Oklahoma State c/o 2022

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In a perpetual state of wanting pizza
7+ Year Member
Jan 19, 2016
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*cricket cricket*

How has it August and no one has created this thread yet? I want to feel important lol

I went to undergrad here and I'm going here in the fall (moving back a week from tomorrow :O ) so if anyone has any questions, I might be able to answer them!

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Hey cdoconn, I'm in the WW game with you. I'm applying to OSU COM for 2018, I live in Tulsa. SDN is a small world : ) How's school going so far?
Hey cdoconn, I'm in the WW game with you. I'm applying to OSU COM for 2018, I live in Tulsa. SDN is a small world : ) How's school going so far?
Hey Rabbott! I forgot the COM was a thing! It hasn't started actually! VM1 starts in a week!! :O

And yes, SDN is a small world indeed!
So, just out of curiosity, did they ever announce a new dean? I saw where they had candidates give presentations but hadn't seen anything else in awhile.

I believe there was a meeting to go over all the input given from faculty et all on Monday, so I don't know how long they will deliberate from there.
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I keep getting emails about their search and I'm like... yeah, I don't really care that much. Just send me an email when you finally find one, kthx.

Hopefully whoever they find is as good as Lorenz was.
And wow. No one applying this year to OK? Guess that space problem might be solved. lol
for real! I wouldn’t be opposed to it. :laugh: Let 2021 stay in the auditorium- 104 of us really don’t fit in the 2nd year room (especially if they take in transfers and increase size more)
for real! I wouldn’t be opposed to it. :laugh: Let 2021 stay in the auditorium- 104 of us really don’t fit in the 2nd year room (especially if they take in transfers and increase size more)
You think you'll stay at 104 without anyone failing out/deciding to leave, eh? :owle:
You think you'll stay at 104 without anyone failing out/deciding to leave, eh? :owle:
Oh we already had 2 leave. So I imagine 5 more will leave, take us down to below 100.

Honestly a little surprised no one left these last three weeks with our five exams and four quizzes. But we’re supportive and stubborn hahahahaha
Oh we already had 2 leave. So I imagine 5 more will leave, take us down to below 100.

Honestly a little surprised no one left these last three weeks with our five exams and four quizzes. But we’re supportive and stubborn hahahahaha
Can be rough for sure. I think Dr. A tries very hard not to lose people vs who used to teach the course. I have been awaiting my first notice that someone needs histo help. lol
I think Dr. A tries very hard not to lose people vs who used to teach the course.
I definitely agree with this though. Like obviously we have to know Anatomy to pass the course, but I really appreciate everything she does to help us. Granted, the same can’t be said for all professors, but unfortunately Dr A can’t teach all subjects.
I definitely agree with this though. Like obviously we have to know Anatomy to pass the course, but I really appreciate everything she does to help us. Granted, the same can’t be said for all professors, but unfortunately Dr A can’t teach all subjects.
eh, I think a mix is needed because you can't have your hand held for everything. People learn more and remember it longer when they put in the research themselves. I thank the old teacher for that. I learned discipline very quickly with him.
eh, I think a mix is needed because you can't have your hand held for everything. People learn more and remember it longer when they put in the research themselves. I thank the old teacher for that. I learned discipline very quickly with him.
Yeah, I can understand that. And I’m definitely not saying Dr A does everything for us, because she doesn’t. But she does try to present it in the clearest way possible. She actively tries to help.
Yeah, I can understand that. And I’m definitely not saying Dr A does everything for us, because she doesn’t. But she does try to present it in the clearest way possible. She actively tries to help.

I am basically speaking from a TA standpoint from the past two years. There was some disparity in spelling and completeness for answers that caused disgruntled students and teachers for large animal anatomy. Hopefully there is a more combined program with the new fellow coming in for second semester to ease the jarring reality that was painful the past couple years compared to the decade tandem teaching that had been changed. haha
No more Dr. H? Damn, there's almost not one single person the same for first year. At this point it's probably just gen path in second semester that hasn't changed...
Oh fear not, we do still have the phys teacher! He’s been teaching phys 2 (and 3) for a while, or so I hear.
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(especially if they take in transfers and increase size more)
We managed not to lose a single person second semester, but from what I heard we were the first class to not lose anyone in years. Phys 3 almost always takes some prisoners. But we lost four first semester, unfortunately you guys will probably drop a few, but I don't think they'll add more seats beyond what you started with for transfers. Our class filled the vacant seats with transfers, but none above the 88 as a whole we started with.
We managed not to lose a single person second semester, but from what I heard we were the first class to not lose anyone in years. Phys 3 almost always takes some prisoners. But we lost four first semester, unfortunately you guys will probably drop a few, but I don't think they'll add more seats beyond what you started with for transfers. Our class filled the vacant seats with transfers, but none above the 88 as a whole we started with.
That makes sense. Yeah I can imagine Phys 3 taking prisoners- it sound pretty rough. I enjoy metabolism so hopefully Phys 3 won’t be completely terrible- just moderately terrible Basically my number of bad days are directly proportional to having the number of classes I don’t like that day. Ergo why I hate Tuesday so much. 👎 :laugh:

I do really like anatomy though, so at least I don’t hate Monday, Thursday, and Fridays. :laugh: Enjoy ZooTech, moderately enjoy Phys 1, tolerate Ethics/ Orientation for the easy class it is (I’ve just already had it with Dr R before). Don’t like histo- haven’t had enough Phys 2 with other professor to know how I feel about it. Basically it’s a tossup if I’m gonna have a good day or not lol
umm... *cricket cricket* so, is no one applying to OkSU? Makes me sad, I want to feel important


Although this means less people on SDN who could blow my cover muahahaha
umm... *cricket cricket* so, is no one applying to OkSU? Makes me sad, I want to feel important


Although this means less people on SDN who could blow my cover muahahaha
Booom! I applied! It's one of my top 5 schools but since they don't offer OOS interviews I'm pretty sure I have a 0% chance of getting in.
I threw my hat in the ring this cycle.
just saw this apparently! yay! Good to hear! Let me know if you have any questions!

Booom! I applied! It's one of my top 5 schools but since they don't offer OOS interviews I'm pretty sure I have a 0% chance of getting in.
I wouldn’t say 0%! I’m OOS myself, got rejected from 4 other schools, and was accepted here! Let me know if you have any questions- I like this school a lot! :biglove:
umm... *cricket cricket* so, is no one applying to OkSU? Makes me sad, I want to feel important


Although this means less people on SDN who could blow my cover muahahaha
They don't have out OOS interviews so there probably won't be many replies until early next year when acceptance/waitlist/rejection messages come out.

Sent from my SM-N910V using SDN mobile
They don't have out OOS interviews so there probably won't be many replies until early next year when acceptance/waitlist/rejection messages come out.

Sent from my SM-N910V using SDN mobile
I think she is wanting to answer questions and show off her first year knowledge. lol
Guiseeee, let me feel important! I need to feel emotions after these last three weeks. :laugh:
One of the best things about being a student is answering questions and getting back those emotions from before you started school. I am trying to help by prodding these hidden people into asking you questions. haha
One of the best things about being a student is answering questions and getting back those emotions from before you started school. I am trying to help by prodding these hidden people into asking you questions. haha
That’s what I’m hoping! We got our big Anatomy exam grades back today, and our physical/renal physiology exam and a Histology exam grades back tomorrow. So happiness sounds good lol

But yes please ask me questions unless it’s about renal physiology in which I have no answer for you
Question for you
Why is there no target in stilly

okay but for real, according to the OColly (the university email)
”We’ve been working on Target since 2008, so of course, we’ve reached out to Target many, many times,” she said. “It’s a pretty big process; it’s not something that happens overnight. And, unfortunately with our demographics and our population being right at 50,000, it’s not a high priority for any major retailer to come into a market our size.”

What do you like and dislike so far

I could just text you, but then you'd feel less important
So a lot of the things I don’t like are just part of the things associated with being in vet school.

  • Small class size (in relation to other schools)
  • Very low COL in Stillwater. Not much to do most of the time besides football games and bars, but you’re so busy studying there’s not really a need for that.
  • Really nice professors (our anatomy professor is the nicest lady I’ve met- she’s essentially Dr. Mom. And while she’s really kind and helpful, she still does make you learn)
  • Also, the TA’s (especially for anatomy) are very knowledgeable and helpful. The night before the last anatomy exam, one of the TA’s came around at like 11:30pm for a minute, to see if we had any questions that he could clarify.
  • They ease you in to the program they best they can. Your first semester, while you are taking 18 hours, 4 of those are easier classes (Ethics and Zootechnology- a clinical skills type course.
  • Easily accessible hospital that you have ID access to 24/7. With this, you can go over to the hospital and get your mind off school for a little bit. (We have a resident cow named Daisy who enjoys our attention.)
  • If you’re interested in food/ large animal, equine, or small animal, there’s plenty of opportunities for you. Opportunities for exotics are fewer, but you’re also in the middle of the country. There’s a zoo/ exotics/ wildlife club though that seems to satisfy my exotics based classmates.
  • Lots of clubs! There’s practically a club for everything, and they do wetlabs! (And they’ll let nonmembers join in on wetlabs for like $5. Very worth it!)
  • Because we recently increased our clas size to 106, they’re building a new classroom building which is proving to be interesting. They’ve been taking student’s opinions all semester long, so they plan to have that open by Fall 2019.
  • Because we recently increased our class size, some things can be tight. It’s not unbearable, but it can get annoying at times- especially in the Histology room. Anatomy isn’t bad because you have 4 people to a dog, and you rotate 1 person out every lab time to look at bones/ rads/ wet specimens.
  • Not many options for food on this side of campus. There used to be a food truck, but it didn’t get enough revenue to be sustainable, apparently, so they moved it.
  • We’ve had a couple instances of people stealing labeled food from fridges/ stealing T-shirts and merchandise out of mailboxes, but SAVMA and related parties are tying to figure out a solution.
  • Speaking of SAVMA, you have to be a SAVMA member to join any clubs/ go to any wetlabs. It annoys some people, but it doesn’t necessarily bother me.
  • Parking was really bad at the beginning of the year, but as people have stopped showing up to class, it’s gotten a lot better. :laugh:
So these are the things I can think of off the top of my head, I’ll probably add more to the list, but I don’t have a reason that I would be like “OMG DONT COME HERE!” (Especially not for you, ski ski. 😉 )
Not many options for food on this side of campus. There used to be a food truck, but it didn’t get enough revenue to be sustainable, apparently, so they moved it

If its the food truck I'm thinking of, chophouse taqueria, they made it apart of university dining. I eat there a tad too much :laugh:
That’s the one! It was always part of UDS, but they moved it away from the vet school hahaha
What's are the interactions with classmates like? Is it (for lack of a better term...) dog-eat-dog where everyone is out to be the best in the class or do students group up for studying and what not?