OP, I'm the same as you, except I didn't want to come back to CA (parents own no property here, I preferred to move them somewhere cheaper where I can actually pay off a house in a reasonable amount of time faster). But, life steered me back. I went to school OOS (NYS), cheaper tuition, option of becoming NYS resident after 1 year, cheaper COL, highly ranked school, and they gave me some extra scholarship. After graduation, I matched with a residency in CA so I've been working here ever since.
IMO the only advantage of going to school in-state is networking and the opportunity to intern here (there's no guarantee you'll be picked, but if you do and they like you, they will probably want you back as a resident/potential pharmacist). CPJE was fine, it's not like there's anything in the CPJE that's not taught elsewhere (other than CA law, but as you'll find out law is a SMALL portion of the CPJE, it's not a law exam but rather law/clinical/every other miscellaneous thing under the sun). The only thing I used to study was RxPrep (the NAPLEX portion + CA portion), same with my friend who went to my same school; we passed CPJE without a problem.
If I were you, I'd pick an accredited school that's cheapest, work during school (preferably in a setting you want to be in later, but any job is better than no job), and apply to a LOT of programs when it comes to residency, if you still want to do one at that time. Maybe 15-20 or more, not kidding. Take a rotation off to stay home and apply so you don't have to fly back and forth. That way you have a good chance of matching SOMEWHERE in CA (oh and apply widely all over the state including less desirable locales please), then after residency you can start looking for jobs elsewhere.
To give you an idea, I did very well in school (summa, Rho Chi), and it took me >50 job applications and 5 interviews to get a job in SoCal after residency. This is with references personally telling me they spoke very highly of me. If that's the kind of thing you are willing to put up with - study your behind off in school to be top of your class, get involved in activities, get a job, then spend a c**p ton of money on applying/flying everywhere to interview, then you may be able to get a job in the field you want in CA...