is my solution for you, Sujain. I do believe my rent is a bit cheaper than u find elsewhere.
I found this soon-to-be 3 bedroom co-op in West LA.
It locates across the University Village Apartments (see your package).
It is very relaxing to have the pool view right outside my room.
And a recreational room and a small size basketball court.
On the 22nd, you guys should come by. Due to high demand, please let me know if you are interested through email or pm.
Cinco de Mayo is the date that I officially become a home-owner.
What a special day. It was crazy. Waking up at 5 to drive to LA by my mom's car. (cos my car was damaged). Then met with Ann and listened to her advice. And hopefully, I could help out working on the website.
Then went to homedepot and lowe's to search for home improvement stuff.
3pm is the escrow meeting. Cant believe it lasts for almost 2 hrs. Way too many signatures and no AC in their office! Then 5 pm to make measure on my new home. 6pm to meet with the board of directors. Well, by the time, we got done. I was too exhausted to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. And we drove back down to SD. What an interesting day.
I am going to get the key tomorrow and start remodeling (only if my neck can give me support).
Hey, Jeff and Stephlynn, I may have reacted weird lately bcos way too many meetings. And not enough time to get my things done. can you believe they will raise interest rate by 1% if I dont go up to LA on wednesday to sign paper? A surprise is a great reason why I have to conseal info from you guys =)