Roseman University Class of 2025 Interview/Acceptance Thread

I'm a D4, they've been talking about "seriously" moving to a 3 years school since I was applying. Every year they say they are closer but don't tell the students much about it. Most likely the entering class will be 4 years but if they switch last minute and say they will be 3, you should absolutely go somewhere else. They can barely stay on top of all the changes they make weekly with COVID. We had an entire class of 100 students quarantined recently and many more quarantined from other classes including the AEGD residents. It's quite chaotic to say the least. Some students are getting way more work in clinic than others. Things are out of hand and Roseman hasn't quite stabilized since COVID. So, prob not a 3 year program incoming but it could be the next which will severely affect the incoming class and could possibly RUIN your education as all clinic time will split between 200 D4 students instead of 100 D4 and I can with out a doubt say this will be detrimental to your learning experience. Some things to think about from someone who has been through 3.5 years of Roseman fun.
thanks I appreciate ur input!

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stats were average. 3.6 GPA, 20 DAT, out of state
Do you think Roseman focuses on teaching you how to be a general dentist so they don't really prepare you for any type of speciality? Because you said we won't be doing any implant related stuff and I think that is speciality work?
Do you think Roseman focuses on teaching you how to be a general dentist so they don't really prepare you for any type of speciality? Because you said we won't be doing any implant related stuff and I think that is speciality work?
I understand your argument but implants are not solely specialty work. If you're a GP and not doing implants then you're not making enough money to pay off your $600k of student loans. Also, other schools are training on implants which puts Roseman behind. Students at midwestern are placing implants and doing molar endo. Roseman is not. A GP should be doing a little of everything so to say one thing is out of the scope of GP is incorrect, they are simply upheld to the same standard as a specialist. That's was straight forward cases are for, the GPs. They won't even let us go down and watch them place the implants on pts that need, want, and are willing to pay for them. Many students are completely capable of placing an implant. As the faculty has stated "the difficult part of implants is not placing them, it is in the planning". Ok, great, so let's plan with the dozens of faculty they are willing to walk us through the process and have placed thousands themselves and are eager to teach us. No, #becauseroseman. It simply comes down to one thing and that is the administration. Dr. Hupp is slowly bringing down the school and sweating through many hot yoga sessions in the process. You don't want to be a part of it. My point is, Roseman is moving backwards because for the last many years, students would present a case to an implant board and have everything approved prior to placing an implant and that was taken away from our class, but there is a $15k implant course you can take because your $600k wasn't quite enough.
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Does anyone know if Roseman does open or closed file interviews? According to feedback on SDN it is open file but has anyone experienced this yet?
Does anyone know if Roseman does open or closed file interviews? According to feedback on SDN it is open file but has anyone experienced this yet?
In my experience (interviewed on 11/13), none of my interviewers referred to my app, so it felt like it was closed file!
Would anyone who is currently a student at Roseman be willing to get in touch with me and discuss the school? I just had my interview today and I did like it a lot... Would love to explain where my head is at and get some input on what my experience at Roseman could potentially be like.
Hey I am currently D1! you can message me if you have any questions! regarding the school! I am having a great time at Roseman
Hi! I have my virtual interview this Friday, and I was wondering if anyone who had their interview already can tell me what I can expect from the interview and the day itself.
Does anyone know if Roseman does open or closed file interviews? According to feedback on SDN it is open file but has anyone experienced this yet?
We can definitely see your application, all your grades, DAT scores, etc, everything
The Nov. 20 group just had their interviews. Pretty nice and laid back. I like this school but the tuition is something to consider.
Thank you for sharing your insights🙂
What made you choose Roseman over other schools at the time of enrollment?
They told us that because Roseman does not have any specialties at the school that we would get plenty of exposure to all the specialties. This has certainly NOT been the case and I consider it a lie. Molar endo is off the table, implants are off the table, ortho is basically non-existent, pedo procedures are also very rare, even surgical extractions which in March were ripe for the taking are now completely off the table. It's a disaster.
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I had an interview at Roseman couple days ago,, and from what I noticed, this school is very unique in a way it highlights teamwork ALOT!! Interview itself was pretty chill, I had 2 current students and 1 faculty member. I was surprised to see that those current students didn't really smile at all and didn't seem excited about the interview, so I was a little bit intimidated by that but yea..

If anyone has an upcoming interview with Roseman, you can send me a direct message!
I actually had the same experience. My 2 student interviewer’s were not very interested. To the point where my faculty interviewer had to intervene and tell them to talk / ask questions.
I guess my interview experience was a little different. The two students weren't smiling the whole time, but they appeared to be a bit interested. They did not simply ask questions off of their list, but after many of my responses, they made some comments before continuing. Then again, maybe I got lucky
Would anyone who is currently a student at Roseman be willing to get in touch with me and discuss the school? I just had my interview today and I did like it a lot... Would love to explain where my head is at and get some input on what my experience at Roseman could potentially be like.
Hi! Would you mind if i messaged you? I have my interview coming up soon and I have a few questions about the interview format?
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Hi! Would you mind if i messaged you? I have my interview coming up soon and I have a few questions about the interview format?
No worries! I should be able to get to it, I think I have one or two unanswered messages as well, I’ve had a bad sinus infection since last week unfortunately!
Would anyone who is currently a student at Roseman be willing to get in touch with me and discuss the school? I just had my interview today and I did like it a lot... Would love to explain where my head is at and get some input on what my experience at Roseman could potentially be like.
I had my interview there too, but I talked to some of the students and they did mention they were not getting enough practice clinically and that lots of the D4 students failed the board exam so that three me off.
I had an interview at Roseman couple days ago,, and from what I noticed, this school is very unique in a way it highlights teamwork ALOT!! Interview itself was pretty chill, I had 2 current students and 1 faculty member. I was surprised to see that those current students didn't really smile at all and didn't seem to be interested in the interview, so I was a little bit intimidated by that but yea..

If anyone has an upcoming interview with Roseman, you can send me a direct message!
I had the same issue, it’s like they didn’t want to lie to us and say it was a good school, I asked the two students how do you like being students here and they just smiled and said fun fun with sarcasm, but they also made a joke and said we just wish we were ready to be dentists and the doc in there with us looked mad. 😭
I had the same issue, it’s like they didn’t want to lie to us and say it was a good school, I asked the two students how do you like being students here and they just smiled and said fun fun with sarcasm, but they also made a joke and said we just wish we were ready to be dentists and the doc in there with us looked mad. 😭
dang. the students at the school are nice, but hopefully, they don't get into trouble by saying it...
So I interviewed on the 20th and I have so many mixed feelings about this school. There were some elements I really liked but there was a lot about that whole day that just didn't sit well with me.
Firstly the very first presentation from the dean felt like an adapted investor pitch where the main focus was on the bottom line for the school and "future" projects that the school was undertaking (with no actual firm end dates mentioned).... there were just parts of that prez that were not relavent to incoming students. At least that was my impression, did anyone feel the same? Differently?

My interview, like most of you, was incredibly strange. The students and even the faculty were dead silent and not engaging at all. There was one point I think the faculty member just tapped out and bluntly told the students to continue on. The students, major props to them, carried on as best they could and I think by the end of the interview loosened up a bit and engaged a little bit better.

At the end of the interview I asked the students if there were any gaps in their education and they straight up said yes. The curriculum did in fact miss some major things. They followed up by saying that the faculty is very supportive and would gladly teach you whatever you want to know (which is also the impression I got during the day), but the actual curriculum is incomplete.

I don't know about the rest of you but for 95k a year in tuition alone, it just didn't feel good enough. I don't think this school will fit for me.
That said please everyone comment your thoughts and experiences, especially if they are different from my own. This conversation we have going is really interesting!

I wish everyone the best of luck in this cycle 🙂
Oh and feel free to DM me if you have questions about interviews, and or want to hear more specifics about what happened during mine
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So I interviewed on the 20th and I have so many mixed feelings about this school. There were some elements I really liked but there was a lot about that whole day that just didn't sit well with me.
Firstly the very first presentation from the dean felt like an adapted investor presentation where the main focus was on the bottom line for the school and "future" projects that the school was undertaking. At least that was my impression, did anyone feel the same? Differently?

My interview, like most of you, was incredibly strange. The students and even the faculty were dead silent and not engaging at all. There was one point I think the faculty member just tapped out and bluntly told the students to continue on. The students, major props to them, carried on as best they could and I think by the end of the interview loosened up a bit and engaged a little bit better.

At the end of the interview I asked the students if there were any gaps in their education and they straight up said yes. The curriculum did in fact miss some major things. They followed up by saying that the faculty is very supportive and would gladly teach you whatever you want to know (which is also the impression I got during the day), but the actual curriculum is incomplete.

I don't know about the rest of you but for 95k a year in tuition alone, it just didn't feel good enough. I don't think this school will fit for me.
That said please everyone comment your thoughts and experiences, especially if they are different from my own. This conversation we have going is really interesting!

I wish everyone the best of luck in this cycle 🙂
Oh and feel free to DM me if you have questions about interviews, and or want to hear more specifics about what happened during mine
Sorry but I totally agree with you, from the 7 other interview I’ve gotten this was the most strange and staged. I have love for all schools, students and faculty, but i really don’t want an investment in myself to be the end of my career before it even starts. I ended up talking to a few students who interviewed with me and they felt the same way and said their thoughts on Roseman were completely different after the interview.
Sorry but I totally agree with you, from the 7 other interview I’ve gotten this was the most strange and staged. I have love for all schools, students and faculty, but i really don’t want an investment in myself to be the end of my career before it even starts. I ended up talking to a few students who interviewed with me and they felt the same way and said their thoughts on Roseman were completely different after the interview.
I couldn't agree more with you on every point!

The whole thing felt incredibly staged, even the Q&A session at the end felt like they regurgitated what the faculty was saying... Its really a shame, I wanted to like this school!

Idk I have so many thoughts on this, especially with what I have learned about the curriculum (or lack there of). The things they did talk about, like their teaching style and team spirit was absolutely fantastic. But that's not enough to make up for, not enough clinic time, missing chunks of curriculum etc. Plus the fact that its costing potentially up to 3X more than other schools is just outrageous.

Look I don't want to bias anyone, or have my opinion sway anothers' one way or another (especially for those of you who have interviews coming up with them).
For future interviewees, you'll just have to go and see for yourself. Go in with an open mind and ask all the hard questions, unashamed. @alphamed321 is absolutely right, this is an invesment in our futures, in ourselves. We need to be cautious, informed and critical moving forward!
So I interviewed on the 20th and I have so many mixed feelings about this school. There were some elements I really liked but there was a lot about that whole day that just didn't sit well with me.
Firstly the very first presentation from the dean felt like an adapted investor pitch where the main focus was on the bottom line for the school and "future" projects that the school was undertaking (with no actual firm end dates mentioned).... there were just parts of that prez that were not relavent to incoming students. At least that was my impression, did anyone feel the same? Differently?

My interview, like most of you, was incredibly strange. The students and even the faculty were dead silent and not engaging at all. There was one point I think the faculty member just tapped out and bluntly told the students to continue on. The students, major props to them, carried on as best they could and I think by the end of the interview loosened up a bit and engaged a little bit better.

At the end of the interview I asked the students if there were any gaps in their education and they straight up said yes. The curriculum did in fact miss some major things. They followed up by saying that the faculty is very supportive and would gladly teach you whatever you want to know (which is also the impression I got during the day), but the actual curriculum is incomplete.

I don't know about the rest of you but for 95k a year in tuition alone, it just didn't feel good enough. I don't think this school will fit for me.
That said please everyone comment your thoughts and experiences, especially if they are different from my own. This conversation we have going is really interesting!

I wish everyone the best of luck in this cycle 🙂
Oh and feel free to DM me if you have questions about interviews, and or want to hear more specifics about what happened during mine
I also interviewed that day. Honestly your message could not have been anymore well written & accurate. I’ve only had 1 other interview this year, and two last year (I’m a re-applicant). But this interview day was “strange”.

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt with covid and zoom and etc but who knows. I find it weird several of us are agreeing that our interview day was strange.

Don’t get me wrong. I think I would enjoy this school from how low stress it seems and if given a choice of this school or take a gap year again, I’d pick this school. But I’m hoping I get into my state school instead.

One last note, did anyone from the 11/13 group have similar experiences to us from the 11/20 group? I barely see anyone from that day posting on this thread.
I also interviewed that day. Honestly your message could not have been anymore well written & accurate. I’ve only had 1 other interview this year, and two last year (I’m a re-applicant). But this interview day was “strange”.

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt with covid and zoom and etc but who knows. I find it weird several of us are agreeing that our interview day was strange.

Don’t get me wrong. I think I would enjoy this school from how low stress it seems and if given a choice of this school or take a gap year again, I’d pick this school. But I’m hoping I get into my state school instead.

One last note, did anyone from the 11/13 group have similar experiences to us from the 11/20 group? I barely see anyone from that day posting on this
I also interviewed that day. Honestly your message could not have been anymore well written & accurate. I’ve only had 1 other interview this year, and two last year (I’m a re-applicant). But this interview day was “strange”.

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt with covid and zoom and etc but who knows. I find it weird several of us are agreeing that our interview day was strange.

Don’t get me wrong. I think I would enjoy this school from how low stress it seems and if given a choice of this school or take a gap year again, I’d pick this school. But I’m hoping I get into my state school instead.

One last note, did anyone from the 11/13 group have similar experiences to us from the 11/20 group? I barely see anyone from that day posting on this thread.
It’s super weird how we all feel the same way, I was actually hyped about my interview until I heard some negative things on the datbootcamp study group on fb, but still went in with open arms and came out shattered. 😭
I completed the app and supplemental and received an email on 11/5 saying I’ll be notified once the preliminary review is complete but still haven’t gotten that email:/ On my AADSAS app it says still waiting for additional materials so I’m worried...I turned in my app and supplemental though I’m wondering if anyone else had this issue?
It’s super weird how we all feel the same way, I was actually hyped about my interview until I heard some negative things on the datbootcamp study group on fb, but still went in with open arms and came out shattered. 😭
While I did say that my interview may not have been awkward and bad as many of your guys, I agree with everything else being said. The presentation sounded like a sales pitch. If they're going to be able to implement everything they told us, that'd be great, but they don't know when it'll all be done. During the Q&A, I asked the students on things they didn't like about the school because I used SDN a lot to prepare and some of the comments for this thread suggest avoiding Roseman. One D4 student told me that Roseman is always trying to change (and improve), and many students don't do well with the change. Whether he's being honest or not, it felt odd that out of the 10 or so students, he was the only one who answered my question. But with that being said, he told me that by the time class of 2025 begins, the changes should be fixed and completed so it shouldn't affect the incoming class.
While I did say that my interview may not have been awkward and bad as many of your guys, I agree with everything else being said. The presentation sounded like a sales pitch. If they're going to be able to implement everything they told us, that'd be great, but they don't know when it'll all be done. During the Q&A, I asked the students on things they didn't like about the school because I used SDN a lot to prepare and some of the comments for this thread suggest avoiding Roseman. One D4 student told me that Roseman is always trying to change (and improve), and many students don't do well with the change. Whether he's being honest or not, it felt odd that out of the 10 or so students, he was the only one who answered my question. But with that being said, he told me that by the time class of 2025 begins, the changes should be fixed and completed so it shouldn't affect the incoming class.
Dang, I can't fathom how we all experience the same scenarios. I'm glad I was able to hear from all of you because I thought I was the odd ball. It is a relatively new school though, so I can't blame them. I do however want a school who could prepare me well and be worth all of my hard work, its been hell getting this far
What are good questions to ask Roseman students and faculty during the interview?
hi all! how soon after receiving the email that your application is under review did you all receive an interview invite? thanks in advance 🙂
hi all! how soon after receiving the email that your application is under review did you all receive an interview invite? thanks in advance 🙂
So I was on the first wave of interview invites for early November, I applied early with my addsas complete and verified 6/18, I believe I went under review at Roseman early August.
The Nov. 20 group just had their interviews. Pretty nice and laid back. I like this school but the tuition is something to consider.
How did you get a hold of the admissions office to schedule the interview? It seems like no matter what time I call I don’t get an answer. Was there a certain time you called??
Anyone applied from July on got an interview? It seems as though people that have been getting interviews are the ones who have applied in June-ish? Or am I wrong?
How did you get a hold of the admissions office to schedule the interview? It seems like no matter what time I call I don’t get an answer. Was there a certain time you called??
I called them as soon as I got the email invitation to interview which was around 2-3pm. I had no issues as they answered the first try. Maybe try calling first thing in the morning?
For what it’s worth, I’m a current D1 here and I’ve really enjoyed my time. I also don’t agree with a previous post that said it’s hard to get into research at Roseman. After talking to Dr. Hung (the new research dean), I can see why in the past that would be a problem, but Roseman has really stepped it up these last two years, from what I’ve heard. I’m actually currently involved in two research projects that I’m very confident will end in publication, and I am very active in other organizations.

I understand the frustrations that the current D4s feel, but to be fair, the whole adjusting to new boards/curriculum thing would have been at least a slight problem at any dental school—I know my older friends in other schools aren’t too happy either. It frankly sucks being the guinea pig.

As for clinic, I think most of my class actually feels like the D1s get too much clinic time lol. The general consensus from the people I’ve talked is that we’d much rather be in sim lab instead of clinic because we can’t do much anyway as D1s. Nonetheless, clinic is what you make of it—as is Roseman, in my opinion. You can do the bare minimum or a ton of stuff to boost your resume; it’s all your choice how you want to spend your time.

And lastly, my friends and I actually like Dr. Hupp a lot because he takes COVID-19 seriously. Yeah, our class had to quarantine twice... that’s kinda the protocol when a ton of people test positive. And beyond Dr. Hupp, I really love all the faculty here. So, take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I really love Roseman (I actually chose it over LECOM). I’m also willing to answer any questions!

Best of luck to everyone this cycle! And if you’re a current D4 reading this, I’m sorry your experience hasn’t been what you thought it would be. Truly. I hope things will get better next semester.
For what it’s worth, I’m a current D1 here and I’ve really enjoyed my time. I also don’t agree with a previous post that said it’s hard to get into research at Roseman. After talking to Dr. Hung (the new research dean), I can see why in the past that would be a problem, but Roseman has really stepped it up these last two years, from what I’ve heard. I’m actually currently involved in two research projects that I’m very confident will end in publication, and I am very active in other organizations.

I understand the frustrations that the current D4s feel, but to be fair, the whole adjusting to new boards/curriculum thing would have been at least a slight problem at any dental school—I know my older friends in other schools aren’t too happy either. It frankly sucks being the guinea pig.

As for clinic, I think most of my class actually feels like the D1s get too much clinic time lol. The general consensus from the people I’ve talked is that we’d much rather be in sim lab instead of clinic because we can’t do much anyway as D1s. Nonetheless, clinic is what you make of it—as is Roseman, in my opinion. You can do the bare minimum or a ton of stuff to boost your resume; it’s all your choice how you want to spend your time.

And lastly, my friends and I actually like Dr. Hupp a lot because he takes COVID-19 seriously. Yeah, our class had to quarantine twice... that’s kinda the protocol when a ton of people test positive. And beyond Dr. Hupp, I really love all the faculty here. So, take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I really love Roseman (I actually chose it over LECOM). I’m also willing to answer any questions!

Best of luck to everyone this cycle! And if you’re a current D4 reading this, I’m sorry your experience hasn’t been what you thought it would be. Truly. I hope things will get better next semester.
Question for you, how’s your commute? Do you know of anyone in your class or in upper classes that commute from say Provo/Orem area?
My interview is coming up and I received an email directly from my interviewer. Is this normal???
For those of you that are interviewing tomorrow, did you receive any emails about the interview? The initial email said we would receive an email the Wednesday before the interview, but I didnt receive anything.
For what it’s worth, I’m a current D1 here and I’ve really enjoyed my time. I also don’t agree with a previous post that said it’s hard to get into research at Roseman. After talking to Dr. Hung (the new research dean), I can see why in the past that would be a problem, but Roseman has really stepped it up these last two years, from what I’ve heard. I’m actually currently involved in two research projects that I’m very confident will end in publication, and I am very active in other organizations.

I understand the frustrations that the current D4s feel, but to be fair, the whole adjusting to new boards/curriculum thing would have been at least a slight problem at any dental school—I know my older friends in other schools aren’t too happy either. It frankly sucks being the guinea pig.

As for clinic, I think most of my class actually feels like the D1s get too much clinic time lol. The general consensus from the people I’ve talked is that we’d much rather be in sim lab instead of clinic because we can’t do much anyway as D1s. Nonetheless, clinic is what you make of it—as is Roseman, in my opinion. You can do the bare minimum or a ton of stuff to boost your resume; it’s all your choice how you want to spend your time.

And lastly, my friends and I actually like Dr. Hupp a lot because he takes COVID-19 seriously. Yeah, our class had to quarantine twice... that’s kinda the protocol when a ton of people test positive. And beyond Dr. Hupp, I really love all the faculty here. So, take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I really love Roseman (I actually chose it over LECOM). I’m also willing to answer any questions!

Best of luck to everyone this cycle! And if you’re a current D4 reading this, I’m sorry your experience hasn’t been what you thought it would be. Truly. I hope things will get better next semester.
Everything was fine and dandy when we were D1s as well. All the faculty were sooo great. Our frustrations have nothing to do with "adjusting to new boards/curriculum" since our class did Part 1 and Part 2 and not integrated boards. It has everything to do with the changes that came in March when the control and decision making of two faculty advisors was taken over by just one, Hupp. Just wait. Just as you should take this D1s opinion with a grain of salt, take everything you hear in an interview at Roseman with a grain of salt since the faculty straight up lied to us about what we'd be doing in our 4th year. In your interview ask the D4s if they feel like they were lied to about what their future clinical experience would be like.
Everything was fine and dandy when we were D1s as well. All the faculty were sooo great. Our frustrations have nothing to do with "adjusting to new boards/curriculum" since our class did Part 1 and Part 2 and not integrated boards. It has everything to do with the changes that came in March when the control and decision making of two faculty advisors was taken over by just one, Hupp. Just wait. Just as you should take this D1s opinion with a grain of salt, take everything you hear in an interview at Roseman with a grain of salt since the faculty straight up lied to us about what we'd be doing in our 4th year. In your interview ask the D4s if they feel like they were lied to about what their future clinical experience would be like.
During my interview, I asked if they feel that Roseman clinically prepared them and they said yea... However, everything everyone said ^^^ is soooo true. The dean sounded like he was trying to prove that Roseman is a good dental school, instead of telling us information about the program. He included pictures of the construction site like they needed EVIDENCE. Overall, verryyyyy iffy about attending Roseman after the interview process. However, I have to say it was very well organized and on time.
During my interview, I asked if they feel that Roseman clinically prepared them and they said yea... However, everything everyone said ^^^ is soooo true. The dean sounded like he was trying to prove that Roseman is a good dental school, instead of telling us information about the program. He included pictures of the construction site like they needed EVIDENCE. Overall, verryyyyy iffy about attending Roseman after the interview process. However, I have to say it was very well organized and on time.
That’s weird! The D4 students I asked during the Q&A said they definitely don’t prepare you well and they barely provided them patients to work on, but they will work on that in the next 5 years lol so it wouldn’t be for our class.
That’s weird! The D4 students I asked during the Q&A said they definitely don’t prepare you well and they barely provided them patients to work on, but they will work on that in the next 5 years lol so it wouldn’t be for our class.

damn, that's pretty alarming if the students they picked to run the Q/A are saying that... lol
Anyone know what time Roseman starts sending out acceptances?
I’m hearing schools update portals at midnight as well as send out a emails, Does roseman do this??