Oglesby Ironman Rally aOOOga thread

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I've got a great saddle. According to the guys at my tri shop, it has saved many-a-ball. I'll post specs when I get home.

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spongywonder definitely has my interest!
the anticipation of completing a bike ride and still being able to feel my penis is exciting!
i think ill order one! i dont wanna use it for this upcoming ironman...but there are some more races im looking forward to later on this year.
okay docjulez, if this seat works out for me--I'll have YOU to thank!
gotta love canadians ;)

Its true, we are pretty amazing.


and you may thank me in dance parties and baked goods.
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Hey Matt,
Kick butt for us DO'ers! We will need a photo of you passing the finishing line though. You deserve to show off a bit after completing it.
Go Oglesby, go Oglesby GO!!!!:thumbup:
I sure hope he hangs in there...Go Oglesby....go:thumbup:
Oglesby looking good!

On another note, Austin's James Bonney is in 2nd place. This is significant because, when I first bought my bike, I couldn't find any tri shoes in my size. So I didn't have to order any, he gave me an old pair of his.

They are the yellow shoes in this picture

I would eventually get some new ones, but these held up pretty well.
Dang, TT.. You're hot! Such a sad day for DCOM that you're going to PCOM-GA.

Sorry for the short hijacking...

Go Matt!!!!! You're an inspiration.. I can only hope that I can do what you're doing someday! We're rooting you on from TN!
Oglesby had a really slow T1. I wonder if he was having problems with cramping or something. Hope not.

Or maybe the transition area is hard to get to from the swim exit. I don't really know the course.
HOPE THE BOYS ARE OK~!~:laugh::laugh:
I've been looking for some inspiration to get back into training mode again:) Way to go!

BTW...TT has given some GREAT training advice:thumbup:
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His second bike split was signifcantly slower, hopefully he will hold in there.
I've been looking for some inspiration to get back into training mode again:) Way to go!

BTW...TT has given some GREAT training advice:thumbup:

I know me too! I was looking at half ironmens last night!

Olgs you are an inspiration of us all
Holy crap, halfway through the run, Bonney is about to drop Tollakson.

Tollakson is freaking fast. Bonney could actually win this thing.

Long way to go though.
Your Bonney guy is getting close, like 8 more miles.
JB is like 36 years old too (not terribly old for an endurance athlete, but older than you might expect). This is pretty incredible if he holds on to win. Its not like its a weak field either. He's sticking it to some of the top pros in the world.

I'm not sure he's ever won something this big.

He was on the swim team at UT I know. He's like 6'4" too. Much taller than you'd expect for someone to win something like this.

He's rail-thin though.
This Hungarian chick is leaving Michellie Jones in the dust. Jones won Kona like two years ago.

Too bad Desiree Ficker is prepping for the olympic trials (marathon), or she might have been able to make it an Austin sweep.
It takes them forever to update the website, so I have no idea whats happening.
2.5 miles to go and Tollakson and Bonney are running side-by-side.

THis is going to be an exciting finish.

Michellie Jones has been flat out dropped. Wow.
Tollakson has now pulled slightly back ahead.

Come on JB. Hook 'em Horns!
Right now, the difference is JB's slightly sub-par T1. That's gotta hurt.
Oglesby's page hasn't been updated in a while. Hope he isn't bonking out there.

Right now, the temperature in Tempe is 92 degrees. Wow.
Wait did Bonney drop out of contention??? and now its the tollakson guy and major?
At the last update, Bonney was 14 seconds back. I'd imagine that it will come down to him and Tollakson, and it will come down to the wire.
O well I am watching the internet video and they mentioned two other ppl, not Bonney.
Oglesby looking good!

On another note, Austin's James Bonney is in 2nd place. This is significant because, when I first bought my bike, I couldn't find any tri shoes in my size. So I didn't have to order any, he gave me an old pair of his.

They are the yellow shoes in this picture

I would eventually get some new ones, but these held up pretty well.

Some serious platysma action there.
I'm not really that intense when I race. I just saw the camera, and went for dramatic effect.
Wow Bonney really fell off in the last mile or so. That sucks.

I don't know who this guy Major is, but I'm sure he's been around.

TJ Tollakson is one of the best in the world. He beat my buddy Pat by like 5 minutes last year at IM Louisville.
Major ran a 250 marathon, 12 minutes faster then the next closest, Bonney was 306
In that heat, that is smokin fast.

I feel for my buddy Pat, who had to drop out of this because of injury. He would have been right there in the running.

Most of these guys were college swimmers or cross-country runners. Pat was a couch potato engineering major who was in some choir, and drank beer all the time. One day, he decides he wants to get in shape. 6 months later, he's doing an ironman. Now he's among the best in the world. That's ridiculous.
In that heat, that is smokin fast.

I feel for my buddy Pat, who had to drop out of this because of injury. He would have been right there in the running.

Most of these guys were college swimmers or cross-country runners. Pat was a couch potato engineering major who was in some choir, and drank beer all the time. One day, he decides he wants to get in shape. 6 months later, he's doing an ironman. Now he's among the best in the world. That's ridiculous.
The top four in this race all finished within 1:14 of the winner. That's a hell of a finish for a freaking ironman. I'm not sure I've ever heard of that before.
Have they posted Oglesbys second bike split?

They did...he was slower than his first bike split. The second split was 6:22:22 with an average of 14.11mph

I hope he can hang in there...I can't imagine exercising at an elite level for that long of time in 90+degree heat.
Oglesby 1st bike split = 16.49 mph
2nd bike split = 14.11 mph

Still no 3rd.
For you LECOM-Bradenton people, running 3rd in the Women's...

Not sure. I think he'll make it before then though. The cutoffs are usually pretty liberal. Just to keep people who get hurt on the course from trying to finish.
Matt is through the bike run transition...now on to the marathon
1:26:54 7:47:40 --:-- --:-- 1541

TOTAL SWIM 2.4 mi. (1:26:54) 2:17/100m 1550

FIRST BIKE SEGMENT 36 mi. (3:45:03) 16.49 mph
SECOND BIKE SEGMENT 37 mi. (6:22:22) 14.11 mph
FINAL BIKE SEGMENT 39 mi. (9:21:42) 13.05 mph
TOTAL BIKE 112 mi. (7:47:40) 14.37 mph 1634

FIRST RUN SEGMENT 3.5 mi. (10:16:28) 12:32/mile
SECOND RUN SEGMENT 8.5 mi. (--:--) --/mile
THIRD RUN SEGMENT 8.5 mi. (--:--) --/mile
RUN FINISH 5.7 mi. (--:--) --/mile
TOTAL RUN 26.2 mi. (--:--) --/mile 1541

T2: BIKE-TO-RUN 10:53