Where are my future UCLA classmates?

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Hello classmates!

If you're celebrating Easter, then Happy Easter to ya! :D :D

It's a bitter sweet good bye to my spring break.. :( Have a great weekend everybody. :clap: :clap:
Ok, I need to get used to this new forum look.

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ooh..cda conference. i may go with my dad...so i might see some of you there. :D
Hi Ami,
How many days will you be able to stay?
Please bring tons of pic from you trip.
Then we can share our traveling experience.
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It looks like I won't be able to make it next weekend :( I have too many things to do with the organization I volunteer with... shouldn't skip them. and I know there will be plenty more conferences. :) I hope you guys have fun! Thanks Sujain, for all the information, that was very sweet of you :D
Hello, everyone:

same here as you bbpower.... I left the forum for a weekend.... wow, it changed. I really need to get use to it. nice design though.... :clap:
Yea, the new design is pretty cool.

laksjfalskf! School is ending soon! Planning a visit down there soon....does anyone know when their exams/midterms/finals are during May? That way we can go hang out w/o me intruding upon your guys' precious study time (hah). =)
lucky for me, no finals, so just lemme know when ur done, Nick, and maybe we can all plan a get-together? :idea: How about a Memorial Day BBQ? That's on May 31...

aw, Steph! I'll miss ya. :( But i TOTALLY understand. I decided to postpone my application to dental school by one year (last year) because of my community service committments-- I'd rather let myself down than do that to someone else, u know? And ur so right. Plenty more conferences are in store for us. No worries. I'll make sure to grab an extra copy of everything for you... it'll be like you didn't miss a thing. And we'll make sure to take lotsa pics,too! ;)

Grins, Sujain :p
Hi all,
After days of searching, I finally found a runningmate=) Please give your :clap: to Amy. She will be running for VP while I will be running for the president of class of 2008. Given her kind personality who have reached many of us (particularly secured my decision to come to UCLA), I believe together we can bring our class to a new height. I will try my best to glue us together and hopefully make it a memorable four years. I hope we will have your support.
oh, boy.... competition already,

umh, what characters do I want from my class president and other officers? I do not want to be let in on their ideas or decisions... I think that they should be the class's voice and representitive....

what else, think, think.... I think that we should all think about it....
yee-haw!!! the convention starts tomorrow & i'm sooooo excited! :p
Eric mentioned some who might "reveal" their attendance as well, but this has not happened so far... well, i hope everyone who goes has a blast! Even those going in stealth... well, i'll post the lectures i'll be attending in a few, once i put it all together.

Jeff, are you and Lisa going? Or are you guys keeping under my radar too? :rolleyes: :laugh:

Take care, all!
Sincerely, Sujain
Hey sujain,

Lisa and I are starting midterms on friday so you can bet we will be there in spirit,... haha. Or you could take a video camera and tape recorder to give us the play by play...... :) Hey rita i agree completely and we can talk more if you are going to meet dr. sekiguchi next week! I am planning on being out of San Diego folllowing JURY DUTY on june 14th.. haha they caught up to me but oh well it'll be a good time as long as I don't end up on the robert Blake trial or the Michael Jackson trial. In this case you can be sure I will be writing a book to account for my year long minimum stay in the court room. No doubt Marsha clarke will be giving me tips on what to write.

Soooooooooo good luck with with midterms everybody and there you have it.

Hi all,
I just got back from taking Xray for my dad =) Wow, I am so glad there are so many people posting in this thread. It seems this is working quite well. Thank you and please keep it up =)

Great, Jeff. I am so glad that you accept my invitation to come to Dr. Sekiguchi's talk next Thursday. This is a major major event for the Free Dental Clinic at UCSD. Again, the time is Thursday April 22nd. Location is Garren Auditorium.

Topics Dr. Sekiguchi will address are the experiences that shaped his career in dentistry including becoming a leader within organized dentistry, dental school admissions, the future of dentistry, dental outreach, and other topics relating to dentistry.

Let me publicize again. For those of you in San Diego or willing to drive down, the UCSD Free Dental Clinic/PreDental Society are having special guest speaker to come to speak to Pre-dental students. Dr. Bruce Sanders was one of the dean who came to speak to us. Please visit the official website here:
If you look carefully at that picture, counting from the right, I am the second person in the 2nd row, right behind my dental advisor, Dr. Silverstein.

P.S. Jeff, please invite your friends to come to join us on sdn. I dont want them to be excluded. I am looking forward to meet them =) Hopefully, some of them will be in the CDA conference or coming to Dr. Sekiguchi's meeting.
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This is great! I am so happy I'm part of a group of classmates who are active and willing to help make my next 4 years at UCLA the best years. Jeff and Eric, the challenge is on!! Good luck to both teams.

If there is an ADEA rep position for our class.. I'd love to be it since one of my future goals is to contribute my knowledge and skills to the dental academia setting. Being an ADEA rep will be meaningful to me and allows me the chance to be the "voice" for our class and make a difference to our dental education system. Please support me!!!!
:D :D
Hey, fellow UCLAers, I am coming from out of state. When should I start looking for housing?
I would start early to get an idea how much and what's the condition.
Bcos good place to stay is hard to find.

Could you tell us what you are looking for.
What price range are you looking at?
Would you like your own bath? Live with another person in an apartment?
Me and Nick are calling up some renters and see the price in places near campus and with access to bus route.
I will probably go up there the weekend of 24th to see them myself (This weekend is CDA conference)
It is great to hear you will be running as well :clap: :clap: :clap:
You always have my support :D
Hi, Maxell123:

I think that mid may is a good time due to people are confirming their graduation and hence giving 30 days notice to their landlord about leaving. You can also check sproul hall's listing for student housing info. HTH
Try : http://www.cho.ucla.edu/housing/cholistf.htm
Click on "on-line housing database"
And you can log-in with your UCLA ID or click public listings search.
Around this time of year..landlords sometimes post up available vacancies. I agree with Rita that mid-May is a good time to look around. I'm starting my search this week and will post up everything I find.

BBpower: you have my support!
Ecdoesit and amicakes, thank you so much!! I too will be rooting for the both of you. You'll make a great team! *hugs* :clap: :clap:
oooooohhh, that's so cool! Thanks, Amy! :p

hope to see u soon!

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Dont forget about me, toothpixie.
Are you having fun at the convention?
I cant wait to come. We will meet you there.
hihihihihihi!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait to share all this fun! I look forward to meeting up! i'm on cloud 9. the convention TOTALLY ROCKS! i'm bummed to be back home, but sooooo very tired... must...get....some.......... :sleep:
amicakes said:
yay..they redesigned our website (it's about time)...check it out:

Thanks bbpower! :)

Hey, that's a nice looking homepage. Hope you all don't mind me peeping in on your thread. I was an undergrad at UCLA and have a great affinity for anything related. It's actually awesome to see you guys build friendships before you ever start dental school. The funny part of the homepage is the picture of Royce Hall. I don't think you'll get to see Royce Hall or any part of North campus much. But I'd recommend you occasionally take a stroll out there just to remind yourself how beautiful the campus really is. And my favorite of all school days is the first day of spring quarter, hanging out on Bruin Walk, seeing 30K students crammed in there w/o a care in the world. You've got to go check that out too.

Good luck to the UCLA Class of 2008!!!
Go Bruins!!!
Thank you for peeping and your experience, HBomb888. Hehe, I am peeping on ucsf thread as well =)
How come you are leaving us? Anyway, we are still UC students and we will have tons of opportunities to meet up some time. And we can share our experience, ya?

Go Bruins!!
Just trying to keep the thread alive :)

I will be coming back to SD in mid-May... can't wait to be able to hang out then!!

Sarah says our packets will be sent in 2-3 weeks...
Nice to hear from you, Steph.
I finish taking my xrays' and soon I will be able to apply my skill to the clinics.

Please update the website.
Dont be lazy. You get all summer to be lazy.

Hehehe, j/k.
That's what you called yourself on the website.
Take care, bro.
Hi, Jeff and Rita and others who are joining us for UCSD Free Dental Clinic Special Speaker series,
As you know, it is our clinics' honor to have Dr. Sekiguchi, the President from the ADA, is coming to talk to us today. The talk starts at 6pm. It is at Garren Auditorium (located in the 1st floor of the Basic Sciences Building in UCSD School of Medicine).

Copy and paste from an email:
REMEMBER, please dress nicely (business casual) as we are representing the UCSD Student-Run Free Dental Clinic. Let's look our sharpest.
If you know of anyone interested in a career in dentistry, the health professions, or community outreach, please invite them to attend. All students and faculty are invited.
End of pasting
If you have any questions, please email me [email protected]

Thanks eric.... I am very excited about tonite's meeting. see u guys there.
otay, everybody!

time to take a little "vacay" down to DentalTown. Eric has so very kindly posted an official thread for UCLA students and alums on the Dental School portion of their forums... Thankyou, Eric! (silly me, it never even occurred to me to do so!) :rolleyes: y'all come down and pay a visit, you hear? The dentists are so willing to help us out, give great advice, and this is an awesome way to network... pleasepleaseplease join me so that we can keep that thread alive also, i'm feeling kinda alone at that buffet table... although i must admit it is very nice for my ego, i don't want to be the only one getting the attention there! (you'll see what i mean.) :p I think we all agree that we ultimately want what's best for our class, and networking with all these awesome and highly accomplished people is def a step in the right direction! And i DON'T mean schmoozing.... :laugh: i'm talking about learning some very precious survival skills.

Be there, or be square. :cool:

Take care, all!
Sincerely, Sujain
:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

Rip off the file as .wav, convert it an .mp3 file, and I'll host it. If not mp3, then WMA or OGG and it should still be relatively small. Just IM me if you don't have all the programs. I should be able to find them for you.
Friday, Friday is here! yeah :)

Tina, amy and Sujian, I hope that u guys will find some places that you like....
Eric, I hope that you and your pre-dent friends have a lot of fun in ucla....
don't forget to pass coffee bean and grab a ice bland.... hee hee..
Just keeping our thread alive!! I know we're all busy, but we'll be busier in D school. Keep smiling!! :D :) ;) :oops: :luck: :hardy:
Sorry guys about the delay for the website. Lately has been some crazy time.
I got rear ended this morning. Luckily, I seem to be ok. It is just my truck...
I also have some info about rents.
Hopefully, soon I will share those info with u all.
Hello, everyone:

just want to say hi and hope all of u are staying cool in these hot hot days. at least, I am trying very hard to do so.
ohmygosh Eric! :eek: Are you sure you're okay? Sometimes the pain isn't felt right away, but it starts to show later-- how does your neck feel?
Maybe some ice will help? Oh no! :(
Hey Everybody,

I've been looking for this thread for the looooongest time. Thanks Steph and Nick for pointing me in the right direction. I read some of the postings and I guess there was a couple of get-2-gethers. Any near future ones coming up? Did anybody receive their "big package" from Sarah during April? One last thing, if anybody is looking to find an apt in the Westwood area, I have an apt and I'm potentially going to be looking for 3 other roommates. Ask me for more info if interested. ($2200 two bed, two bath, Wilshire and Veteran) Message to Han and Pam: This is Sean, I had the same interview date as you two in Dec, if you guys made it and are going to UCLA, congrats and can't wait to see you two in Sept :)
Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know that our "April packets" were just mailed off today. So remember to check your mail within the next few days or so. :)
aw, #$%#^$@!!!!

that's it! i'm pitching me a frigging tent!!!!

don't mind me, u guys. i'm just tired of this apartment stuff is all. for a cheapskate gal that has been living at home all this time, the prices i've been seeing lately have got me seriously trippin'. Amy, thanks so much for ur post. :) Are these the new apartments you were talking about earlier?

Sean, welcome! Look forward to meeting u.

Well, hope everyone is doing great and chillin as much as possible.

Sincerely, Sujain :p
Thank you all for concerning about me after the accident.

Hi, Sujain, I am okay. You could ask Amy or Rita that I am still walking normally. It is just my pickup =( Hopefully, I will get it fixed asap. I will probably go to a doctor to check on my neck and vision tomorrow or Friday.

Hi Sean, nice to meet you and good seeing you here. May I know where are you living in now? I am in San Diego. I believe our next gathering is going to be May 22nd. It would be great if Han and Pam could join us in this forum.

Thanks Amy for posting the news about our April package.

Yes, the new university housing is very nice. I went by the one on Sepulveda Blvd and it is fabulous. I also have more info on rent. I would have posted those info if not due to all those insurance claims stuff. But I guess this is still very early anyway. I will get my info organized as soon as i could.

Btw, today is Cinco de Mayo.
what a special day.

ecdoesit said:
Thank you all for concerning about me after the accident.

Hi, Sujain, I am okay. You could ask Amy or Rita that I am still walking normally. It is just my pickup =( Hopefully, I will get it fixed asap. I will probably go to a doctor to check on my neck and vision tomorrow or Friday.

Hi Sean, nice to meet you and good seeing you here. May I know where are you living in now? I am in San Diego. I believe our next gathering is going to be May 22nd. It would be great if Han and Pam could join us in this forum.

Thanks Amy for posting the news about our April package.

Yes, the new university housing is very nice. I went by the one on Sepulveda Blvd and it is fabulous. I also have more info on rent. I would have posted those info if not due to all those insurance claims stuff. But I guess this is still very early anyway. I will get my info organized as soon as i could.

Btw, today is Cinco de Mayo.
what a special day.

ecdoesit said:
Thank you all for concerning about me after the accident.

Hi, Sujain, I am okay. You could ask Amy or Rita that I am still walking normally. It is just my pickup =( Hopefully, I will get it fixed asap. I will probably go to a doctor to check on my neck and vision tomorrow or Friday.

Hi Sean, nice to meet you and good seeing you here. May I know where are you living in now? I am in San Diego. I believe our next gathering is going to be May 22nd. It would be great if Han and Pam could join us in this forum.

Thanks Amy for posting the news about our April package.

Yes, the new university housing is very nice. I went by the one on Sepulveda Blvd and it is fabulous. I also have more info on rent. I would have posted those info if not due to all those insurance claims stuff. But I guess this is still very early anyway. I will get my info organized as soon as i could.

Btw, today is Cinco de Mayo.
what a special day.
Haha. Don't worry Eric...some of us are just hardcore..jp. Well, I think students on this network are just ambitious individuals who have big goals in their future and just want to take action in reaching those goals...yet at the same time most everyone's willing to help eachother out. Don't worry about the campaign announcements..it just shows that everyone's excited about d-school. I'm sure we're all pretty nervous...well at least I am. I'm nervous about the curriculum, the amount of time I'll have to commit, the people I'll meet, etc. Yeah, I'm worried about how hardcore dental school is gonna be and how much it's gonna beat me down. However, I've met some wonderful people here that have taken away most of the anxiety and convinced me that D-school will be ok. :)
Hola Sujain and ecdoesit, and everybody else in the class of 2008. Man, I'm so glad that I'm past apps and summer is on the corner. I'm down for a May 22 get-2-gether. Hope to see you's ppl then. btw, ecdoesit, I'm in "The O.C." right now, and actually work at UCI. Too quiet down here, can't wait to get back to UCLA (my alma mater class of 2003) :D ciao

Oops, didn't mean to make it sound like i'm in the show, meant to say that I'm living in orange county right now. No movie star here, just a normal "Average Joe"....
Hey, Sean,
I will keep you updated with the get-2-gether.

Do you use aim? Most of us use aim.
my login again is eric2035ecv.
Add me and i will send other people's contact to you.
or you could search previous post for that info as well.

Hello, everyone:

and hello sean, welcome to the sdn ucla club. :) I think that most of us are excited and nervous about d-school. It will be a big change from undergrad or in my case, working. But, everyone I met so far really impressed me because he/she was very warm and kind. I am sure that we will help each other out in the four years to come. :thumbup:

Wow, I can't believe that I am going to meet so many new faces on May 22nd, I can not wait. Kim and I are going to look for some apartments. How about we all meet up at Coffee Bean on westwood blvd. (across from Gap)? umh.... mocha icebland. Any other suggestions?

see u all there! :love: