For what it’s worth, I’m a current D1 here and I’ve really enjoyed my time. I also don’t agree with a previous post that said it’s hard to get into research at Roseman. After talking to Dr. Hung (the new research dean), I can see why in the past that would be a problem, but Roseman has really stepped it up these last two years, from what I’ve heard. I’m actually currently involved in two research projects that I’m very confident will end in publication, and I am very active in other organizations.
I understand the frustrations that the current D4s feel, but to be fair, the whole adjusting to new boards/curriculum thing would have been at least a slight problem at any dental school—I know my older friends in other schools aren’t too happy either. It frankly sucks being the guinea pig.
As for clinic, I think most of my class actually feels like the D1s get too much clinic time lol. The general consensus from the people I’ve talked is that we’d much rather be in sim lab instead of clinic because we can’t do much anyway as D1s. Nonetheless, clinic is what you make of it—as is Roseman, in my opinion. You can do the bare minimum or a ton of stuff to boost your resume; it’s all your choice how you want to spend your time.
And lastly, my friends and I actually like Dr. Hupp a lot because he takes COVID-19 seriously. Yeah, our class had to quarantine twice... that’s kinda the protocol when a ton of people test positive. And beyond Dr. Hupp, I really love all the faculty here. So, take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I really love Roseman (I actually chose it over LECOM). I’m also willing to answer any questions!
Best of luck to everyone this cycle! And if you’re a current D4 reading this, I’m sorry your experience hasn’t been what you thought it would be. Truly. I hope things will get better next semester.