WAMC superthread

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Jan 22, 2015
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I am a DO applying this cycle and was wondering if I have a decent chance at matching given that I won't have my STEP 2 CK by the time I apply...(9/15) here are my stats:

SSP member (AOA for DO)- grade went down so I'm in second quartile now
Lots of community service +volunteering
Tutoring at med school
EC: President, VP, liaison, treasurer,,etc of on campus clubs
4 2nd and 3rd author publications
1 poster presentation with summer research internship award (during med school)
STEP1 239/ STEP 2 in October
PE: Passed (CS for DO)

1IM, 1 FM, 1Anes letters (don't think they will be great just decent/ok letters)

I was thinking I had decent chance but then I was reading the threads and 239 for DO is not a stellar score. (as someone said we need 10-15 higher vs MD grads?..)
Planning on applying to all (~70) programs that don't require STEP 2. Of those 70 about 30 are reach/not DO friendly, and the rest are mid/low tier. So I am basically applying to 40 ish programs.

Should I be worried and apply to other less competitive fields as backup?..
what do you guys think?

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You’re on the right track, but need some tweaking - how was your COMLEX, in line with your step? You are correct in the average DO applicant needs about 10-15 points more on a step than the average MD app for most programs. Your ECs will definitely help and give you something to talk about during interviews.

I wouldn’t waste your time with programs that aren’t DO friendly, it’s just sort of a throw away for those programs.

I am sure you know this, but take Step 2 ASAP.

I think you have a solid chance at a mid tier program.
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Hi all,

I am a 4th year DO student going into anesthesiology. I searched and found the previous years application threads, but those were not too helpful as they lacked many details. Top quartile in class. Step 1 is at high 240s, step 2 pending. I have minimal research and no other ECs. Letters neutral to good. Which school do I have a realistic shot with? Should I waste my money on top programs like UCSF or JHU? Also what are your opinions on doing away rotations?

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You’re on the right track, but need some tweaking - how was your COMLEX, in line with your step? You are correct in the average DO applicant needs about 10-15 points more on a step than the average MD app for most programs. Your ECs will definitely help and give you something to talk about during interviews.

I wouldn’t waste your time with programs that aren’t DO friendly, it’s just sort of a throw away for those programs.

I am sure you know this, but take Step 2 ASAP.

I think you have a solid chance at a mid tier program.
My COMLEX 1 is below 500..

Are all CA programs reach for me?
what about UCI, Cedar-Sinai, Harbor UCLA, or Loma Linda? Applying to these programs will be 100% waste ?
Pick other specialty kid....you'll thank me later.
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My COMLEX 1 is below 500..

Are all CA programs reach for me?
what about UCI, Cedar-Sinai, Harbor UCLA, or Loma Linda? Applying to these programs will be 100% waste ?

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My COMLEX 1 is below 500..

Are all CA programs reach for me?
what about UCI, Cedar-Sinai, Harbor UCLA, or Loma Linda? Applying to these programs will be 100% waste ?

That hurts. I don’t know much about California schools, but I know most are very competitive. Big academic name places are out of reach, but smaller ones and community programs are still possible. Others can comments on Cali competitiveness.
This is like the fifteenth thread this month

Hopkins has taken dos in the past but they were most likely all stars. 240, mediocre do applicant ain't gonna cut it. I don't think ucsf takes any.
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Was gonna be like thoughts? @Psai but he already saw
Agree with the others. Academics are fine.
However, the otherwise empty application is going to hurt you come rank time when people have the same scores as you as well as research, leadership, EC involvement.

Applying to more programs is a minuscule amount of money in the grand scheme of things. Decision is yours.
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DO with similar scores. Like mentioned before, Hopkins has a few DOs, UCSF doesn't have any. You could certainly apply to Hopkins, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. I went through every academic program and if they didn't have >1 DO on their roster, I'm gonna save my money. If they only have 1 DO on their entire roster, it's likely that person was a rockstar.
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UCSF had a D.O. on faculty who did residency + fellowship there maybe 10 years ago. That said I know someone who scored >250 on both steps, had substantial research, and busted their rumpus on an away rotation there — didn’t even get an interview. Ymmv, etc etc. Just apply broadly where you’d like to go and see where the chips fall.
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UCSF had a D.O. on faculty who did residency + fellowship there maybe 10 years ago. That said I know someone who scored >250 on both steps, had substantial research, and busted their rumpus on an away rotation there — didn’t even get an interview. Ymmv, etc etc. Just apply broadly where you’d like to go and see where the chips fall.
It doesn't matter what you know, it matters who you know.

Two residents in the same program, same year, same degree (MD/DO), same category (FMG/USMG), can have scores which differ by 50 points on every single Step. Speaking from experience. As you may have guessed, the one with the lower Step scores was much cuter.
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This is like the fifteenth thread this month

Hopkins has taken dos in the past but they were most likely all stars. 240, mediocre do applicant ain't gonna cut it. I don't think ucsf takes any.

Yes, there should be a sticky “I’m an average DO applicant with such and such...” - the answer doesn’t really change unless you are on an extreme either way.
sorry for yet another WAMC thread, would really appreciate your help.
above average research / pubs
geographically open to: midwest, North east, south, midatlantic

what are some examples of safe programs / reach programs for me? Thanks!
UCSF had a D.O. on faculty who did residency + fellowship there maybe 10 years ago. That said I know someone who scored >250 on both steps, had substantial research, and busted their rumpus on an away rotation there — didn’t even get an interview. Ymmv, etc etc. Just apply broadly where you’d like to go and see where the chips fall.

I know someone who had a 250+ and did interview at UCSF as a DO, that was 8 years ago. He ranked them 1 but matched his second choice, another top program.
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Trying to judge my chances to anesthesiology programs, specifically on the west coast, as I am from Washington State.

Medical school: MD allopathic school in the south, received a full tuition scholarship so zero debt at this time.
Step 1: 228
Step 2: 251
3rd year: Honor all clerkship, except for a pass in Peds
Posters: Over 10, including presentations at ASA conferences, International Anesthesia Research society congress and a Society of Critical Care Medicine conference. Received 2 awards for first place Research.
Publications: 2 co-author pubs, with 2 first author pubs submitted

I would like to head back to the Pacific Northwest since my entire family is currently there. What are my chances?
Apply broadly, but in your PS that your from the pacific NW and you’ll be fine.
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Step 2 decline is a red flag - throw in some community programs and new residencies and you’ll be fine.
I know someone who had a 250+ and did interview at UCSF as a DO, that was 8 years ago. He ranked them 1 but matched his second choice, another top program.

Random anecdotes like this are much more the exception than the rule. Of corse nothing is truly impossible, most of us are trying to be realistic. Programs get a LOT of DO applicants, many pretty rough from new, dubious schools - apply accordingly.
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Yes. There are a multitude of medical specialilties other than anesthesia. Pick any one of those.
@ERWINSHRODINGER what @Consigliere is getting at is take a look at you resume and ask yourself why you chose anesthesiology? he's saying there could be better choices based on the reasons you want to do anesthesiology? you don't want clinic? you don't like rounds? you like working on your own? you like doing a procedures? you like money? sure, it sounds like you like anesthesiology, but you also might like radiology, more specifically interventional radiology.
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Also, my response has nothing to do with CRNAs. They may be a negative about our field, but they're also way down the list.
Hi all,

I am a 4th year DO student going into anesthesiology. I searched and found the previous years application threads, but those were not too helpful as they lacked many details. Top quartile in class. Step 1 is at high 240s, step 2 pending. I have minimal research and no other ECs. Letters neutral to good. Which school do I have a realistic shot with? Should I waste my money on top programs like UCSF or JHU? Also what are your opinions on doing away rotations?

You can't even spell your username correctly. Who cares about your scores?
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Lmao. Im sorry you feel that way. Good luck!
With what?! I'm a multimillionaire anesthesiologist on the verge of retirement. I've been lucky enough already.
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Is something wrong?

There have been SEVERAL “WAMC” threads recently which means either A) you’re not reading them or B) you’re too lazy to do a thread search

Regardless, the answer is usually the same: “Apply broadly” If you have decent enough numbers to ask what your chances are then you know you already have somewhat a chance or you otherwise wouldn’t ask. No one on here is going to tell you that you’re a shoe-in based on Steps and transcripts. If you want to be somewhere specific then show the effort (and you still may not match there).
You can't even spell your username correctly. Who cares about your scores?

I never caught that typo:laugh::laugh:

But thanks everyone for the honest advices. I know there are a lot of similar threads but I just want more inputs.
I wouldn't waste my time trying to get into the CA programs. The new Kaweah Delta program would be the only one I'd imagine extending an interview. A DO has to compete with all the MD candidates that want to be in CA. Besides, it's expensive and there's no water..
I wouldn't waste my time trying to get into the CA programs. The new Kaweah Delta program would be the only one I'd imagine extending an interview. A DO has to compete with all the MD candidates that want to be in CA. Besides, it's expensive and there's no water..

The most important point. Not worth it on a resident salary. Barely worth it on an attending salary. Visalia is not LA/SF/SD.
Both UCSF and Hopkins are top programs that will give you awesome training, but comparatively speaking, UCSF will be somewhat more competitive given its location. If you do well on Step 2, I think it's worth applying to both, though.
Thank you for your responses.
I guess I will be applying to all but the top 20ish programs. ;)
Hello all,
I'm a 4th year DO student, applying to anesthesia later this month. Needless to say, I'm a bit overwhelmed with the process. I'm not sure how many anesthesia programs and pre-lim spots to apply to, and how many interviews to go on (assuming I get any)???
Step 1: 223
Step 2: 252
COMLEX 1: 664
COMLEX 2: 735
Passed CS....Plenty of honors in clinical grades, no red flags.

I was considering applying to 60 anesthesia and 10 prelim spots??? Would it be sufficient to go on 15 interviews, if I was lucky enough to get that many??? Again, very overwhelmed, so I truly appreciate any assistance from others who have more experience in this game than I do. Thank you!
Hello all,
I'm a 4th year DO student, applying to anesthesia later this month. Needless to say, I'm a bit overwhelmed with the process. I'm not sure how many anesthesia programs and pre-lim spots to apply to, and how many interviews to go on (assuming I get any)???
Step 1: 223
Step 2: 252
COMLEX 1: 664
COMLEX 2: 735
Passed CS....Plenty of honors in clinical grades, no red flags.

I was considering applying to 60 anesthesia and 10 prelim spots??? Would it be sufficient to go on 15 interviews, if I was lucky enough to get that many??? Again, very overwhelmed, so I truly appreciate any assistance from others who have more experience in this game than I do. Thank you!

Youve got the right idea. You have an average chance given your step 1 but have made up for it elsewhere... Make sure you throw in the new community programs that have opened see other threads for details.
Thank you in advance for answering this:

MD applicant from mid-low tier allopathic school in the Southeast.
Step 1 High 230s
Step 2 High 250s
Would like to stay on the E coast with a preference towards NE (NYC, Philly, Boston, etc) but applying to W coast as well as I have nothing really tying me down.

How many programs should I apply for roughly in those regions and how I should I distribute the programs among the top/middle/low tiers? Ballparking around 50?
Hey everyone,

I submitted my application last week and now I am unsure about my list of schools that I applied to.

USMD Senior
Step 1 239
Step 2 258
Top quarter of class
Letters from anesthesia, EM, and IM
Class leadership and teaching experience

BIDMC, Brigham, Mass Gen, Columbia, Cornell, Mt. Sinai, Penn, Pitt, Dartmouth, Northwestern, Rush, UChicago, Michigan, Mayo, WashU, Cleveland Clinic, SLU, MCW, OSU, Miami, UTSW, Duke, UNC, Vanderbilt, Yale, Georgetown, Stanford, UCLA, USC, Cedars, UCSF, Washington, OHSU, Utah, Colorado

Thoughts on the list? I am just a little scared I am shooting a little out of my range.

Lofty (and fairly random) list but enough safe bets that you’re probably fine. Not much geographic sense to it - be ready to shell out some $ for travel.
Sorry for yet another DO student WAMC post!!

DO, average student.

Step 1: 220-225
Step 2CK: 230-235
COMLEX 1: horrible, low 400s
COMLEX 2: 100 points higher than level 1, 500s

2 publications, 1 presentation, dual degree program (MBA), high passes and honors on all 3rd year rotations, 3 away rotations, hoping to get a PD letter

Applied to 74 programs last week. should i apply more to increase my chances?
i had same step scores but 600s comlex scores. applied to as many programs (no high tier) and had 14 invites
Sorry for yet another DO student WAMC post!!

DO, average student.

Step 1: 220-225
Step 2CK: 230-235
COMLEX 1: horrible, low 400s
COMLEX 2: 100 points higher than level 1, 500s

2 publications, 1 presentation, dual degree program (MBA), high passes and honors on all 3rd year rotations, 3 away rotations, hoping to get a PD letter

Applied to 74 programs last week. should i apply more to increase my chances?

Include newer, community-based programs. Anything “University of X” true academic is probably a waste of an app, to be honest. Uphill climb.
Include newer, community-based programs. Anything “University of X” true academic is probably a waste of an app, to be honest. Uphill climb.

Admiral, my top choice is in the DC/MD/VA area, I would LOVE to be at Georgetown, do you think this is a reach for me? Should I also apply to a back-up specialty?