ucsd uc-davis ucla ucsf still waiting...

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Aug 21, 2005
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anyone know how long it takes these schools to send out secondaries? i have only received uc irvine's up until now. i was verified 8/9 and am in-state. should i be ready to get a pre-secondary reject letter?

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oldfart1997 said:
anyone know how long it takes these schools to send out secondaries? i have only received uc irvine's up until now. i was verified 8/9 and am in-state. should i be ready to get a pre-secondary reject letter?

They, especially UCLA, is notorious for taking a very long time to get their secondaries out (a long time even for schools that screen).

And since you just verified it might be a little while before you hear anything.
Good Luck!
It is frustrating, but keep chugging along!
oldfart1997 said:
anyone know how long it takes these schools to send out secondaries? i have only received uc irvine's up until now. i was verified 8/9 and am in-state. should i be ready to get a pre-secondary reject letter?

UC Davis is a lovely school, but it is somewhat disorganized. I don't think I received their secondary until mid-August (I was ultimately accepted), and my AMCAS was verified in late June, I believe. I also didn't receive UCSD's until early August, and UCSF and UCLA didn't send theirs 'till mid to late August. UCI was by far the earliest secondary I received (it came in mid-July). I don't think any of these schools make a practice of rejecting in-staters pre-secondary. So, no worries!
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evade said:
UC Davis is a lovely school, but it is somewhat disorganized. I don't think I received their secondary until mid-August (I was ultimately accepted), and my AMCAS was verified in late June, I believe. I also didn't receive UCSD's until early August, and UCSF and UCLA didn't send theirs 'till mid to late August. UCI was by far the earliest secondary I received (it came in mid-July). I don't think any of these schools make a practice of rejecting in-staters pre-secondary. So, no worries!

My friends who told me about UCLA's slowness got rejected pre-secondary and they were in-staters.
evade said:
I don't think any of these schools make a practice of rejecting in-staters pre-secondary. So, no worries!
UCSF only sends out secondaries to about 30% of their applicants, so clearly they do reject a lot of in state people pre-secondary. UCLA still rejects 40% pre-secondary, and I don't know the numbers for the others. However, it's not late enough in the cycle to assume you're going to be rejected just because you're still waiting.
I was verified 7/29, and when I called UCSD a few weeks ago to ask when I could expect to receive a secondary, I was told to hang tight until late August. I think UCD has about the same turnaround time as UCSD.

UCSF might take a little longer, especially if your application got caught in the wave that arrived at the office late. (I couldn't check my status until last week.)

UCI was remarkably fast (as you know/don't care to know), and UCLA was actually not too bad. Got theirs on Monday.
I'll let you know in a week or two if I'm crying about the rest... :oops:
J/k hopefully we'll be ok!
Verified 8/8; Received UCI on 8/12, received UCLA on 8/19. No word from UCD and UCSF, other than they have received my app but haven't processed it yet. Good luck to all of us! :)
Don't worry. The UCs are notoriously bad about keeping you waiting forever for secondaries, except as mentioned before, UCI. Even once secondaries are turned back in, it takes them a while to get back to you about whether you got an interview or not. Don't worry about how long it takes for them to get back to you--it usually has nothing to do with your appropriateness as a candidate and has more to do with the fact that whomever is reviewing them is backlogged and hasn't had time to send out all the notices.
I haven't received notification from UCLA(snail mail i hear), but when i check my status on their site, i am offered a secondary. Instead of waiting for emails/mails, just check on status page every day.

I have received UCI, UCD, UCSD, UCLA in that order and waiting on UCSF's rejection.

Verified Mid June.
In state, Verified 7/1. Just received UCSD secondary. Pending everywhere else.
i've heard from UCSD and UCI but no news from Davis or LA. i'm really hoping not to be rejected pre-secondary, but i can't help but feel that when my AMCAS was verified late june?!?!? aaagh.
Not to break the trend, but I was verified on 8/1 and received UCLA via snail mail on 8/15 and UCSD via email on 8/26. Decent screening rate if you ask me. I'm waiting for the pre-sec reject letter from UCSF soon enough...
verified 08.05 and still no uci secondary, does that mean i have no hope? and i go to uci undergrad too...