Oglesby Ironman Rally aOOOga thread

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my swimming is my achilles heel. dont know if its a proper metaphor..but whatever. my endurance when swimming is holding me back from triathlons. :(

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It depends on how heavy he is (how much he has to drag around that course), but probably 6000-7000 calories or more.
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going to be up studying -- I'm going to watch him cross the finish line via the LIVE feed:biglove:
Each of those gels, depending on which ones you use, is about 100 calories, give or take.
So does a lot of it come down to pre-race nutrition?
A little. I'd say hydrating for a couple days beforehand is important, and eating regularly on the bike and run is also important. On a race like that, you're going to stuff your jersey full of stuff, and there are also going to be regular aid stations and bottle hand-ups.
A little. I'd say hydrating for a couple days beforehand is important, and eating regularly on the bike and run is also important. On a race like that, you're going to stuff your jersey full of stuff, and there are also going to be regular aid stations and bottle hand-ups.
reminds me of mike pigg and his food baby
second run segment is in :thumbup:

FIRST RUN SEGMENT 3.5 mi. (10:16:28) 12:32/mile
SECOND RUN SEGMENT 8.5 mi. (12:17:01) 14:10/mile
What kind of thoughts do you guys think he is having right now? Do you get to a point of euphoria?
... Pat was a couch potato engineering major who was in some choir, and drank beer all the time. One day, he decides he wants to get in shape. 6 months later, he's doing an ironman. Now he's among the best in the world. That's ridiculous.

Does this mean there's hope for me?

Actually, my wife just ran her first marathon and it was pretty inspiring. Maybe once I finish my current mental marathon, I'll get my but in gear...:D
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At this point, his legs probably feel like they barely work. I think Oglesby has been pretty successful on some shorter courses, so he is not used to going this slow. At that pace, he is doing a lot of walking. But I assure you he's not the only one walking on that course right now. There are a lot of good athletes who got their asses kicked today. He is in good company.
What kind of thoughts do you guys think he is having right now? Do you get to a point of euphoria?
I was thinking the same thing - sometimes on race sites they comment on how beautiful the scenery is - the LAST thing I am thinking about while I'm hauling my *** down the road is how lovely the ducks in the pond look.
What kind of thoughts do you guys think he is having right now? Do you get to a point of euphoria?

I don't know about others and I certainly haven't done a race like this before, but when I get near the end of the race it is almost as if your body just takes over, like a horse running to the barn near mealtime. You pick up speed and feel as if you are virtually flying through the air passing people by.

Now I am talking 10k and 1/2 marathon lengths, which are my favorite, I can't imagine what it would feel at the end of a race like this, but I would imagine it is the same sort of numb feeling, your brain will wear out long before your body
I don't know about others and I certainly haven't done a race like this before, but when I get near the end of the race it is almost as if your body just takes over, like a horse running to the barn near mealtime. You pick up speed and feel as if you are virtually flying through the air passing people by.

Now I am talking 10k and 1/2 marathon lengths, which are my favorite, I can't imagine what it would feel at the end of a race like this, but I would imagine it is the same sort of numb feeling, your brain will wear out long before your body
55 marathons later, I still call the last 2 miles "Running Toward the Beer":clap::lol::banana:I imagine this gigantic can of Nattie Lite....receding into the foreground....
gets me home every time:D

wait, i also call it "Smelling the Barn"

hey guys i'm getting worried! he's not to the third segment of the run yet!!
poor guy, I'd be hiking by now. can't imagine those conditions!
hope he's OK. anyone heard anything?
55 marathons later, I still call the last 2 miles "Running Toward the Beer":clap::lol::banana:I imagine this gigantic can of Nattie Lite....receding into the foreground....
gets me home every time:D

hey i'm getting worried...he's not to the third segment of the run yet!!!
poor guy! anyone else heard anything?

wait, i also call it "Smelling the Barn"

Nattie Lite??? Sherruns, you crack me up!! Have you really done 55 marathons?? You're my hero!! I'm not worthy!!!
55 marathons later, I still call the last 2 miles "Running Toward the Beer":clap::lol::banana:I imagine this gigantic can of Nattie Lite....receding into the foreground....
gets me home every time:D

wait, i also call it "Smelling the Barn"

hey guys i'm getting worried! he's not to the third segment of the run yet!!
poor guy, I'd be hiking by now. can't imagine those conditions!
hope he's OK. anyone heard anything?
Well if he keeps at his current pace, he will finish in plenty of time. Just hope he doesnt hurt himself
Nattie Lite??? Sherruns, you crack me up!! Have you really done 55 marathons?? You're my hero!! I'm not worthy!!!
yeah because i have obsessive/compulsive friends. for awhile i did 11-13 marathons a year. my friends kept going and i dropped off to around 5-8. now i'm down to about 3 per year. one friend, dianna, just completed her 184th marathon. she's NUTSO, but did help me qualify for and run Boston twice, so I guess there was a good reason for me following her around to so many marathons.......she gets the shakes and the darting eyes if she doesn't get in her eight miles a day, even to this day. one thing's for sure, she has great bone density! she's just WHACKO!

I just hope Matt takes these last few miles slow and steady. Just think about that giant Nattie Lite, Matt, come on, it's waiting for ya!
Gosh what an incredible accomplishment. I hope he's hangin' steady!
:luck:>>>>>>>>MATT IRONMAN<<<<<<<<<<:luck:
I hope they are just slow to update the splits. its been 3 hours since his last run time. That means he would have to be going slower then 20 min/mile.:(
I hope they are just slow to update the splits. its been 3 hours since his last run time. That means he would have to be going slower then 20 min/mile.:(
yeah maybe the website's just not accurate. i hope that's it!:scared:
Hopefully, Ive been watching the coverage while studying for my test tommorow:(, and its been pretty crappy all day.
Judging from other ppls times, he should be coming in soon, if something bad didnt happen.
He's probably been done for a while, and the site is just slow.
A true iron man, congrats Mat.

TOTAL SWIM2.4 mi. (1:26:54)2:17/100m1550
FIRST BIKE SEGMENT36 mi. (3:45:03)16.49 mphSECOND BIKE SEGMENT37 mi. (6:22:22)14.11 mphFINAL BIKE SEGMENT39 mi. (9:21:42)13.05 mphTOTAL BIKE112 mi. (7:47:40)14.37 mph1638
FIRST RUN SEGMENT3.5 mi. (10:16:28)12:32/mileSECOND RUN SEGMENT8.5 mi. (12:17:01)14:10/mileTHIRD RUN SEGMENT8.5 mi. (--:--)--/mileRUN FINISH5.7 mi. (15:30:42)43:16/mileTOTAL RUN26.2 mi. (5:58:07)13:40/mile1409
YEAH!!!! this is my first post here but congrats. I am truly in awe. you rock
Outstanding, Oglesby!!

Wait, Michellie Jones does Ironmans now? What? She was my HERO when I raced in college (and that was 15 years ago...). FYI it's pronounced My Kee Lee, for those who don't yet worship her.
Michelie Jones won Kona two years ago on the then-brand-new Felt DA, which is arguably the sweetest looking bike ever.

Desiree Ficker, who is my future wife, is going to eat her, and the rest of the field, for lunch this year.
hey guys!
im back.
i just read through this read and it really makes me feel GREAT to know you all were supporting me!
by the way--did someone leave a message for me as an inspirational quote???
I did the "ironman shuffle" past a checkpoint and my name popped up with a message that said, "Matt you are wicked awesome!"
i dont know who wrote that, but THANK YOU, it made me smile in a time when i really needed the lift.
So, i just got back home this morning--and im sun-burned, sleep-deprived and in need of a shower. I have to write up my experience at some point...but i should probably go file my taxes first!

.....okay i couldnt resist:
the swim was surprisingly easy. perhaps the easiest 2.4 miles i have ever done...maybe thats because I was so well rested, or my adrenaline was pumping...or the water was cold it numbed my pain (wetsuits are not in my financial reach yet). I naturally got punched in the face, swam on top of...and kicked in the balls! I always love a good triathlon swim. I left the water and didn't realize how cold I was until my nose started running on the bike. Good thing the Tempe heat was on the rise, i think it is what kept me from getting myself sick. Unfortunately though, I became badly sunburned and very dehydrated as a result (pictures on the sunburn momentarily).
okay, in short, the most surprising thing about my day was the bike course, and and this is due to my CHAIN RING FALLING OFF!
this happened around mile 70 or so....I kept on doing makeshift quick-fixes....stopping about every mile or so for a total of about 10 stops. Then on my last stop, I found a plastic straw on the side of the road that I used to tie my chain rings together. This did the trick to allow me to keep racing--but i was stuck pedaling in the most difficult gear! NOT FUN going uphill...and scary coming back down due to fear of the straw coming out and suddenly losing control and crashing.
I was terrified i was going to have to withdraw from the race...its just amazing what a lil willpower and a plastic straw can amount to.
this was also about the same point in time when i induced cramps in my legs from pedaling in such a hard gear...which made the run INSANELY EXCRUCIATING. I have never moved so slow in my life--and its like I could will myself to move quicker either. The slightest jerk forward in a "normal pace" shot off so many triggers of cramps, it was unbearable.
But then of course came the last lap--sure its only 8 miles, but when all you have is 8 miles to cover before you call yourself an ironman, things get easier. I just thought to myself: "okay- bust out two miles of forward motion and then its only a 10K"
I started using street posts, cones, bushes and other competitors as 'markers' for things I would "run" to. I promised myself that if I could run to that thing then I could allow myself to do a quick walk until I decided on another goal.
the last two miles were non-stop and i was in tears the last mile from the cramps i was now jogging on. they had already taken over both my quads, both my hamstrings and were now sparing only my left calf...but this left calf soon fell victim as i gave it everything I could reach the finish line.
I cant believe I finished...but I am forever going to be proud that I did.
I am now an IronMan!


*can't wait to do it again!
Wow Matt...a plastic straw! Are you kidding me?! You could be a paramedic with you ability to "adapt and overcome". I don't really know you, but you are an inspiration. Congratulations! Get some rest and take care.:)
Hold on... was your rear cassette coming apart? Or was it your crankset?

How old is your bike?

Who was doing on-course support? You wouldn't have had to drop off, most likely. Mavic, or whoever is there, will have tons of spare ****. They would have eventually found you and replaced your rear wheel with one of their loaners. Or if it was on your crankset, they would have just given you a loaner bike.

On the other hand, using a straw to hold your gears together makes for a much better story.
Congrats on your finish Matt! What a HUGE accomplishment! They used to have an ironman triathlon (UltraMax Triathlon) here, in my hometown, in Missouri. As an amateur triathlete, it was so inspiring to see everyone finish an IronMan! Good job!!!! :thumbup:
Wow Matt! Sorry you had such a rough time, but YOU DID IT! CONGRATS! ;):D
here are some pictures from Tempe, AZ. I am waiting for the actual racing photos to be posted online...and then I can share those with you guys too.

TT--i couldnt accept any outside assistance or i would have been DQ'd. I saw some trucks driving around and picking up stranded bikers...but i sure as hell didnt want to be one of them! anyways, as promised, here are some pictures:


bike set up

transition bags

my sunburn =[ (its bilateral)

my legs after 140.6 miles

sunburned eyeballs?
That's an expensive freaking crank too. That has to suck.

I have only two words for you:

1. Dura
2. Ace

here is a picture of my finisher's medal:

and here is a picture of AT Still SOMA i just HAD to visit being that i was staying in a hotel less than 12 miles away:

and in other news: i just showed my medal to my older brother...then five minutes later he comes up to me and says, "you know, you really should get into sports medicine." That felt really good to hear. I could see myself very happy working with athletes in that field.
I also found out that all sports drinks you find in a supermarket are ISOTONIC! I was in a market in Tempe looking for drinks and the big headline above my aisle read, "Isotonics." So maybe that clears up the earlier question i had about dilutions.
regarding the dura-ace crankset: "HOLY CRAP thats a lot of $$$" but i should consider investing the funds being that my ride literally fell apart on me last race. Anyhow, i am riding 650cc wheels and i might switch back to 700cc just cause i feel more stable at high speeds with larger diameter wheels. I heard Felt makes 52's at 700cc...not sure, but id like to find out so that when i become an affluent doc, i can afford a really nice bicycle:D....and lots of entry fees into triathlons!
Dude I don't know what kind of bike you have, but I know you've got an FSA carbon crank and a Dura Ace front deraileur. I'm going to guess that the rest of your bike isn't Sora. Its probably pretty good across the board.

The Dura Ace crank isn't that big of a jump from what you've got. You can probably get one for a pretty good price on Ebay. And it will last forever.