Should I take Biostatistics or Expository Writing?

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2+ Year Member
Nov 23, 2020
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This is my first post so sorry if it’s a little long, haha. I’m planning out the rest of my sophomore year and was just wondering which course would be more beneficial for medical school. I can either take Biostatistics or Expository Writing this year. For some background, I haven’t taken any English classes and opted to satisfy that requirement with AP credit. I was talking to some of my peers who said that might not have been a good choice, but I’ve looked over the requirements for the medical schools I was interested in and it looks like they either don’t have a certain English requirement or they do accept AP credit. However, I did see that some medical schools require a writing intensive course so I was considering taking expository writing, but am a little hesitant as I heard the professor at my university is known to be rather harsh with her grading. Nonetheless, I was wondering if I should take the course so that my experience with college level English courses isn’t entirely based on AP credit and so that I can satisfy the writing intensive course requirement of certain medical schools.

Also, does anyone know what other courses are considered writing intensive by medical schools? My school doesn’t label them and I don’t want to make incorrect assumptions.

I personally feel as though biostatistics would be more relevant, but I’d like to hear from other people’s experiences and opinions about what they think would be the better class to take based on its relevance and its impact on my gpa.

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A lot of schools require or recommend a stats class if you haven't already taken one, so definitely take Biostats at some point. There are a lot of different classes that can fulfill the writing-intensive requirement - English classes are an obvious way to fulfill it, but I imagine so can any humanities or humanities-adjacent course that requires a decent amount of writing (eg essay papers etc). You don't necessarily have to take a class with "writing" in the course title for it to count.