Where are my UCLA classmates (Class of 2009)?

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The most important thing with ur laptop is to learn how to use the SOE system. Remember somewhere the E stands for excellence.

Get a laptop that has long battery life as well. (i.e. get a 2nd battery)

For anatomy, there are so many powerpoint and word doc that you could use it to avoid a huge printing cost.

I can foresee when Drhobie talks about the clinics. You will have so much stuff to carry that laptop should be the last thing on ur list. Yes, if you want those giant widescreen laptop, you could check them out at the library. So, I would go for a petite one.

jk5177 said:
So are there any other opinions on tablet pc's?
I've heard that they are nice for notetaking since one can simply write the notes right next to a powerpoint slide.

Also, what are the primary uses for laptop during the first year?

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Hi 2009,

I've been MIA on SDN but I'll be out in LA the end of the month, moving from across the country and I'm very excited.

Any advice on what neighborhoods would be convenient to live in besides Westwood?
Samantina said:
Hi 2009,

I've been MIA on SDN but I'll be out in LA the end of the month, moving from across the country and I'm very excited.

Any advice on what neighborhoods would be convenient to live in besides Westwood?

I'm moving across the country as well, so I don't know much at all about the neighborhoods in LA. But from what I've heard, both the traffic and parking situations make it advantageous for us first year students to live really close... perhaps even walking distance. It's a little more pricey, but I figured that I'd be saving money on gas and parking fees... and saving a lot of time too. And time is money, right? Good luck with your search and I'll see you at orientation. Take care.
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umc27 said:
I'm moving across the country as well, so I don't know much at all about the neighborhoods in LA. But from what I've heard, both the traffic and parking situations make it advantageous for us first year students to live really close... perhaps even walking distance. It's a little more pricey, but I figured that I'd be saving money on gas and parking fees... and saving a lot of time too. And time is money, right? Good luck with your search and I'll see you at orientation. Take care.

Why aren't you going for dormitory or other university sponsored housing?
jk5177 said:
Why aren't you going for dormitory or other university sponsored housing?

I did get an offer to live in Weyburn, but I'd already signed a lease. I'm pretty happy where I stand though... the place I'm in is closer, cheaper, and I'm living with two other first year students.
Does anyone have the laptop requirements sheet that was mailed out in our acceptance packet? I can't seem to find it right now because I'm in the middle of moving. I'd really appreciate if someone can post it on here somehow, or PM me...I want to have it handy when I go shopping for one.

Also, I signed up for the EZ CPR class on August 17 at 6:30PM so I'll see you all there! :)
I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty excited about school starting. I still fail to understand the need for a whole week of orientation. Can someone satisfactorily explain to me what the heck is all that really needed for? Wax my hair? I mean, are we going to sit in a circle and introduce ourselves, all some 80 of us? I just think it is a bit overboard for an orientation. What do you guys think?
jk5177 said:
I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty excited about school starting. I still fail to understand the need for a whole week of orientation. Can someone satisfactorily explain to me what the heck is all that really needed for? Wax my hair? I mean, are we going to sit in a circle and introduce ourselves, all some 80 of us? I just think it is a bit overboard for an orientation. What do you guys think?

Orientation was uberfun. Trust me, you really don't want to be thrown immediately into 40+ hrs/week of class. You need a nice transition. Jeez, I'd have taken 2 weeks if I could.
Ramblings about previous posts:
Don't blame any second years for not showing up to your orientation events. It's our 3 week break right after our 9 week summer session....We deserve (OK, maybe not me) all the time off we can get.

And as for somewhere to live...it's not so crucial to live close to school during your first year, but I've heard that it helps SOOO much during the second year to live near school.
ecdoesit said:
surprise, surprise.
due to lack of funding(myself not the organization), i cant make it to annual session
but we have a large group of people going.
last year we had 1st year going
so i might possibly hook u up if u really really really want to go.

Well. Do you think it is worth going? In other words do you think it is worth tossing some 7 8 hundred dollars to? I'm thinking of going just to get used to the dental crowd/organization a bit, and just to do something other than (mmph let's moving into Weyburn and explore Westwood) but I don't see myself of much use to them.

Eric! And what would you hook me up with? Free cable? lol. heh heh.

Oh yeah, I've decided pretty much not to get the tablet pc. I bought one from Fry's and tried it out for a night, and realized that:
* The handwriting recognition software needs to be better.
* I can only see the docutments that fits into the screen, when ordinarily I like to see ten document all layed out in front of me.
* The ability to draw on it is nice, but that isn't worth the extra 300 dollars. For three hundred dollars, I can buy all the paper and pencil we need for everyone in the class of 2009 for the whole SOD duration.
* More software/user-interface is needed before I'm willing to plop down the money.

I'm not buying tablet PC. QED!!!

I was actually thinking of a mini-laptop like the 12" imac but in PC form. I think Sony has one. I agree the tablet PC is probably not the best idea.

And yes, 2nd years will not be able to do much during orientation week. I felt kinda bad about not spending more time with the class of 2008, but there was just no way I could have. Classes were too nutty.
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I'm thinking of getting the Sony T-Series. Has anyone heard any good or bad things about it?
Hey guys.... 2 quick things:

1) In regards to the computer issue: I recently bought an IBM thinkpad (The T43) and I am super happy with it. (All my nerdy engineering friends claim that the thinkpads are the best laptops out there right now, so that's why I went with it.)

2) Don't forget to buy Student Tickets for the football and basketball games! I had thought that the deadline to buy them had already passed, but I called the ticket office yesterday and they hooked me up with the Student Package... but they WILL run out, so get them soon!!
Today I ordered a Dell Inspiron 700m. It's pretty much the same laptop as the D410 that UCLA is offering us. Loaded up exactly the same way as the D410, it costs about $1600 versus $2000 (D410). For $1600, the Inspiron also comes with with 1.7ghz, better WLAN card, built-in CD/DVD-RW drive and a free printer. If any of you have MS Office 2003 Pro already, it'll end up costing $1300. Right now Dell is offering a special promotion for 40% off the 700m at checkout using the coupon code: "GPL3SMPXB6JKSB". If that code expires keep checking www.dealnews.com and most likely another 40% off sale will happen next week (it has for the last 2 weeks). I hope this helps!
umc27 said:
I did get an offer to live in Weyburn, but I'd already signed a lease. I'm pretty happy where I stand though... the place I'm in is closer, cheaper, and I'm living with two other first year students.

Thanks for the advice, I look forward to meeting you all. As for JK5177's idea, not to be rude but the thought of a dorm after I've been out of college for 3 years sounds like hell. Plus I'm moving in with a Peace Corps friend, still looking for a place though.
One more thing, has everyone in 2009 gotten your financial aid package? I was sort of late interviewing, late gettting in etc. But I'm stressing a little about how I don't know exactly how I'm going to pay for school.
Samantina said:
One more thing, has everyone in 2009 gotten your financial aid package? I was sort of late interviewing, late gettting in etc. But I'm stressing a little about how I don't know exactly how I'm going to pay for school.

I haven't received mine either, I called the SOD fin aid dpt and left a msg yesterday (8/10), but haven't heard anything from them. Guess we are on the same boat.
Dont be too stressed. There are always more banks near you (I think this is said on a billboard at my cross-street). They give an extended period for first year to allow them not to pay for tuition till they get their fin aid (it will take a while). I would rather worry how you are going to pay for that 10K kit cos your fin aid will come in 3 installments while you have to pay that 10K up front! wait, did i just add more stress to u?

Samantina said:
One more thing, has everyone in 2009 gotten your financial aid package? I was sort of late interviewing, late gettting in etc. But I'm stressing a little about how I don't know exactly how I'm going to pay for school.
ecdoesit said:
.. I would rather worry how you are going to pay for that 10K kit cos your fin aid will come in 3 installments while you have to pay that 10K up front! wait, did i just add more stress to u?

Yep, $10k is = + 10k stress level... :) BTW Erik, what’s the dress code for the fall/winter qtrs? Could you wear jeans/t-shrt?
It's Eric, and...you can wear whatever you want, pretty much.
when did i use ur login name to post this?
r u drunk again?
no dress code unless you are in the clinics.
while patients see us, we have to wear something decent.
preferably scrubs.

and, only use blue gown unless u want to be yelled at.

ziptree said:
It's Eric, and...you can wear whatever you want, pretty much.
I figured I could answer his question as well as you could...consdering we go to the same school....ya know?

I mean, I don't think we're responsible for different dress codes....so what's wrong with answering his question and correcting him for spelling your name wrong?...unless you misunderstood me, and I should have typed "It's spelt Eric..." instead of "It's Eric".
closed toed shoes in lab. scrubs in clinic. wearing scrubs outside of clinic days is kinda lame.
ecdoesit said:
and, only use blue gown unless u want to be yelled at.

I've seen people wore yellow or pink. Why is that? For looks?
jk5177 said:
I've seen people wore yellow or pink. Why is that? For looks?

Yellow is for instructors. Blue is for students. Pink is for fairies.
LSN said:
I'm thinking of getting the Sony T-Series. Has anyone heard any good or bad things about it?

Sony T-series
good: ultraportable, nice/cute, excellent screen, internal optical drive
bad: pricey, low performance due to low speed processor & low speed harddrive, too small of a screen/keyboard.

have you tested out a tseries at the local computer store? see if you can type on it or read things from the screen for a long period of time. the t series is nice & small, but maybe it is too small. certainly is for me. it may not be for you though. also, if you seriously consider buying a t-series, i guess is a t350, check out amazon--free shipping, no tax, and better pricing than other retailers. once bought, you can call sony to buy the four years accidental damage protection for $420.

here's a review of a t-series laptop
LSN said:
I'm thinking of getting the Sony T-Series. Has anyone heard any good or bad things about it?

have you considered the sony s-series?
my bad, Nicholas. i completely misunderstood you. i must had a food coma friday night or something. sometime we wear white to pretend to be toothfairy or when they ran out of blue gown. i have yet to see a pink one.

ziptree said:
I figured I could answer his question as well as you could...consdering we go to the same school....ya know?

I mean, I don't think we're responsible for different dress codes....so what's wrong with answering his question and correcting him for spelling your name wrong?...unless you misunderstood me, and I should have typed "It's spelt Eric..." instead of "It's Eric".
ziptree said:
I figured I could answer his question as well as you could...consdering we go to the same school....ya know?

I mean, I don't think we're responsible for different dress codes....so what's wrong with answering his question and correcting him for spelling your name wrong?...unless you misunderstood me, and I should have typed "It's spelt Eric..." instead of "It's Eric".

Thank you Nikolas for correcting my Erik/Eric spelling.... The info regarding the dress code, was helpful too. :D
Thank you Nikolas for correcting my Erik/Eric spelling.... The info regarding the dress code, was helpful too.

Hah, that better be a joke.
Hey gatzu (sp??)

I briefly looked at the S-series online. How many inches is it? I don't want anything bigger than a 13" just because I think it will be annoying to carry around. Do you know anyone that has the S series??

s series is 13", weights 4.2lbs. i don't know anyone w/an s series.

visit www.notebookreview.com for throrough review of different notebooks, including sony s & t series.
Hi, do you guys know if the 4 year extended warranty and accidental coverage is absolutely necessary? I’m thinking about buying a refurbished Toshiba but it only has up to a 3 year extended warranty option. Thanks.
Will we be really using this laptop for the next four years? I'm thinking of getting a cheapy refurbished one now, and then dump that for a new one in 3rd year or something.
jk5177 said:
Will we be really using this laptop for the next four years? I'm thinking of getting a cheapy refurbished one now, and then dump that for a new one in 3rd year or something.

Good idea! With the 10K for equip. and 2K for first month’s rent on top of moving expenses, a refurbished laptop doesn’t sound that bad.
jk5177 said:
Will we be really using this laptop for the next four years? I'm thinking of getting a cheapy refurbished one now, and then dump that for a new one in 3rd year or something.

You will be using it every day in clinic during years 3 and 4. I use mine as my computer at home too. In addition, it's essential to have DSL or high speed internet access because you will get tons of huge files emailed to you, especially during exams. During years 3 and 4 your computer is critical. You cannot treat patients without it. That's a new clinic policy.

Keep in mind if you buy a computer other than that offered by the dental school and it breaks the tech guys will not touch it. You'll have to take care of all your repairs. If you're going to get a computer other than that offered by UCLA it had better be reliable.

As for years 1 and 2, I hardly ever brought my computer to school. I think dentures required it in lab. So maybe I brought it Thursdays and that was it.
Let me rely this info to you guys. As some of you showed up for the talent show, it was really great. If you want to "preview" what it is like when we have fun, it worths ur 5 bucks.

Hi everyone,

The class of 2008 talent show committee would like to apologize for the
delay in dvd production. After many hours of editing and lighting
adjustments, the dvd has now been completed and will be available this
Thursday (8/18) and Monday (8/22) during lunch in the breezeway. The
price of the dvd is $5.

-c/o talent show coordinators
Someone earlier asked about the spec. recommendation from school. Hope this is helpful and isn't too late.

IntelR Pentium R MProcessor 725 (1.60GHz)
MicrosoftRWindowsR XP Professional, SP2
Internal 100/1000 Ethernet
Wireless WLAN (802.11b/g, 54 Mbps)
Internal 56K Moem
8-24-24-24X SWDVD/CDRW Combo Drive
4 Year Limited Warranty plus 4-year Accidntal Damage Coverage
Microsoft Office 2003 Professional
Anti-virus software w/4 year subscription
Laptop Security Cable
security cable for sale!
give me a reasonable offer and it is urs.
ecdoesit said:
security cable for sale!
give me a reasonable offer and it is urs.

Can you say more about it? What brand? It would be really helpful if you can offer an internet link on the cable.
Thanks JK-
I got the list from Noemi at Admissions. But anyhow, I just bought my laptop today!!! Yay I'm so excited!!

Thanks anyways...I appreciate it!
Hey All,

Check URSA for your financial aid awards summary. I just checked mine. And it blows...
I blame it on Arnold.

Which one of the private loan lenders do you recommend?

Literati81 said:
Hey All,

Check URSA for your financial aid awards summary. I just checked mine. And it blows...
Cheer up. At least he is not raising taxes, so we will be better off once we are dentists. You get ur money worths though. UCLA will provide so much materials for u to learn. The materials/money ratio is high up there, u know.

balance said:
I blame it on Arnold.

Which one of the private loan lenders do you recommend?