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10+ Year Member
May 6, 2011
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Hey guys ill keep this short. Here are my stats:
oGPA: 3.42
sGPA: 3.15
DAT(19AA, retaking it June 29th, hoping for anything >19)
Doing the Master's of Arts Biomed program starting Aug at Midwestern.
3 shadowing exp >100hrs
>200 volunteering hrs.

I am applying very broadly - I am a reapplicant from last year and I want to get myself the best chance to get an interview anywhere! Here is my list so far:

Indiana U
AT Still-AZ
AT Still-Missouri
U of Kentucky
U of Maryland
Boston U
Midwestern - AZ
Midwestern - Illinois
Virginia Commonwealth
Touro - NY

I know I have a few VERY HARD TO REACH schools lol
I am a California resident.

Any suggestions??


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Do you know how many schools you want to apply to? Did you look at all their requirements (do you have anatomy/biochem/AP classes/etc)? Just from my own experience, VCU requires 100+ shadowing, they want a lot from general dentist, idk how many you have. Rutgers doesn't take AP credits. Here is a link for OOS friendly but I would look at doc toothaches guide for your stat friendly schools.
OOS Friendly Schools List from ADEA Guide
My own opinion: I would take out my very hard to reach schools unless you have sometimes extraordinary on your app or really really really want to go there and apply to other schools that line up more with my stats or save that money
I would probably remove UMKC, they do not accept very many applications outside of a few states (MO, KS, NM, HI) they also want 100 shadowing hours with 5 settings
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Do you know how many schools you want to apply to? Did you look at all their requirements (do you have anatomy/biochem/AP classes/etc)? Just from my own experience, VCU requires 100+ shadowing, they want a lot from general dentist, idk how many you have. Rutgers doesn't take AP credits. Here is a link for OOS friendly but I would look at doc toothaches guide for your stat friendly schools.
OOS Friendly Schools List from ADEA Guide
My own opinion: I would take out my very hard to reach schools unless you have sometimes extraordinary on your app or really really really want to go there and apply to other schools that line up more with my stats or save that money
I want to apply to about 18-20. I have all the prereqs(anatomy, physio, biochem, micro) I have 2 general dentists. Close to 100 shadowing hrs and 700+ volunteer hrs.
I would probably remove UMKC, they do not accept very many applications outside of a few states (MO, KS, NM, HI) they also want 100 shadowing hours with 5 settings
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