Pass/Fail Question

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Jan 8, 2023
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Hi there,

I am currently a 3rd year in undergrad on the pre-dental track. I just finished up my fall semester and Orgo II went extremely poorly. I ended with a D+ so will have to retake the class at another university (if I don't pass/fail). My other pre-reqs have gone decent (Orgo I being my best surprisingly). I only have a few left to complete and my science GPA currently is a 3.18. My school allows retroactive pass/fail and if I were to pass/fail Orgo II, I would have a 3.38 science GPA. I have not taken the DAT yet, but I am hoping that my score can displace this grade. I have heard many different things about dental schools and pass/failing classes, so I'm unsure what to do. If you could give some advice, it would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time!

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im almost positive schools won’t accept the orgo 2 as pass/fail. You’ll have to retake and do well as they will average out the two grades.

And yes, doing well on the ochem section on the dat will certainly help you with schools given the grade
Hi there,

I am currently a 3rd year in undergrad on the pre-dental track. I just finished up my fall semester and Orgo II went extremely poorly. I ended with a D+ so will have to retake the class at another university (if I don't pass/fail). My other pre-reqs have gone decent (Orgo I being my best surprisingly). I only have a few left to complete and my science GPA currently is a 3.18. My school allows retroactive pass/fail and if I were to pass/fail Orgo II, I would have a 3.38 science GPA. I have not taken the DAT yet, but I am hoping that my score can displace this grade. I have heard many different things about dental schools and pass/failing classes, so I'm unsure what to do. If you could give some advice, it would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time!
i don't understand
you can switch your D+ to pass/fail even though the semester is over?
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im almost positive schools won’t accept the orgo 2 as pass/fail. You’ll have to retake and do well as they will average out the two grades.

And yes, doing well on the ochem section on the dat will certainly help you with schools given the grade
Got it. Thanks!
i don't understand
you can switch your D+ to pass/fail even though the semester is over?
Yes. My school allows retroactive pass/fail for up to 4 classes, so I can pass/fail after the semester is over.
Retake and do whatever you can to get the A (start studying before the semester/qtr if need be)... Likely going to need to crush the rest of your science courses to be competitive.
You’re surprised in today’s participation trophy world?

Big Hoss
Undergraduate grade inflation can be insane these days. In my orgo class you could drop 1 test (3 tests and final). You could redo problems you missed for half credit (turn a 50% into a 75%), and if you got an A on the final you’d automatically get an A in the class (final was not a true cumulative, but orgo has components that build so kind of cumulative).

In Physics, exams were only worth 20% of overall grade. Other 80% was based on completion of HW and open book quizzes. Could fail every test with a 50% and still get an A.

To the OP, maybe pass/fail and retake. you won’t be competitive with a D+ And I think most schools require graded prereqs, only exception was during Covid.