Which classes qualify as "college level math"?

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5+ Year Member
May 12, 2017
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Math is not my area. It never has been. Obviously I know I'll need to be proficient enough to succeed in physics, chem, and two semesters of "college level math" in order to get into most med schools; but I'm honestly not 100% clear on what qualifies as "college level". College algebra? Pre calc? Elementary stats?

I also still cannot decide how important it is that I complete a calculus course. I understand the value of calculus, but I also do not want to take a class that I run the risk of failing and bringing down my GPA. As far as I can tell, only a handful of allopathic schools explicitly require calculus. So it shouldn't be the end of the world if I don't take it, right?

Any advice you can give me regarding what path is necessary when it comes to math would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance!

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I agree with Matthew9Thirtyfive. Just remember proficiency in math requires repetition. Virtually no one just "gets it" on the first try. Try and try again
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Also, while calculus is a great course that teaches critical thinking and is very helpful in understanding physics, it is not necessary for med school. You will be much better served taking a stats course.