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Jun 26, 2016
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First time poster here. Graduated with a DDS in 2017 and am currently serving in the military with 4 years of commitment. During school I didn't feel like I got enough exposure to pursue any specific residency but now that I've been practicing for about a year I'm interested in Ortho. My GPA is 3.65 but my class ranking is (top 43%) . I have presented a research poster, but didn't get a publication.
1.) What do you think the chances are of me being accepted in an Ortho Residency?
2.) What steps would you recommend to make myself more competitive within the next ~3 years
3.) What GRE / ADAT scores would make my application competitive?

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only way to know is to apply yourself and pursue it. i dont think anyone here will have the right answer for you. start networking. effectively study for both exams and do very well. do more research. externship. probably a good start
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