Taking Orgo Lecture at one University and the labs at another?

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Mar 13, 2016
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Hey everyone. Non-traditional in Dallas here. I'm wrapping up my premed requirements (had everything but orgo as an undergrad) and I need to take orgo 1 w/ lab, and orgo 2 w/ lab.

UTA in the DFW area has Orgo 1 at 6 PM during the summer, and it has Orgo 2 at 7 PM during the Spring, which is perfect for me, as I work full time and have fairly rigid hours.

Unfortunately because my work requires sporadic travel, I don't know if I can enroll in labs during the weekdays and make it to them (Example: if I have a Thursday night lab but am at work till Friday I'm kind of screwed). UTD, however, has weekend lab sessions for orgo 1 and 2.

Would it make sense to take the lecture components in one school and the lab components at another school? Alternatively, could I apply without the lab components (without say Orgo 2 lab) and take it (or them) the summer before I matriculate (summer 2018?)

Thanks for any advice guys!

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Hey everyone. Non-traditional in Dallas here. I'm wrapping up my premed requirements (had everything but orgo as an undergrad) and I need to take orgo 1 w/ lab, and orgo 2 w/ lab.

UTA in the DFW area has Orgo 1 at 6 PM during the summer, and it has Orgo 2 at 7 PM during the Spring, which is perfect for me, as I work full time and have fairly rigid hours.

Unfortunately because my work requires sporadic travel, I don't know if I can enroll in labs during the weekdays and make it to them (Example: if I have a Thursday night lab but am at work till Friday I'm kind of screwed). UTD, however, has weekend lab sessions for orgo 1 and 2.

Would it make sense to take the lecture components in one school and the lab components at another school? Alternatively, could I apply without the lab components (without say Orgo 2 lab) and take it (or them) the summer before I matriculate (summer 2018?)

Thanks for any advice guys!
Most schools require lecture and lab at same school and some at same time. Will the schools let you do that? If so med schools aren't going to spend much time thinking about it, if you do well in both and on the MCAT. You might at most get asked so just be straight forward in your reply so it doesn't make you come across as being up to something.

It will boost your chances to have all required courses complete before applying as med schools worry that they might accept someone and then they end up with a C or even F. That said I've seen people get away with such who have stellar applications otherwise.

Best of luck

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Yes you can wait until you matriculate before taking lab. I'm actually in the same boat with the lab situation. Also, I'm at UTA at the moment, so if you have questions on professors, PM me.
I took orgo 1 without lab because it's not offered that way; you must take orgo 2 and then you can take the lab for both or concurrently with orgo 2.

Since I'm not taking orgo 2 and have moved out of state, I'm taking orgo 1 lab at a different, land-granting university.

Thinking it is not a big deal especially if you have other credits from the 2nd place on your application.