What Gen-Surg Away Rotations Did You LOVE?

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7+ Year Member
Jan 22, 2014
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Trying to narrow down which programs would be best to do an away at. Leaning east coast, open to anywhere, thinking community based. I'm at an institution that highly recommends that we do 2+ away rotations, so please no "aways aren't beneficial" replies.

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If you're interested in California, I did an away on the Trauma service at UCLA-Harbor and absolutely loved it. They are an underrated gem of a program. Unparalleled operative autonomy in this day and age and great relationships with attendings. Support for research and access to UCLA if you want it, but also excellent preparation to go into private/community practice if you dont.
I did one at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte and absolutely loved it!!! The residents are all super nice, well spoken, and eager to get students involved. You can write notes, put in orders, and have an active role on the team. Plus there's free food everywhere and cases to scrub as far as the eye can see. Although doing an away does not guarantee an interview there, the experience in and of itself is well worth it.