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May 9, 2017
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Hey everyone,
I was trying to find a thread on this already, but I couldn't find anything very recent. I just found out I got a C in orgo 2. I just finished my sophomore year and I currently have a 3.469. I got a solid B in orgo 1, so seeing it go down a whole letter grade gives me anxiety. Do you think I should retake the class or continue on, keeping up a strong GPA? Thank you in advance

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Hey everyone,
I was trying to find a thread on this already, but I couldn't find anything very recent. I just found out I got a C in orgo 2. I just finished my sophomore year and I currently have a 3.469. I got a solid B in orgo 1, so seeing it go down a whole letter grade gives me anxiety. Do you think I should retake the class or continue on, keeping up a strong GPA? Thank you in advance
What happened there? I don't recommend retaking the course because you would only waste time and money. You still have 2 more years to raise your GPA. I would definitely try harder in those 2 years because a 3.4 GPA isn't the best.
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I got a C in Calc II and a C+ in Bio II early in undergrad. I received 7/10 interviews. As long as your final GPA is good (like yours is), then you have nothing to worry about! Definitely do not retake, take those upper-level science courses and continue doing what you're doing. Good luck!
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I'd suggest not retaking it. one C wont hurt
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I got a C in orgo 1 and got into schools. dont sweat it
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redeem yourself by doing well on the ochem section on the DAT, totally doable. My friend was terrible at organic but was able to pull a 21 on the ochem section. you could have done worse, forget the past! every exams varies but with the right preparation, youll be right as rain when you see ochem on the real DAT. good luck!
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I got a C in orgo 2 as well! Don't worry,won't keep you from getting accepted
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