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I also got an interview invite from Walsh! I went there for an open house.
When did you receive the invite? Congrats :)

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I just got an invitation to Walsh too. I have been told they do group interviews but not sure! Hopefully someone can answer this question because I'd really like to know as well!
I got an interview invite for Walsh, but I declined it. Hopefully that helps someone out!
I’m so excited!! Are you going to go to Toledo???
Honestly I don't know. I'm currently waitlisted at Ohio University and Ohio State. If I end up getting in to either of those programs then I will probably go there. Toledo was my back-up school of the 3 I applied to, but I'm so happy to have been accepted somewhere!
I was also accepted to Toledo yesterday! I am so excited to be accepted to another school, but will probably be declining my offer. Hopefully that helps someone else out!
Did you like Toledo’s program? I got accepted to Dayton also. I like both programs but I think I’m going to go with Toledo
I also got accepted to Dayton! Right now Dayton is my top choice but I really liked Ohio as well. Im waitlisted there right now
I just got an invitation to Walsh too. I have been told they do group interviews but not sure! Hopefully someone can answer this question because I'd really like to know as well!
I received an interview invite today for 12/18! I'm also curious as to what the interview is like -- I'm nervous too because it's only a week away lol. Hopefully someone who has already interviewed can answer :)
I emailed Toledo declining my acceptance there yesterday since I got into OU. Hopefully that will help someone out!

I am declining my Toledo acceptance as well. Two more spots for people on the waitlist! Good luck guys!
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To anyone who has interviewed at Walsh... how was it? What was it like/the format/questions asked/etc? I am interviewing there on 12/18 and would love some tips if possible. Thanks! Good luck to you all :)
How are my fellow out of state people feeling about the out of state tuition? Apparently most of the students end up getting in state tuition.
How are my fellow out of state people feeling about the out of state tuition? Apparently most of the students end up getting in state tuition.
Honestly most places you go if it's out of state, you can apply for in state after a year. It's not terrible once you factor in that but honestly weighing staying in state vs out of state... it's a crap ton of money which is why OSU ends up having a class that is around 80% in state in the end. I guess you just gotta choose if money is a big enough factor for you in your decision cause in the end it will be at least a 28k difference but likely a bit more according to the handouts they gave us at the interview.
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Anyone who has interviewed at Walsh???? My interview it tomorrow and i’m feeling nervous. Any responses help and are appreciated :)

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Has anyone gotten the official acceptance letter for Toledo in the mail yet?? I know we got that one official email but has anyone gotten the letter yet
I'm assuming you probably got it at this point but I got it probably a week or two ago.