle wear and recovery....but that is another story. The fact is that your body needs protein, it is a nessesary macronutrient and carbs are not. Eating more protein, especially in the morning will give you greater energy better focus and prepare your body to deal with working out whenever you do. Eating a ton of carbs first thing in the morning, especially if you don't train until evening (to burn them) will set you up for an insulin surge, followed by a quick drop, not a happy time for your pancreas, brain, or other major organs. Insulin sensitivity is highest first thing in the morning, this is the best time for protein to stop catabolism
this is for matt and any other ppl who are into riding.

seriously, its a real product. lol.
one of the guys who comes into my physio clinic swears by it. he rides for hours on end without taking a break to give the "lil guys" a break.

i'm not trying to push products or anything, but it may be worth lookin into if ur doing triathalons/bike races/love long bike rides/.....you get the idea.

Maybe 30 years ago I was looking at an antique tractor's saddle, thinking it was only a matter of time before that buttcheeks-only support got used in a bike saddle.

Girl parts like not getting crushed too, fyi.
Saw "Ironman" under the "last post," so I had to see what was up!

About peeing while riding... practice while riding downhill. It takes 3 or 4 tries before you can relax quickly enough to pee in a reasonable amount of time. I usually pull my bibshorts down and let fly to the right. Right foot down; hips parallel to the top tube. I'm pretty good at it, but I've practiced. I know a couple cat. 1s and 2s who need teammates to push them while they take their sweet time to relax. That's always an awkward moment. "Dude, can you push me?"

Having said that, public urination is usually a DQ'able offense in triathlons, so you should check for marshals before you start going. I actually stopped to pee during both of my Ironmans, because I was worried that I'd get DQ'd (port-a-potty at Vineman; behind a bush at Wisconsin).

If you just pee on yourself, your bike is going to smell like urine for days. Also, you're gonna increase the likelihood of chafing.

About liquids and calories. From your long rides and runs, you should know how much you can eat without feeling bloated. I wouldn't try to change anything for the race. Stick to what has worked so far. Along those lines, I would bring all your race-day nutrition. You don't know if you'll be able to find a store with your favorite flavor of clif bar, carb-booms, or whatever you use.

The hay's in the barn now, dude. Just stay off your feet and stay relaxed. You'll be great.

If your hips are rotated properly on the saddle, you won't hurt your balls.

Another trick is to point your saddle a few degrees off center. Then you can sit on one sit bone. It takes some getting used to, but I did it for years before I found a saddle that actually fit me.