Rearview Mirror: Match Day 2008 Edition

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The only place toward the east coast I interviewed was Lehigh Valley. Very impressive program, any "toys" you could want you'll have access to. They had their visit for dual accreditation (didn't hear later if they got it or not, I'd imagine if they didn't they will next year). Only saw the Muhlenberg campus, decent/nice community ED. Drove by Cedar Crest (level I trauma center) which was impressive from the outside. Would be a really quality place to train. The residents I talked to seemed pretty happy. The area seemed nice, although downtown Allentown isn't the most beautiful place in the world. Historic Bethlehem was very cool to walk around. Had a great meal at a cool Italian place there...can't remember the name of it.

My "gut feel" was that it wasn't the place for me (certainly not for lack of quality training). FWIW, a friend who rotated there said in his experience (that's my disclaimer for those who'd disagree) that they were pretty intense.

Dunno if that'll help, but hope so. I didn't rotate there, so my thoughts are based on a quick in and out interview experience. Surely you'll be able to get more info in the fall from a few of the others on the board who matched there this year.

Thank you though. I have heard a few things about Lehigh, but didn't know much about the "feel" just heard that it was good training. Where did you interview (region if you don't want to fully reveal)?

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...guessing around the DMU area from the name...
can't believe we actually got through a whole page today. good job everyone!
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Thank you though. I have heard a few things about Lehigh, but didn't know much about the "feel" just heard that it was good training. Where did you interview (region if you don't want to fully reveal)?
Some of the Ohio and Michigan programs and Freeman in Missouri. Canceled some (for better or worse) after being partway through the process after thinking further about what/where I wanted.
Some of the Ohio and Michigan programs and Freeman in Missouri. Canceled some (for better or worse) after being partway through the process after thinking further about what/where I wanted.

Oh ok... I may contact you later when it gets closer for me if you don't mind. Not absolutely sure where I will land. Matters where the bf matches next year... that one year off keeps us from doing couples matching so he gets to decide where we go (or hopefully both go).
:confused: What time do you get yours there then?

9am baby. my best bud is taking the day off and is pissed i'm not. she's gonna be sitting at my place and freaking the eff out while i freak out and see patients.
No prob. I'll try to help if I can. Best of luck to you. It can be tough figuring things out, especially based on interviews. I relied a lot on my gut feeling to try to figure out what places I felt I'd be comfortable at.

I'll be at Doctors in Columbus, OH next year so I'll be an expert on that program by then...maybe. :D
9am baby. my best bud is taking the day off and is pissed i'm not. she's gonna be sitting at my place and freaking the eff out while i freak out and see patients.

:laugh: I don't know where I'd prefer to be...depends on the outcome which I wouldn't know. If I didn't match, I wouldn't want to be there, but if I did, I wouldn't mind because I'd be super happy anyway.
totally missed the original post. Obsession with the match and politics is just hilarious (that they are at the same level to dream about them both).

not sure if i'm obsessed with politics, but i would just like to see the whole bloody thing over with already. didn't even get to vote in the cali primary cuz i was in illinois and was too stupid to sign up for absentee voting.
My voting place is right across the street from my apt, so I didn't have much of an excuse to miss it. I drove there though because I am too scared to walk in that direction...
not sure if i'm obsessed with politics, but i would just like to see the whole bloody thing over with already. didn't even get to vote in the cali primary cuz i was in illinois and was too stupid to sign up for absentee voting.
I was thrilled when the Iowa caucus was was insane here with politicos and press seemingly everywhere. I am interested in politics, but when 90% of the commercials on TV are candidates telling you why they're the best thing since sliced bread it gets old real quick.

Edit: Oh, and my presence on this thread is probably directly related to the fact that I'm done with rotations. :D
and I will be back in a few min...gotta go home (across the street)
:laugh: I don't know where I'd prefer to be...depends on the outcome which I wouldn't know. If I didn't match, I wouldn't want to be there, but if I did, I wouldn't mind because I'd be super happy anyway.

yeah i'm definitely feeling more upbeat than i was in the past couple of weeks. maybe its the fact that 90% of people in SDN seem to be ranking vandy, indy or cinci at the top (and i didn't get interviews at any of those) :laugh: i'm too pu$$ed to even list my ROL cuz its so different from everyone else''s like trying to get into the cool group in HS and once again, i'm a swimmer/drama geek.

i thought about telling the office i wasn't coming in on monday just in case but screw it, i know the doc well and he'll fer sure let me go home if i start crying.
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I was thrilled when the Iowa caucus was was insane here with politicos and press seemingly everywhere. I am interested in politics, but when 90% of the commercials on TV are candidates telling you why they're the best thing since sliced bread it gets old real quick.

Edit: Oh, and my presence on this thread is probably directly related to the fact that I'm done with rotations. :D

you're already done? bastard! i gots 4 more weeks. it's unbelievable. someone asked me how long i'd been in school the other day, and i told them "um, since i was 5". 25 years is wayyy too long.

did you get called 16 times a day like we did? if i have to hear diane feinstein leaving me a message one more time i'm gonna scream.
I was thrilled when the Iowa caucus was was insane here with politicos and press seemingly everywhere. I am interested in politics, but when 90% of the commercials on TV are candidates telling you why they're the best thing since sliced bread it gets old real quick.

Edit: Oh, and my presence on this thread is probably directly related to the fact that I'm done with rotations. :D

Did you not take any time off throughout the year?
you're already done? bastard! i gots 4 more weeks. it's unbelievable. someone asked me how long i'd been in school the other day, and i told them "um, since i was 5". 25 years is wayyy too long.

did you get called 16 times a day like we did? if i have to hear diane feinstein leaving me a message one more time i'm gonna scream.

Wow..didn't know that was all going on too. That's a waste of valuable minutes on a phone (if they are calling cells).
you're already done? bastard! i gots 4 more weeks. it's unbelievable. someone asked me how long i'd been in school the other day, and i told them "um, since i was 5". 25 years is wayyy too long.

did you get called 16 times a day like we did? if i have to hear diane feinstein leaving me a message one more time i'm gonna scream.

I'm going to have to remember that one. I get asked that all the time...of another variation though. Right now it's "how many more years do you have left"
Now if I could just suddenly fall asleep....
Nothing makes me nervous. Honestly, I could watch a plane crash in front of my face and barely blink.

I walked by our match day stage being set up the other day and I got butterflies. They haven't gone away!!! Anyone else???
Nothing makes me nervous. Honestly, I could watch a plane crash in front of my face and barely blink.

I walked by our match day stage being set up the other day and I got butterflies. They haven't gone away!!! Anyone else???

awww....I would be the same way if not worse....
amazed at how many of the members are online this late
I'm going to have to remember that one. I get asked that all the time...of another variation though. Right now it's "how many more years do you have left"

they called on my home phone. i would have freaked if they called my cell.

its depressing to think i've been in school for so long. i did have a semester off after my first bachelor's and a year off before starting med school. at my weirdest interview the PD was like "so what did you do during that year?" and he was really asking if i had applied more than once and not gotten in the first time because i'm a DO. i was like "no dude, applied once, got in and here i am". kinda insulting to think that the only way someone would go to a DO school is if we didn't get in anywhere else. oh well, didn't rank them very high.

ok gotta go write a one page review of an article and study for a radiology rotation exam. last study-ish behavior as a student! yay!
amazed at how many of the members are online this late

Really trying hard to use up all this free time. Can only go to the gym 2 hours a day. Been sleeping in till past 10. Travel plans are limited by funds. I wanna match so bad it is driving me nuts!!! Anyone???????
EM2BE said:
Did you not take any time off throughout the year?
you're already done? bastard! i gots 4 more weeks. it's unbelievable. someone asked me how long i'd been in school the other day, and i told them "um, since i was 5". 25 years is wayyy too long.

did you get called 16 times a day like we did? if i have to hear diane feinstein leaving me a message one more time i'm gonna scream.
I took 2 weeks throughout 3rd and 4th years. We already had Thanksgiving and Christmas scheduled off by the school for 3rd year so it's really been four. Took one week for COMLEX CE and one week at Christmas (when I went and did the PE). Was able to work in interviews during rotations without taking time.

Around the caucus, we got a lot of calls, but with caller ID, we just ignored them. My flight into DSM when I returned from the PE had a guy from CSPAN sitting next to me, a camera crew from NBC News, a tech guy from CBS I think, and a reporter from St. Pete's, FL.
Back for more padding
I like the political turn the thread took for a little while there
I'm not hard core in to politics but I listen to NPR about 3 times a week in the afternoon and read the political stuff in the papers.
I did a bioethics minor in college and had to take a few poli sci classes so I kind of get a kick out of the politico stuff.
The spitzer thing, while not really politics, has made for great Conan material on late night.
I haven't had a chance to watch stewart or colbert since it happened but I bet it has been freakin hilarious
I just noticed I'm having a conversation with myself.
kind of weird but oh well.
Hey, anyone read the Guwande book "Better"?
He talks about being a positive deviant at the end of the book.
one of the things he says to do
Is to write.
Do you think this counts as writing?
Maybe I'm a positive deviant already and don't even know it.
Shootin for 70 today
got it.
Peace out.
vacoug is on a roll
I can't believe I had to bump this thread...
I should get my 2 year patch next year.
errrr.r...I mean next month...
Now that's how I've padded so many posts...
EF needs to stop by again.
And btw EF, I am nearing you....

Total Posts: 8,731 (6.19 posts per day) - (your stats)
Total Posts: 6,264 (8.85 posts per day) - (my stats)
totally missed the original post. Obsession with the match and politics is just hilarious (that they are at the same level to dream about them both).

I know. It frightens me that I am almost as upset about the election stuff as I am that there are still 6 days to go till I know my match results. :(
9am baby. my best bud is taking the day off and is pissed i'm not. she's gonna be sitting at my place and freaking the eff out while i freak out and see patients.

I dunno if I could work. When the clock turned 9am (in your case), I would run out of the patient's room screaming like a banshee and dashing to the nearest computer! :laugh:
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