Hi! I"m a PGY1 Psych, with >300k loans 🙁
I consolidated my loans to stay on track for PSLF.
What's it like out there in the real world in terms of PSLF-eligible gigs? (in terms of salary, responsibilities, hours, etc)
Are they mostly low-paying academic jobs 200-250k, or can you find decent PSLF-eligile gigs +300k? (I'm in the Northeast region)
Anyone out here working a PSLF eligible job for <40 hours AND working another part time job? If so, what setting is your part time (e.g telepsych, extrashift, consult, calls, TMS/ECT, addiction clinic, or even real estate). And what is the schedule like for your full time that allows time to fit in your part time?
Is it easy to keep track of PSLF monthly payments as the income rises with a side-gig or can it get pretty complicated?
Anyone tempted out of PSLF due to better offers? What's a reasonable offer to jump out of PSLF for you?
I consolidated my loans to stay on track for PSLF.
What's it like out there in the real world in terms of PSLF-eligible gigs? (in terms of salary, responsibilities, hours, etc)
Are they mostly low-paying academic jobs 200-250k, or can you find decent PSLF-eligile gigs +300k? (I'm in the Northeast region)
Anyone out here working a PSLF eligible job for <40 hours AND working another part time job? If so, what setting is your part time (e.g telepsych, extrashift, consult, calls, TMS/ECT, addiction clinic, or even real estate). And what is the schedule like for your full time that allows time to fit in your part time?
Is it easy to keep track of PSLF monthly payments as the income rises with a side-gig or can it get pretty complicated?
Anyone tempted out of PSLF due to better offers? What's a reasonable offer to jump out of PSLF for you?